July 28 – Biden Junta Denies RFK Jr. Secret Service Protection

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“Do They WANT Him Assassinated? Biden-Harris Regime DENY Secret Service Protection for RFK Jr

Don’t put it past the regime to have their political opponent taken out in any way possible.

 RFK Jr. Maintains Highest Favorability Rating Among Presidential Candidates in New Poll

RFK Jr. Criticizes Israel’s Judicial Reforms

At an anti-Wuhan virus vaccine protest, Kennedy declared that life during the pandemic was more difficult than in Nazi Germany. He also disseminated Wuhan virus conspiracy theories in a 2021 book with a chapter entitled “Final Solution: Vaccines or Bust,” where he likened the Wuhan virus mask mandates to Nazi medical experiments and described vaccine mandates as a “Holocaust” in 2015.

Throughout the event, Kennedy stressed that he has “never said an antisemitic word” in his life. He continued by noting that he has spent most of his life studying the Holocaust and Israeli history. Additionally, Kennedy defended unconditional military aid to Israel while taking the  Democratic Party to task for describing Israel as an “occupying nation.” 

 DOJ Tries Giving Hunter Biden Blanket Immunity While Hitting Trump With More Charges

Jewish privilege

Hunter Biden Admits Receiving Money From Chinese CCP-Linked Company

Biden admitted in court during his failed plea deal hearing on Wednesday that he received over half a million dollars from a company with links to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), appearing to contradict President Joe Biden’s earlier claim that no one in the Biden family made any “money from China.”

1 in 35 Recipients of mRNA Boosters Got Heart Damage: Shocking Study | Facts Matter
 According to a new peer-reviewed study that came out of Switzerland, a staggering 1 in 35 recipients of COVID booster shots experienced vaccine-associated myocardial injury.

Trump Hit With 3 More Charges in Documents Case, 3rd Defendant Added

BREAKING: Physicians gather at the Supreme Court of the United States with over 100,000 petition signatures to call for an investigation into Fauci’s misdealings & corruption. “Never before have we seen such a blatantly corrupt government official not be prosecuted.”

Amerika is the most corrupt nation on the face of the earth! NO other nation exports its pornography, homosexuality, and transgender ideologies and forces them on other nations for the purposes of corrupting the people in exchange for foreign aid and support.
 The cost to Canadian taxpayers of mandatory quarantine hotels used during the COVID-19 pandemic has already hit nearly $339 million and accounting isn’t finished, according to figures disclosed to date by the federal government.

A Health Canada briefing note, disclosed by Blacklock’s Reporter on July 25, indicates that expenses for each traveller housed in a hotel for 72 hours were at a cost of more than $17,000.

Was Barack cheating on Michael?

BREAKING: Police call log for Tafari Campbell’s drowning at Obama estate left BLANK, cops refuse to say who second paddleboarder was

–According to a statement from the Massachusetts State Police reported by MassLive, the unidentified paddleboarder tried to swim to Campbell but tragically, “did not reach him in time.”

Moscow has forgiven $23 billion in African debt – Putin
Russia will also allocate another $90 million for development on the continent, the president says

Marburg PSYOP: The World Hoax Organisation Has Issued a Stern Warning About a “Deadly Virus”. “Experts” Alarmed
Reminder: On 22 April 2021, Gates’ GAVI Alliance posted an article titled “The next pandemic: Marburg?”… A PCR test for Marburg was developed in 2018

Chuck Baldwin—Who In Their Right Mind Would Want Their Children To Join Joe Biden’s Transgender Army?

The Pentagon’s official policy is to extend special privileges to transgender service members:

The Pentagon has extended special privileges to transgender service members including exemptions from readiness requirements and even the obligation to deploy, according to a new memo published by The Dossier on Tuesday.

Idaho Christians Awarded $300,000 after lawsuit finds city had no right to arrest them for attending church services during Covid

Gabriel Rench, Sean Bohnet, and his wife Rachel were awarded a total of $300,000, which after legal fees is expected to net them around $50,000 each. While the money has been promised, the trio has yet to be provided with an apology from the city.

Vaccine reaction horror stories

One banker who refused the death jab…

BRAIN ANEURYSMS – People who died suddenly from aneurysms (likely COVID-19 mRNA vaccine injury to blood vessels) – 13 recent fatal cases explored
Aneurysms are a well known complication of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

The COVID-19 vaccine spike protein, when expressed in blood vessel walls, causes inflammation which damages the wall, leading to the formation of an aneurysm.

There are many cases of ruptured aneurysm following Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in the US VAERS database, some of them fatal! (click here)

One Japanese study looked at 3 cases of brain aneurysms that developed after Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccination. All 3 were women. (click here)

The Mockingbird MSM has been ordered to now go into hyperdrive on all things “climate change.”

The Rampant Black Violence On American Military Bases

It is no secret that domestic US military installations such as Fort Bragg, Fort Bliss, and Fort Hood, which are the most racially integrated communities in America, are warzones full of black and Mexican gang activity, rampant homicide (including above average rates of interracial crime), and sexual assaults (including against men). Whites on base commit crimes too, sometimes as accomplices of blacks or Mexicans in drug-related crime, but this occurs at or below the proportion of European-descended soldiers.


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