Idaho Republican Statesman Doesn’t Know How Babies Are Made

Susanne.Posel-Headline.News.Official- idaho.congressman.pete.nielsen.rape.incest.abortion.pregnancy.christian.01_occupycorporatismSusanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals


Idaho state representative Pete Nielsen is the latest Christian republican to claim that women do not become pregnant after being raped because of the trauma involved. And when it comes to incest, Nielsen said there are only “a little bit” of cases where a pregnancy is involved.

Susanne.Posel-Headline.News.Official- idaho.congressman.pete.nielsen.rape.incest.abortion.pregnancy.christian_occupycorporatismDuring a vote on legislation that would force physicians to give pregnant women considering abortion a list of places where she could obtain a “free” ultrasound, Nielsen told the Idaho House State of Affairs Committee: “Now, I’m of the understanding that in many cases of rape it does not involve any pregnancy because of the trauma of the incident. That may be true with incest a little bit.”

The state representative went on to say that he “believes” this because “that’s information that [he] had through the years.” Nielsen claims to “read a lot of information” and have read this particular bit of new knowledge “several times” and even invoked his being “a father or 5 girls” and for some reason has “explored this a lot”.

The bill in question “makes no exceptions for victims of rape or incest, and a clinic manager testified that her center had treated two rape victims — one whom chose to keep her baby and the other who offered her child for adoption.”

It is also designed to encourage women of rape and incest to crisis pregnancy centers to try to stop them from obtaining an abortion.

Hanna Brass Greer, representative for Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest said the bill is the long standing effort of Christian lawmakers “to reduce access to abortion in Idaho and across the country have no basis in actual medicine or science. The efforts to reduce access to abortion in Idaho and across the country have no basis in actual medicine or science.”

Greer continued: “These bills are blatantly obvious attempts by politicians to put every barrier possible between a woman and her constitutional right to safe and legal abortion. A much better use of time for Rep. Nielsen and his colleagues is focusing on common sense ideas to expand access to birth control and reduce unintended pregnancies.”

After receiving media attention for his ignorance, Nielsen admitted he “was in error” and regrets that; however he affirmed: “I stand by [my comments] in this sense: that at that time, that was my knowledge and information. I have since found out somewhat different and so I may have opened my mouth when I shouldn’t have.”

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