Former Ambassador Craig Murray – General Election Candidate for Blackburn – Urgent Message re Gaza

pete fairhurst 2 says:

He’s an intelligent, well educated and experienced ex diplomat who talks a lot of sense. He was particularly good in exposing Bliar and Jack Straw, and plenty more too. His stuff on Extraordinary Rendition was top notch, he experienced it first hand when he was ambassador to Uzbekistan. His whistleblowing got him sacked by the execrable Straw. He stood against Straw in an election in Blackburn, where Straw had cornered the Muslim vote. Classic early postal vote gerrymandering which Murray wrote about

But he taints his work to my mind because of his intense and long standing Julian Assange involvement. Assange isn’t kosher. He’s an agent of some sort [see Richard D Hall and others]. Wikileaks was given it’s initial public status by heavy promotion in the US by CIA media, WaPo, Time magazine etc etc. Nobody knew about them until they got all that publicity from the spooks, back in the noughties

Assange is an actor, controlled opposition, my bet is that he didn’t spend 1 night in that Embassy. Basement access for vehicles, blacked out windows of a diplomats car, off to 5 star luxury, job done. Or something like that

His final exit from the Embassy was a pantomime farce show for the unwary. Even the local cops knew that it was BS, it was really obvious to a Tap reader, totally fake and acted by everyone involved


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