israeli violations in Jerusalem in August 2015 (report)

Israeli violations in Jerusalem in August 2015 (report) 

The Islamic-Christian Commission in Support of Jerusalem and Holy Sites has issued the monthly report which documented the most prominent violations committed in Jerusalem by the Israeli occupation in August 2015.

According to the report, 20-year-old Anas Montasser was shot dead by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) close to Ofer military road barrier west of Ramallah under pretext of stabbing a Jewish settler in a petrol station on August 9, 2015.

Al-Aqsa Mosque

The report stated that al-Aqsa Mosque has been subjected to frequent break-ins by 639 Israeli settlers, 137 students at the Hebrew University, 72 intelligence agents, and 134 members of the Israeli government. 12,481 foreign tourists have also entered the holy Aqsa Mosque.

The IOF has arrested 49 Palestinian citizens from al-Aqsa Mosque courtyards and its gates and the Israeli police have issued deportation orders from the holy Mosque against 32 citizens and a citizen was deported from the Old Town.

In a dangerous precedent, the Israeli police have banned the worshipers from staying inside al-Aqsa Mosque for more than half an hour; otherwise their IDs would be confiscated and transferred to the Israeli police in Jerusalem.

It also imposed unprecedentedly tight restrictions on the worshipers’ entry to their Mosque; men and women of all ages were prevented from entering the mosque at different times and for various periods, even the children were banned from participating in summer camps held in al-Aqsa Mosque by the Israeli policemen stationed at its gates.

With the advent of the new academic year, the students of al-Ashrafiyya school -which is located inside the Mosque – were prevented from entering it and one of the female students was nabbed.

The Israeli minister of internal security Gilad Erdan is seeking a bill, which if passed, would outlaw the male and female sit-inners inside al-Aqsa Mosque and would label them as a muslin terrorist organization.

Assaults against sanctities

The report documented Israeli violations against a number of Islamic sanctities. It pointed out that at the end of August the Israeli municipality in Occupied Jerusalem held a wine festival in the historic Islamic cemetery of Mamanullah, west of Jerusalem. 

The Israeli Occupation Authorities (IOA) has converted two mosques in al-Nabi Dawood Castle into a Jewish synagogue and a tourist attraction as part of the Israeli schemes aimed at Judaizing the Old Town.

The Israeli municipality has issued a demolition order against al-Qa’qa Mosque in Silwan under pretext of unlicensed construction, the report said.


The report documented the arrest of 150 Jerusalemite citizens; 69 youths, 13 women, 59 minors, 5 minor girls, and 4 children who haven’t completed 12 years of age.

As for the settlement malicious schemes, the report drew attention to the comprehensive Judaization project in the Jewish neighborhood (Israeli reference to al-Magharba neighborhood) in the Old Town. 150 million shekels were allocated to carry out this project.

The project includes establishing a hotel, an underground parking lot, two elevators that connect al-Sharaf neighborhood with the Jewish neighborhood and the Wailing Wall area (the Israeli reference to al-Buraq Wall), in addition to coffee shops and commercial and touristic centers.

The so-called Israeli nature authority has misappropriated a 7-acre plot adjacent to Bab al-Rahma cemetery and the eastern wall of holy Aqsa Mosque and surrounded it with barbed wire.

The IOA has approved a project to build a huge two-storey fortress in al-Buraq yard. The project will be funded by the so-called Jewish Fund to Maintain the Legacy of the Wailing Wall.

The settlement organization Ateret Cohanim provided a plan aiming to issue licenses to construct a new settlement building near Beit Yonatan outpost which was established in 2004.

Moreover, the Israeli municipality in Occupied Jerusalem will build a temporary park for five years. The park will be established over 1300 dunums of Palestinian lands located between al-Tour and al-Isaweiyeh towns in Occupied Jerusalem, according to the report.

The Israeli government is still building hundreds of settlement units and residential buildings in many settlements in occupied Jerusalem, the report said.


Hundreds of Bedouins have been forcibly displaced and relocated as part of the E1 settlement plan carried out by the Israeli government.

The Israeli bulldozers have demolished a 3-storey commercial building owned by a Palestinian citizen, two Palestinian homes in Jabal al-Mukabir village south of Jerusalem, an under construction residential building, and six Palestinian-owned commercial facilities under counterfeit pretexts, the report charged.

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