GQD From Infection to Transmission

Clathrin GQD, a viral like particle: injection to infection to transmission

The SARS-CoV-2 viral like particle begins as a genetic sequence of 30 glycoproteins, 4000 plus amino acids, 600 plus enzymes engineered into a Clathrin protein shuttle, which is bound to Graphene Oxide and injected into a living host. 1 In the case of the COVID-19 injections, it is humans they are targeting. Once in the human host it enters a cell and begins the process of establishing it’s system into the architechture of the cell where it then becomes a living “virus”.

From there, the Clathrin/Luciferase does two things. The first is to establish itself in other cells, to begin creating a network that will ultimate form throughout every cell of the human host. This forms a new neurological network, which we discuss elsewhere here.

The second thing is to transmit from the host and infect a new host, and guess what, the vaccinated have been primed as pathogenic neural interface super spreaders. When we reviewed the SARS-CoV-2 sequence in December 2019, we were able to determine the “virus” would be infectious, airborne, and target our immune system just based on the MERS and HIV inserts. What became an entire 3 years study predating the Clathrin/Luciferase GQD revelations. We proved MERS by January 2020, although HIV material took until July 2021 to fully vet, mostly due to historical context.

But are vaccinated people contagious? In theory, the viral mRNA vaccine should have only have been taken up by cells of the immune system. Scientists are now showing that there is viral RNA in every cell of the body in every organ system! Government, the CDC, Pharmaceuticals, medical authorities ALL REASSURED THE PUBLIC that the viral RNA would be broken down soon after injection and would NOT integrate with human DNA. THEY ALL LIED! This means that should a vaccinated person get infected, because all of their body cells are primed to produce “spike proteins” their cells will resemble an HIV-like virus. Some human cells found in body fluids, blood, nasopharynx region and reproductive organs can be emitted and these cells will have the SAME properties of an HIV-virus. Yes… the vaccinated are contagious! Furthermore, infected cells of the nasopharynx can be released in droplets so airborne transmission is possible.

Everyone was told to get vaccinated, that the vaccine would protect you from variants or result in decreased disease progression should you get infected. None of this was true! When the Delta variant first emerged there had been more cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in vaccinated people than unvaccinated people. 2 3 4 5 6 7

One would have expected lower viral loads in the vaccinated instead the viral loads are equal. This was early confirmation the vaccines were not administered to prevent viral infection, but to produce viral infection.

In an excuse to keep American’s masked up and complete disregard for the facts he was confirming, Anothony Fauci took to the airwaves july 27, 2021 to explain that nasal titers of the jabbed are showing worryingly high concentrations of SARS-CoV-2 virus in the mucus. The same concentrations as unvaccinated who were infected. 8

The evidence for the vaccine being the cause of the virus started building by the time they announced the Omicron variant. A study out of Taiwan had a lot talking on social media. A research technician working at a Biosafety Lab Level 3 got sick with COVID. The question was… How was it transmitted? 9

FACT: The problem here is that the virus wasn’t in the mouse and it wasn’t in the air either. These research labs have air locks and all researchers wear hazmat suits. Could it be that the microbe was inside the vaccine the researcher took?

FACT: You don’t need a virus to cause disease… the spike proteins themselves can do this! Which means that the “vaccinated” themselves can generate the “virus”… aka… “spike proteins. ” They are the NWO’s “super spreaders!”

It is important to understand what is meant by “spike proteins”, which in the case of SARS-CoV-2 is the mechanism the GQD system uses to enter the cell.

The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is a “Class 1 viral fusion protein” that causes the fusion of biological membranes critical for viral entry. These “spike protein” mediate viral entry by undergoing conformational changes. They contain two subunits; namely S1 that is Glycoprotein GP120 and S2 that is Glycoprotein GP41 which are similar in structure and function to HIV spike proteins. This photograph taken from the CDC website sums up the uncanny similarities of SARS-CoV-2 and HIV:

Upon interaction with a potential host cell, the S1 (GP120) will recognize and bind to receptors on the host cell which initiates the process of viral entry, whereas the S2 (GP41) subunit is responsible for fusing the envelope of the virus with the host cell membrane. But before this happens these “spike proteins” need to be primed through cleavage at the S1/S2 site and S2 site (called furin-cleavage sites located on the spike) in order to mediate the membrane fusion. Cleavage is done by cell proteases located on the host cell itself.

