How Did Your Senator Vote To Send 20 F-16′s Fighter Jets & 200 Abram Tanks To The Christian Crucifying Muslim Brotherhood Of Egypt?

Christian islam murder by crucifix

Christian Murdered In Egypt By Muslim Brotherhood Using A Corpus Crucifix.

Swallow This!! Max Baucus Goes To Bozeman To Talk Domestic Abuse After Sending 20 F-16 Fighter Jets & 200 Abrams Tanks To U.S. Enemy, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood!

On Thursday January 31, 2013 the U.S. Senate was given the opportunity to prevent the Obamaadministration from fulfilling a 2009 deal to send heavy armaments to the Muslim Brotherhood led country of Egypt but the H.R. 325 amendment, proposed by  Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), was defeated by a 79–19 vote to block the measure (a yes vote means YES we want to send the hardware or YES we want to block Paul’s legislation preventing the sale of armaments to Egypt).

  1. Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam SIGNED SB1028/HB1353: Felony To Aid Muslim Brotherhood With Money, Advice Or Any Other Aid!
Egyptian Christian Crucified By Muslim Brotherhood.

Egyptian Christian Crucified By Muslim Brotherhood.

In a separate statement issued after his remarks on the upper chamber floor, Senator Leahy added that U.S. law “already conditions U.S. military aid on Egypt’s adherence to its peace treaty with Israel, and on protecting fundamental human rights and due process of law. That is current law, and it needs to be faithfully applied.” Can Leahy Be Anymore Duplicitous?

lie benghazi

Fact-By-Fact: How Obama & Hillary Left Americans to Die: Hillary Accepts Culpability! But Issa Messages Hillary Not The Target.

Sen. Rand Paul:

“I think this is particularly unwise since Egypt is currently governed by a religious zealot, a religious zealot who said recently that Jews were ‘bloodsuckers’ and ‘descendants of apes and pigs. This doesn’t sound like the kind of stable personality that we would be sending our most sophisticated weapons to.  We send 20 F-16s to Egypt – which already has 240 F-16s. What does Israel feel? They’ve got to have two for every one Egypt has. It escalates an arms race, it makes it more difficult for Israel to defend herself. Today we have a chance to stop this folly.”

(full video of Paul’s remarks) 

  1. The tanks and jets Paul referred to in his proposal were pledged to Egypt in December of 2009 when the former government led by then President Hosni Mubarak was still in power.
  2. The first four planes, built by Lockhead Martin, were delivered last week.
  3. The $395 million tanks contract was awarded to General Dynamics Land Systems in November 2011 with instructions to produce 125 M1A1 Abrams tanks for Egypt, with deliveries set to begin in July 2013.


Leahy In 'Dark Knight'

Leahy In ‘Dark Knight’

“Would that … this amendment was as simple as the junior senator from Kentucky described it. His amendment would hinder our military assistance program, licenses for commercial sales of all major military equipment, including aircraft, ships, tanks, armor, parts and so on.

It would mean a loss of thousands of American jobs. We’d incur more than two billion dollars in contract-termination penalties for U.S. taxpayers.

  1. Hold McCain Accountable: Voted To End 95,000 Jobs ~ Voted To End F-22 Fighter Jet ~ Voted For A National Security Failure ~ The F-35 Dysfunctional Jet!
  2. Newsweek Covers Up McCain’s Rothschild Mob Ties: Federal Reserve Charter Up For Renewal 2013 ~ McCain Wants Another War For His Boss!
  3. Bilderberger & NWO Crony Bill Gates: Ploy To Vaccinate Every Child On The Planet ~ While Obama Strips $2.2 Billion For Food Stamps ~ $100 Billion For Education Assistance & Cuts Energy Assistance By $3.3 Billion. Unemployment & Foreclosures Soar!

But we’d also put at risk our access to the Suez Canal, the over flight by the U.S. Air Force over Egyptian territory, cooperation in the Sinai, Gaza, Syria, our emphasis and our ability to keep the Israeli-Egyptian peace agreement going.

Do I have problems with the way the Morsi government is going? Certainly. But removing our ability to be involved, with keeping that peace agreement and our ability to influence those – this is not the way to do it.”

We Do Not Belong In The Middle East In The First Place!

Baucus Tester

Montana Senators Max Baucus & Jon Tester Send Military Aid To U.S. Enemy ‘Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’ Who Are Crucifying Christians!

Communist From Montana Senator (sic) John Tester: Introduces Bill For Obama To Confiscate Land In The Name Of NAZI Paradigm EPA aka; Agenda 21.

In March of 2012, however, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that those conditions and restrictions on military aid would be waived in Egypt’s case, citing that “Egypt has made significant progress toward democracy in the last 15 months” while acknowledging that Egypt’s “transition to democracy is not yet complete, and more work remains to protect universal rights and freedoms.”

clinton benghazi
Barry And His Rothschild Bilk America GIMMICKS - Gaaads This Gets Old!!!


-Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the United States Government shall not license, approve, facilitate, or otherwise allow the sale, lease, transfer, retransfer, or delivery of F-16 aircraft, M1tanks, or other defense articles or services listed in Category VI, VII, or VIII of the United States Munitions List to the Government of Egypt.

Source Article from

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