Alien Invasion- Is the Ultimate False Flag Next?



by Joachim Hagopian

(Unveiling Antarctic Mysteries)

(Excerpt by

Let’s take a
snapshot of the last 100 years
to concretely illustrate how we
arrived at the precipice at this moment. 

The globalist agenda has
been to gain absolute control over humanity using its debtor-slave
central banking system, savagely raping and looting nations and
populations, by calculated diabolical design, orchestrating history’s
two deadliest world wars with a third on the way, manipulating every
economic depression and recession in a thoroughly rigged, crumbling
financial system, and increasingly abusing and violating us with
unprecedented invasive electronic surveillance in order to usher in
its sinister NWO Malthusian con job of a one world government tyranny
and control. 

Misusing Tesla’s free energy technology for
destructive military ends only, rather than liberate humanity, the
ruling elite has instead chosen to further enslave us through oil war
addiction for greedy profit and hegemonic, centralized control.

Rather than eradicating disease, the
elite engages in suppression of cancer cures feeding a corrupt,
Rockefeller-controlled Big Pharma-healthcare monopoly, poisoning us
through mandatory killer vaccines, fluoride in our water, heavy metal
aerosols in our air, soil, water, lungs and brains, while maintaining
a nonstop policy of war exclusively to benefit the military
industrial security prison complex profiteers who loathe us and want
us dead or dying, all the while deploying a 24/7 mind control
propaganda machine, feeding an insatiable greed that guarantees
maximum absolute power, authority and control over the global masses. 

Currently, an international crime cabal rules over every national
government using the ultra-effective “divide and conquer”
strategy for status quo, low maintenance, keeping us ignorantly weak
by fighting, blaming, fearing and hating each other, perpetrating
state-sponsored “endless war of terrorism” inflicting fear and
death for population control, fanning the flames of a West vs. East
cold war machine igniting WWIII, and committing organized crime on an
epic scale that controls virtually all international drug
trafficking, global child sex trafficking and global money

This is the abysmally sad and pathetic world we’re
currently living in – the Orwellian nightmare of total deception in
the name of global genocide.


But 2016 has not gone according to the
globalist plan. After the Brexit defeat and US election loss due to a
growing worldwide populist movement that’s rejecting globalism,
still reeling and on the defensive, realizing their MSM “fake news”
is no longer fooling the people finally waking up to the crime cabal
reality, the planetary rulers are now preparing us for their next
staged event, a partial ET disclosure that will try selling us on the
“need” for protection that can only be delivered by a one world
government, fighting off humanity’s worst “common enemies” –
the ravages of climate change [hoax] and hostile alien takeover
[hoax]. And that’s where all this Antarctica secrecy comes in and
is going.

They’re about to warn us of the
impending evil “reptilian” invasion bent on conquering and
colonizing us earthlings. Recall globalist Buzz Aldrin’s tweet
warning us of the evil down under. But remember, it’s all simply
another deceitful variation of the same as the old boss.

 Let us not
be duped by the globalist pope who’s co-opting with the “good
ET’s” to reformulate a one world religion selling our spiritual
salvation. Or Francis sending his sidekick Patriarch Kirill to
exorcize the evil forces down under with the globalist brand of holy

As we enter 2017, the doomsday controllers have all their
bases covered, locked and loaded and ready to go as they always have.
Just as they back every handpicked presidential Republican vs.
Democrat puppet to polarize, distract and divide us, they always back
both sides to every one of their manufactured wars, and this one
against the reptilians is no different. They’re highly skilled at
stringing us along with lies and half-truths, forever instilling
duality and confusion into their dumbing down equation to seize
maximum, cluelessly brainwashed control.

As long as the globalists manage to
divide and rule over us through the dichotomy of good guy versus bad
guy, God vs. Satan, good ET vs. bad ET, good religion vs. bad
religion, good nation vs. bad nation, real fake news vs. bad true
news, they will forever be playing us for the blinded, ignorant fools
we’ve been for never learning our history lesson, doomed to repeat
the same mistake, mindlessly reacting to their same old con game ad

We are now seeing the elite’s last desperate, deceitful
ploy to frantically try and retain its full diabolical power and
control through more sleight of hand deception. But this time we
must not be fooled again with “same as the old boss” syndrome.



Head of the Disclosure Project Dr.
Steven Greer, left, who’s gathered an immense body of evidence about
UFO’s and extraterrestrials for over two decades, also believes
that the current rogue government is planning a Third World War with
so called aliens from outer space. Greer believes that the so called
reptilian and grays are all black ops creations and that there are no
evil ET’s, citing the simple logic that if there were, their
advanced superiority militarily and technologically would have
destroyed humans a long time ago. 

Instead, Dr. Greer foresees a fast
approaching day when, like virtually every war a false flag operation
is now in the making where deep state will stage a fake alien
invasion using black ops technology and crisis actors playing their
assigned role, complete with military intelligence operatives acting
as their handlers. Recall that Lt. Col. Billie Faye Woodard said that
the US government has been abducting children and programming and
training them for this very role.

Steven Greer asserts that ever since
1953-1956 the Washington crime cabal has been planning and preparing
for the eventual outcome of a fake interplanetary war with an evil ET
civilization. The words from a 1955 speech by General Douglas
MacArthur, a 33 degree Freemason, who had spent his entire life in
the military and was an insider if there ever was one stated: “The next war will be an interplanetary
war. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front
against attack by people from other planets.”

So for over six decades this coming war
has been in the works. Halfway along in 1987, Reagan even copped to

I occasionally think how our
differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat
from outside this world.

The elite always counted on using a
common enemy to unite the world nations into a one world government.
And the big interstellar war has always been their ace in the hole.
Fearing that the globalists have been exposed like never before, they
are fast tracking the alien invasion for 2017. They’re now
realizing that critical mass has been reached, and the pedophilia
story cannot be swept under the carpet by MSM fake news.

 And since
the majority, or close to a majority, of those at the highest rungs
of power in this world are deranged, satanic worshipping pedophiles,
represented by the near four decades of nonstop Bush-Clinton-Obama
reign of terror, they know that their jig’s up.

The Illuminati realize that maintaining
their enslavement of humanity by owning and controlling their morally
challenged puppets they groom and hand pick into power and then wield
control over through blackmail and death threats, they know those
days are finally over. They’re on the run.

 We need a tsunami to
drain the global swamp of perverse muck and vile darkness to wash
away their entrenched rotten filth that’s parasitically been
sucking the lifeblood out of the human race for far too many
centuries. Let 2017 be the year that together we take down the cabal
and take back our planet before they completely destroy it. While
this year the elitists lose their grip, they’ll be throwing
everything in their demonic power at us. So let the wisdom of truth
and justice be our faithful guide to peace, safety and salvation.


Thanks to Ron for this tip!

Source Article from

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