Amir-Abdollahian: Netanyahu to burn in fire of Trump’s Jerusalem declaration

MNA – Iranian parliamentary official said Thu. that the US embassy relocation to Jerusalem al-Quds is playing with a fire that Trump will be too weak to bear and which will burn Israeli PM in it.

Parliament’s General Director for International Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian reacted to Trump’s Jerusalem declaration, adding “the Palestinian crisis will settle only by ending the occupation of Israel’s illegitimate regime.”

Amir-Abdollahian rejected the two-state solution, saying “Palestine’s historical and native land belongs exclusively to the Palestinian people.”

“The US embassy relocation to Jerusalem al-Quds is playing with a fire that Donald Trump cannot withstand and which will burn [Israeli Prime Minister] Netanyahu in it,” he added.

Amir-Abdollahian voiced Iran’s strong support for resistance and unity among all Palestinian groups, adding “Trump’s foolish act of relocating US embassy to Jerusalem al-Quds will ignite a new Palestinian Intifada (uprising).”

“The continuation of the Zionist settlements, the attempts by Saudi Arabia, UAE and Bahrain to normalize relations with Israel, and the judaization of Jerusalem are the three factors employed by Zionists to create crises for the region,” he concluded.

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