Catholic Hospital Refuses Tubal Ligation to Woman With Brain Tumor Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals
September 16, 2015


Jessica Mann has a brain tumor and has chosen to have her fallopian tubes tied to prevent another pregnancy because of health reasons; however the Catholic-run Genesys Regional Medical Center has refused to perform the surgery because they do not condone sterilization.

Mann’s physician has warned her not to get pregnant again because of the brain tumor.

The condition in question is called pilocytic astrocytoma and it develops in childhood and usually does not spread to other areas.

On behalf of Mann, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is suing Genesys because not preforming the procedure is a direct risk to Mann’s health.

Officials at Genesys said Mann is no acceptation to their rules, regardless of her medical condition.

The ACLU is asking Genesys to change their 2014 decision to “prohibit some procedures in order to follow the Catholic Chruch’s medical directives.

If Genesys does not, the ACLU is planning on reporting the hospital to the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA); as well as initiate litigation after an investigation into the ban itself.

According to the Catholic Church’s teachings , sterilization and other forms of birth control are sinful because they “deliberately sabotage the procreative aspect of human sexuality and violate God’s law.”

The Catholic Church refuses to cooperate with in vitro fertilization and abortion based on biblical doctrine.

Mann told the press : “I was surprised and upset. And there was anger at the fact that they can disregard medical issues for their religious beliefs.”

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