Goulburn NSW Police organised crime ring exposed

We are told by a reliable source, INSPECTOR SERGEANT MATHEW W. WOOD is the ring leader of the Southern Highlands organised crime ring. His right hand man SENCON STUART HARRIS, followed by a second in charge SENCON JOHN MCVEY. Also strongly involved behind the scenes is a CONSTABLE GAVIN HOLLOWAY.

Doing some research on Google I found their names on this website http://www.nswpolicecrime.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=957&sid=103d6389f60afa3fef3365352793d19c

It seems they have been very busy terrorizing the innocent, including animal abuse, anti semitism ( hating Jews and Muslims) and writing up false statements to help promote their career in the NSW Police Force.


More to come.. watch this space.

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