Honor The Sabbath Day – The Birth Of The Week

Top Image: The Sabbath Rest by Samuel Hirszenberg (1894)

To the Hebrew prophets Isaiah, Amos and Hosea, the Psalms and the Book of Kings, the Sabbath signified the Full Moon, whereas for Jews in the days of ancient Rome it came to mean one day out of a seven-day week. 



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One Response to “Honor The Sabbath Day – The Birth Of The Week”

  1. The lunar Sabbath was invented by a criminal, named Jonathan Brown, who was inspired by Friedrich Delitzsch, who was the son of Franz Delitzsch, who wrote his series of commentaries about the Teachings, the Prophecies and the Written parts) with Charles Friedrich Keil and translated the New Testament to Hebrew (1877). He defended Biblical inerrancy. But, Friedrich Delitzsch, was a Jewish Atheist, because he claimed that so many Biblical stories are derived from old Babylonian folktales; that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are equal religions, which worship the same “God”; that the Bible is a barbaric book; that the Bible is fiction; that the Sons of ‘Is’rā’īl got the Sabbath from the Babylonians; that Science is the TRUE religion, which shall win over Christians and so on. Read his book “Babel and Bible” for more info. In fact, the the 8th day, 15th day, 22nd day and the 29th day of each moon were evil days, when the Babylonians could worship their powers. So, the Babylonian days of misfortune occurred in each 3 periods of 7 days (21 days), except for the last one, which lasted for 9 days. Familiar? Thus, lunar Sabbath is false.

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