Imran Khan vows to back Sharif policies

“We have decided that despite severe differences that we have, we will work together to resolve major national problems including terrorism,” Imran Khan said in a Wednesday video conference from his hospital bed.

The cricket legend-turned-politician’s PTI stood at third place in recent general elections, behind Sharif’s Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N).

“Elections are over and we all as a nation want to move forward,” he added.

He also called on all politicians and the military officials to find a solution to domestic terrorism, which has killed thousands of people in Pakistan.

“We cannot ensure prosperity until we eliminate the issue of terrorism,” he said.

Sharif also vowed on Tuesday to work with Khan for the good of the country during his visit to him in hospital.

Partial official results confirm PML-N on 123 seats, with the outgoing Pakistan People’s Party on 31 and PTI on 26. Another 18 of the 272 directly elected seats in the national assembly are still to be declared.

About 86 million people were eligible to vote in the May 11 elections.


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