Iran Releases Footage Of US Sailors Being Detained

US sailors

Footage has been released showing the moment that Iranian forces detained 10 US sailors.

The sailors were taken into custody as their boats crossed into Iran’s territorial waters on Tuesday.

The images followed the release of the sailors earlier on Wednesday.


RT reports:

Dressed in camouflage uniforms, the sailors can be seen kneeling on the deck of the patrol boat, with hands on their heads.

They are then shown seated in a room, being given tea, bottled water and food by their Iranian hosts.

Another clip shows the various armaments and ammunition found on the two boats, including rifles, machine guns and handguns. Iranians also inspected the equipment and electronics on the two Swedish-made CB-90 fast attack boats.

The two vessels were on their way from Kuwait to the US naval base in Bahrain, when they experienced mechanical problems and drifted into Iranian waters, according to the Pentagon.

The incident occurred near Farsi Island, where the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps has a naval base.

All 10 sailors were returned to US custody on Wednesday. US officials credited the diplomatic channels established during the nuclear talks last year for the quick resolution of the incident.

It remains unclear whether the boats and the equipment were returned as well.

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