Lawmakers Pushed To Approve High-Tech Guard Tower For “Crowd Control”

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Bullet-proof mobile surveillance unit readied for potential civil unrest in United States

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, September 9, 2011

US lawmakers yesterday witnessed a special demonstration of the Mobile Utility Surveillance Tower (MUST), an elevated monitoring tower that is set to be used by law enforcement in the United States as part of an emergency response to civil unrest.

The device, manufactured by Terrahawk, LLC, is basically a high-tech prison guard tower fitted with surveillance and communications capabilities.

It was demonstrated yesterday to “Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate along with their staffs; with MUST, law enforcement agencies can quickly set up a mobile surveillance tower for emergency response, crowd control, or general surveillance,” reports Homeland Security Newswire.

The fact that Congress members and Senators were given a special demonstration of the unit suggests that its makers are pushing for the device to be approved for widespread use by law enforcement domestically, and not just on the border with Mexico.

Indeed, the tower is already being used inside the United States on a limited scale. In December, members of the South New Jersey Tyranny Response Team spotted one of the units with blacked-out windows situated next to a city park in a low crime area where it remained for several days.

The tower has also been designed to be bullet-proof, its paneling consists of ballistic shields, suggesting that its use is intended for hostile situations, not merely general surveillance.

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  • Lawmakers Pushed To Approve High Tech Guard Tower For Crowd Control

The device is part of widespread law enforcement preparations for rioting and civil unrest. Police in New York are already being trained for this eventuality should an economic collapse provoke social dislocation that has already been witnessed in the UK, France, Greece and other areas in Europe and the Middle East,.

“The portable surveillance vehicle has already been purchased by police departments across the United States and it has been deployed along the Texas border by several sheriff’s departments,” states the HSNW report.

Another promotional video for the device shows it being used outside a sports stadium.

As Congressman Ron Paul has warned, technology being used on the border to catch illegal immigrants is now being turned against the American people.

The HSNW report quotes an anonymous narcotics officer, who says that border authorities are, “Using this unit basically for national security. We are watching to make sure the violence does not pour onto United States soil.”

However, as we have seen from the unit’s deployment in New Jersey, these high-tech guard towers could soon proliferate American streets in the name of “national security”.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

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7 Responses to “Lawmakers Pushed To Approve High-Tech Guard Tower For “Crowd Control””

  1. SS

  2. If it is a guard tower and it is mobile, I pity the fool who stands watch in it. While it is bulletproof, and he is safe from being shot at, that won’t help the rioting as we have seen in Wisconsin State Fair, all it takes is a few hundred people and TTTIIIIMMMMMBBBBBEEERRRRRR!!!!!……….CRASH! Game over. Waste of money.

    However, I haven’t had a chance to see the video of what it looks like yet, so I am just commenting based on the idea that it is mobile and it is a tower.

  3. I’m sorry, but if half of the people in this country had half the balls as we do here in wisconsin the past 6 months, prison planet would be irrelevant, all our problems would be solved already.

    if you’re listening to this, get off your lazy-ass people, we’re with you! -widusty

    PS- i.e.- of all the people to stand up to the TSA it wasn’t even one of us, it was a china woman!

    PS- one more thing. We’re talking about a retard van with a scissor-lift shanty. They’re worried about medi-care, medi-cade, social-security, the world economy, and terrorism. What the hell good is this van? Really? This van is a bigger waste of money than any war we’ve ever fought, including but not limited to the BULLSHIT war on “TeRrOr” wooo, Vincent Price has returned!!!


  5. I’m sure they would be called MORON’S by any historical party or by any historical standard of the term. MORONS!

  6. Hey Watson,

    When are you going to cover the fate of Rudolf Hess, the deputy Führer of Nazi Germany, who flew to Britain and offered a Peace treaty? Hess was thrown into prison for that, where he remained in solitary confinement until the 1990′s when the MI6 killed him before he finally would have been released.

    Sure, the Nazis weren’t school girls, but every attempt to end the war had been rejected by the warmongering empire. And we also know that the victors write history. Investigate the holocaust as you did 9/11! Find out why the 12 stars of the EU flag represent the 12 tribes of Israel and muse for a while about the following quote.

    Thanks for reading, Paul.

    “You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless of whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest.”–Winston Churchill, Emrys Hughes, Winston Churchill – His Career in War and Peace, p. 145; quoted as per: Adrian Preissinger, Von Sachsenhausen bis Buchenwald, p. 23.

    The Jews hate Jesus Christ, and the Germans didn’t buy into the coopted fake Christian Catholic Church anymore. Germany was the epicenter of Protestantism. Even the kings and queens became protestants. A huge loss of control for the Vatican, the zionist church to mislead Christians with its bought and paid for fake protestant churches today.

    Investigate also why the German Reich as the only remaining country still at war with the opposing allies and still occupied. The existence of the UN is to coordinate WW2. If Germany and the allies would finally sign a peace treaty, the war would formally end, and so would the need for the UN.

    Everything I’m saying is backed up by German-British-American-French-Soviet declarations how to deal with Germany. Most sources are in German though. German Superior Court, leading politician quotes, Shaef Laws (allied military regulations on occupied Germany), etc.

  7. “THEY” know full well why that tower is Bullet Proof. We have more guns than they do. Having a bullet proof tower at the border or anywhere else for that matter, is assinine.
    Unless that “TOWER” has a 50 cal. machine gun to with it, it is like hanging the person stupid enough to man that tower, out to dry, as it were. Is it also “FIRE PROOF”? Whatever group thought up this idea, I would say, are a bunch or morons to say the least. That tower is useless unless it is also afforded firepower, which if they do that, we will know what we are up against, and what their intentions are, and thus will arm ourselves accordingly.
    With all the availability of cameras, why the tower? It becomes more of a target than do the cameras which because of their size are less conspicuous. If this is just a PsyOps game, your transparency is giving you away.
    Also, when it comes time for the “Changing of the Guard”, how will having a bullet proof box help the individual climbing the ladder from becoming “Dead Man Walking” ?
    Our politicians need to stop listening to the scare tactics promulgated by our police forces that push stupid ideas. It is just another boondogle and waste of money !!!

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