EU awaiting details behind Tunisia’s arrest of Ghannouchi

Tunisian Parliament Speaker and leader of the En-Nahda Movement, Rachid al-Ghannouchi speaks during an exclusive interview after Tunisian Ministry of Interior lifted house arrest against Ennahda Movement Deputy Leader and Deputy Noureddine Bhairi (not seen) and Former Interior Minister Fathi Al-Baladi (not seen) in Bizerte, Tunisia on March 08, 2022 [Yassine Gaidi - Anadolu Agency]

The European Union said today that it is waiting for the issuance of official information about the reasons for the arrest of the head of the Ennahda Movement, Rashid Al-Ghannouchi, in Tunisia. In a statement the spokesperson of the European Union for the Middle East and North Africa region, Luis Miguel Bueno, said: "We are following with great concern the latest developments in Tunisia, in particular the arrest yesterday evening of Mr. Rached Ghannouchi as well as the information concerning the closure of the headquarters of the Ennahda party in Tunis. This arrest adds to the ongoing series of detentions of political actors from various opposition groups.""While waiting for official information on the reasons for this arrest, we stress the importance of respecting […] Source

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