Basically the host cell cleaves the viral “spike protein,” thereby priming it, which then allows S1 (GP120) and S2 (GP41) to bind and fuse causing viral entry. It does this by using cell proteases or “furin proteins” which cleaves and activate these “spike proteins” at the furin-cleavage site. This type of viral “spike protein” activation is also seen with the HIV virus and the influenza virus but it is not typical of Coronavirus such as SARS-CoV-1 or MERS and implies “Gain-of-Function” experimentations.

On Septmber 23, 2021. Rep. Gallagher discussed recently released Peter Daszak and the EcoHealth Alliance documents to illustrate how to modify coronavirus spike proteins and find potential furin cleavage sites. 10

Each protein, each enzyme, each amino acid has it’s role in delivering the neural interface technology, just so happens that some of that material causes disease in the host. Acceptable losses, so to speak.

Plot Twist: The NWO has two narratives on-the-go right now; those that promote the vaccines and those that are anti-vaccines and promote natural immunity. The problem is BOTH will cause infection leading to HIV-dependent AIDS, Autoimmunity, inflammation and Cancer! Anything that promotes the activation of the “Furin protein” within the body will promote cleavage and activation of the “spike protein” either produced through vaccination or natural infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus bioweapon.

We believe any group promoting rallies or protests right now is complicit in promoting the spread of the infection. What we are also seeing on social media is several NWO “Controlled Opposition” doctors promoting pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals that appear on the surface as beneficial but are in fact “triggering” the “furin proteins” in the body to cleave any “spike protein” in circulation. For example, Vitamin D3, Magnesium, K2 all act to increase serum Calcium and will trigger “Furin cleavage” of the “spike protein” and thus viral entry and infection.

We are looking at “inhibitors” of “furin proteins” that have been proven effective with SARS-CoV-2 infection and may be beneficial but that is a story for another day. In addition, a lot of these compounds (e.g. Vitamin D3, Ivermectin) contain or absorb Graphene Oxide which will make your body an antennae for absorbing EMFs or radiation! For now, please be advised to avoid the following compounds being promoted by these NWO “Controlled Opposition.” They include: Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Aspirin, Pine Needle Extract, K2, Melatonin

Supplements that the NWO “Controlled Opposition” has been advocating, and we can say with certainty that they are all duds, intended to proliferate SARS-CoV-2 Clathrin/Luciferase Graphene Quantum Dot neural interface technology 11, but the supplements also increase COVID-19 viral activation/spike protein production or immune deficiency seroconversion. Even Vitamin D3 can increase Calcium production and Furin protein activation allowing for viral entry and proliferation.

 Activation of these “spike proteins” upon cell entry is problematic because it implies that they too have the capacity to cause disease. In a recent study using genetically modified mice exposed to “spike proteins” alone found that they had the potential to induce symptoms similar to the COVID-19 virus and damage the lungs.

“Our findings show that the SARS-CoV2 spike protein causes lung injury even without the presence of intact virus. This previously unknown mechanism could cause symptoms before substantial viral replication occurs.”

Studies show that both those vaccinated and those naturally infected with SARS-CoV-2 produce and shed “spike proteins.” Although research shows that there isn’t “spike protein” in human sweat, contamination can occur by touching body fluids (e.g. blood, urine, sputum, air droplets, nasal discharge, feces, sperm, vaginal secretions etc.) then touching a body orifice (e.g. eyes, nose, mouth) or by active “air droplet transmission” with an actively infected person. To date there is no data available that shows “human-to-human transmission” of “spike protein” other than that we know it is being produced and released from the body in vaccinated and those that acquired the SARS-CoV-2 infection naturally. 12 13 14 15

FACT: There is NO natural immunity to a virus that contains HIV inserts! None! So stop this fucken narrative! Infection is just as bad as vaccination! There is no fucken thing as a “mild” infection… all infections are laced with HIV! AIDS you fucken morons and AIDS has no cure!

FACT: The pandemic is not a hoax! Agenda 2030 is about interfacing the world population with a universal neural interface. and could not be achieved by lockdowns and supply chain disruptions and/or war alone!

