E3 2012 in pictures: the Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles

  • E3 2012: Nintendo press briefing review

    05 Jun 2012

  • Microsoft unveils Xbox products

    04 Jun 2012

  • Nintendo pins hopes on Miiverse

    04 Jun 2012

  • E3 2012: Microsoft Xbox press briefing review

    04 Jun 2012

  • E3 2012: JK Rowling working with Sony on interactive storybook

    05 Jun 2012

  • E3 2012: Sony press briefing review

    05 Jun 2012

In Picture Galleries

EA's zombies (from Plant vs Zombies) pose fo a picture at the Orpheum Theatre where EA (Entertainment Arts) producer held ther presentations 

E3 2012 in pictures

The lights of London are captured by ESA astronaut  Andre Kuipers, from on board the International Space Station 

The Earth from space


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