Bomb blast kills 5 in Iraqi Shia district

Iraq’s Interior Ministry said on Thursday that the explosion rocked the Mreidy marketplace in the Shia district of Sadr City in eastern Baghdad.

Reports say a seven-year-old child was among the dead.

Over the past few days, bombings across Iraq have killed more than 30 people and injured over 100 others.

The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) said on May 2 that April was the deadliest month in Iraq since 2008, as terrorist acts had killed over 700 people and injured more than 1,600 across the country.

The UN mission also said Baghdad was the worst affected governorate with a total of 211 killed and nearly 500 injured.

The Iraqi government has stepped up efforts to boost security across the country in recent months.


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Bomb blast kills 5 in Iraqi Shia district

Iraq’s Interior Ministry said on Thursday that the explosion rocked the Mreidy marketplace in the Shia district of Sadr City in eastern Baghdad.

Reports say a seven-year-old child was among the dead.

Over the past few days, bombings across Iraq have killed more than 30 people and injured over 100 others.

The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) said on May 2 that April was the deadliest month in Iraq since 2008, as terrorist acts had killed over 700 people and injured more than 1,600 across the country.

The UN mission also said Baghdad was the worst affected governorate with a total of 211 killed and nearly 500 injured.

The Iraqi government has stepped up efforts to boost security across the country in recent months.


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