Elsa Patakay, rip off merchant gone bust and rightly so?

Elsa’s 100% supportive husband a Mr. Chris Hemsworth

What does the world need?

Another model, or another ‘influencer’?

How about a human that does both with extra skill-set of re re-branding someone else’s products and flogging them off as their own?

Basically a low value human.

Well, it seems that Ms. Elsa Lafuente Medianu, who trades under the false name of Ms. Elsa ‘Patakay’ ripped off the founder Habitual Beauty Keira Rumble by casing her product from the comfort and ‘anonymity’ of her brand new, tax deductible laptop i.e. getting Ms. Rumble to ship very generous orders to Ms. Patakay’s head office address in Sydney.

So what’s next?

You get someone’s I.P. (Intellectual Property), i.e. design of the product and flog it off as your own.


Thankfully no one else is as ‘entrepreneurial’ as Ms. Patakay, well, sans China with Euro brands e.g. BMW luxury cars, but that’s government supported.

In any event, her husband a Mr. Chris Hemsworth thought it was such a great idea, he invested a staggering 3.2% stake in her business venture, albeit hidden within a corporate structure, that being a company called Byron Bay 1st Management.

It’s always great to know that one has a supportive husband that’s 100% on board.

Purely Byron has been placed in administration with Cameron Gray and Justin Holzman of DW Advisory.


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