They used “Gain-of-Function” experimentation to insert the highly infectious MERS virus (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome) spike protein code in the mRNA they used to manufacture the vaccine and in the initial bioweapon! Here is the complete story CIN broke months ago! In March of 2020 CIN told our readers we were essentially dealing with #AirborneAIDS… but no one believed us! And our Healthcare experts that sit on the PHAC (Public Health Agency of Canada) should have know right from the getgo if it was droplet air airborne transmission… period! 16

In 2013 the World Health Organization allowed Canada’s National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg exclusive access to a virulent Saudi Arabia virus. Dr. Theresa Tam was an advisor for WHO at around the time the virus that causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) traveled from Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Netherlands to Canada’s only biosafety level 4 (BSL4) lab where she was in charge. We believe this virus was a turning point for them; it was a Coronavirus more infectious than SARS. They were all salivating at the bit in anticipation of the genetic manipulations “Gain-of-Function” research they could accomplish that would increase pathogenesis, transmissibility, or host range. And by “they” I am referring to a group of elite scientists, political insiders and corporate stakeholders we like to call the New World Order. 17

So why transfer a deadly virus to Canada? At the time, sovereign laws in the Netherlands would not allow China direct access to potential bioweapons. Canada was chosen because it was known for housing some of the world’s most deadly pathogens.

But the story does not end there; Canada also collaborated with Chinese scientists working directly for the Chinese Military and up until 2021 the Canadian taxpayer even paid them a salary! Eventually this virus, along with Ebola and Marburg would end up in the hands of the Chinese. No spying. No stealing. It was all administered by covert agents of the WHO residing within the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). Canada was but a broker who assisted with the transfer:

An email to CBC News on Feb. 5 from Eric Morrissette, chief of media relations for Health Canada and PHAC, stated, “The two (Chinese) scientists are no longer employed by the Public Health Agency of Canada as of Jan. 20, 2021. We cannot disclose additional information, nor comment further, for reasons of confidentiality.” 18

There was no Variant, there was only HIV seroconversion of the Clathrin/Luciferase Graphene Quantum Dot neural interface technology! They used “gain-of-function” to graft their ultimate weapon, a biological “chip” 19 to attach you to the cloud for harvest. 20

Time to rethink what an asymptomatic transmission really is.

A note to the “no virus” crowd. The most pointless argument occurring right now is terrain vs germ theories/Pasteur vs Béchamp. It’s a fools errand. They both believed micro organisms caused disease in an unhealthy body. Terrain and germ theories are not mutually exclusive. While I wanted to write an article on this subject, this article offers enough perspective: 21


  1. mRNA + 5G + Graphene Oxide = Clathrin Graphene Quantum Dots, a “viral like particle”; the neural interface or “chip”.:  CIN, January 25, 2023
  2. Majority of COVID-19 cases at large public events were among vaccinated Americans: CDC study: CTV News, July 21, 2021
  3. Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Including COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections, Associated with Large Public Gatherings — Barnstable County, Massachusetts, July 2021: CDC
  4. Toronto Police dealing with COVID-19 outbreaks among vaccinated cops | Toronto Sun
  5. Vaccinatd Super-Spreaders in Spain among ICU nurses
  6. Ontario’s Top Doctor Confirms Vaccinated Are the Spreaders!: CIN, February 8, 2022
  7. Bill Gates Confirms Herd Transmission! OMICRON IS THE VACCINE!: CIN, March 4, 2022
  9. Taiwan confirms researcher infected with COVID in lab: Taiwan Times, December 11, 2021
  11. Gain-of-Function Experiments: The SARS-CoV-2/HIV-1 Story:  July 26, 2021
  12. Furin inhibition may mitigate severe COVID-19, study finds: November 20, 2020
  13. The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein subunit S1 induces COVID-19-like acute lung injury in Κ18-hACE2 transgenic mice and barrier dysfunction in human endothelial cells: NCBI, August 2021
  14. Study presence of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) in the sweat of patients infected with Covid-19: NCBI, December 2020
  15. Structural similarity between HIV-1 gp41 and SARS-CoV S2 proteins suggests an analogous membrane fusion mechanism: NCBI, May 2004
  16. Dr. Theresa Tam, Queen of the Vaccine: CIN, March 30, 2020
  17. RAPID RISK ASSESSMENT Severe respiratory disease associated with a novel coronavirus:  ECDC, February 19, 2013
  18. Investigation of Top Canadian Lab Scientists Highlights Concerns About China’s Gain-of-Function Research:  Vision TImes, February 14, 2021
  19. mRNA + 5G + Graphene Oxide = Clathrin Graphene Quantum Dots, a “viral like particle”; the neural interface or “chip”.:  CIN, January 25, 2023
  20. EQORIA: The Rothschild/USA Inc Planetary Singularity Quantum Matrix:  February 24, 2023
  21. Terrain or Germ Theory?: Salvatore Bataglia


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