China’s Kingsoft unveils cloud-based APT product

Running on private cloud computing technology, Chinese software giant Kingsoft launched its first cybersecurity product specifically targeted to defend against real-time advanced persistent threat (APT).

According to a report last week on Chinese tech site, by building the cloud knowledge center inside its clients’ company, the Kingsoft Private Cloud Security System not only addresses the security risks public cloud-based products carry, it also optimizes cloud knowledge center according to the client’s need to defend against increasing sophisticated cyber threats such as APT.

“If the ordinary virus was a bandit, the Trojan horse was a thief, then the APT should be the nuclear weapon with pinpoint accuracy,” said Zhang Xudong, vice president of Kingsoft Security. “[Before the launch] in China, there was no well-established information defense system and we were not able to stop thousands of cyber weapons from collecting information undercover, and neither were we capable of dealing with the cyberattacks.”

Kingsoft Security, a subsidiary of Kingsoft, has been working to address APT spying and attacks for the last two years. According to Chinese government statistics in 2012, about 73,000 overseas IPs were involved in cyberattacks of over 14 million terminals in China, and 32,000 overseas IPs planted backdoors in 38,000 Chinese Web sites and gained remote control.

Zhang said: “We have already hunted down many Trojan horses which can attack their targets specifically in some super-sized companies. These Trojans are like work-bees which constantly collect honey among the information-rich flowers. The confidential information, some government and some commercial, is leaking out of the country as we speak.”

By providing optimized and tailored services for both independent and integrated terminal devices, Kingsoft Security is now working with multiple government and corporation clients, the company said.

“[By offering services] based on the Kingsoft’s private security cloud, we are deepening the collaboration with Kingsoft on several fronts,” Fu Yilin, director of IT infrastructure and network security department of Chinese telco Huawei, said in the report.

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