Dozens reported dead & injured after explosion sparks fire in Iraqi Covid-19 hospital (VIDEO)

At least 27 people have lost their lives and scores more have been injured in a blaze that ravaged a coronavirus hospital in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. The fire was allegedly caused by an oxygen tank explosion.

Ibn al-Khatib hospital, located in southwestern Baghdad, caught fire late on Saturday, prompting frantic efforts to evacuate some 120 patients.

Footage shared on social media shows flames and black smoke billowing from the windows of the facility, known for treating coronavirus patients.

A loud blast can be heard rocking the hospital, which was already engulfed in flames.

Another video shows locals climbing up the walls of the burning building in a bid to help bring the fleeing patients to safety.

Despite the efforts of locals and fire fighters, at least 27 people were killed in the blaze and some 46 injured, Reuters reported, citing medical sources. Dozens of ambulances were scrambled to transport the rescued patients to other hospitals.

The blaze is believed to have originated on a floor of the hospital that houses a pulmonary intensive care unit, authorities said. Apparently, the fire was triggered by an explosion in an oxygen gas cylinder, essential for treating severe Covid-19 cases.

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