Ex-Bulgaria PM to challenge vote results

Borisov said on Thursday that his GERB Party’s chances have been hurt by state prosecutors’ announcement on Saturday that illegal ballots were discovered at a printing shop linked to his party.

“For the first time in Bulgaria’s history maybe, the party that won the elections will challenge their results. The motive is grave violations of the regulations,” Borisov said, adding, “The best is to go for new elections.”

The vote came three months after Borisov announced his government’s resignation following nationwide protests against corruption and poverty.

The result showed that GERB Party came first but with 97 seats in the country’s 240-member parliament, which is short of a majority and too few to repeat his former minority government.

Consultations on forming a coalition are expected to begin on Friday. However, reports say the other three parties that also won seats in the parliament do not intend to form a coalition with Borisov’s party or support a minority government led by him.

The Socialists party, the BPS, came second with 84 seats, followed by the Turkish minority party, MRF, with 36 MPs and the ultra-nationalist Ataka with 23 lawmakers.

Bulgaria’s constitutional court could only cancel election results, after it receives a complaint by at least 48 MPs, or by the president, the government, the chief prosecutor, the supreme appeals court chief or the supreme administrative court chief.


Source Article from http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/05/16/303853/exbulgaria-pm-to-challenge-vote-results/

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