Liberty Kennedy missing persons

Liberty Kennedy

Liberty Kennedy

Help Us Find Our Beautiful Liberty

 Before Reading on . . . . .  Please Download

“The Liberty Case Files” Now

(2 MB Adobe PDF)


The First Page is this 8.5″ x 11″ Poster;


Please Print & Post it Everywhere!

Also, if you’re on Facebook or in forums please grab the image below to use as a thumbnail or picture with your posts.

missing liberty

We’ve had good luck with the simple words

“HELP ME” at !!!

There are only 3 posts here, you’ll need to read each of them to fully understand how important this is to you and your life.  There is more than meets the eye!


The Abduction of Liberty

PT 1/3 of an in depth investigation into the most heinous crime ever committed.   What you have before you is the verbatim manuscript of a hand written note found by Dreg Hunter on 3.31.13 near Lake Chelan, WA.  6 fingerprints were lifted but don’t match any on file, citizens are asked to help determine where and who these victims are.  What are believed to be the most important clues are bolded.

START;  Whoever finds this please, please help us!  The man in our house is trying to kill us.  My name is Liberty Kennedy, I have 4 brothers, 5 sisters and 11 nieces and nephews along with 3 children of my own here.  We’re from New York but were taken to live in the big white house with the wrought iron fence and long driveway here, wherever this is.  Here’s what happened;  About 10oyears ago my mom & dad invited a British jew named Mayer Rothschild to our home.  They nicknamed his Sam, called him a brother and he says he’s our Uncle but he’s neither.  This man is a vile, horrible, hateful and evil thing that we have no ties to whatsoever.


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The Everything PAGE

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Part 2/3; “The Everything Page”   The legal size version of this document fits on a single sheet of paper.  This however is the Letter Sized version for printing on 2 sheets of standard 8.5” x 11” paper front and back.  Warning: although short, this read takes constitution, wisdom and wits, get ready to use all you’ve got of each while learning the most important secrets of your life, hidden from you since birth.  Take note of those who don’t spend the time or care enough to do so because they are cowardly, worthless, lowlife, traitorous, lackluster shit stains on humanity who need to be hung by the neck, stoned to death, staked on a cross or tied naked to an anthill in the desert.  Have zero doubt you’ll be of identical sentiment towards anyone who doesn’t help you in this cause, this is the fight of our lives and there are NO FREE RIDES.  (If you think someone you know will be the type to hmm-haw around about the facts herein download the .pdf with links to proof sources)

So, hello fellow patriot, this is a game of tag & YOU’RE IT!  Firstly, thank you for standing tall!  Your countrymen and loved ones are reliant on you to protect the republic from a “Communist New World Order”  (Those aren’t just silly words)   Upon finishing, hand this to the next person.  Think of it as a hot potato you were never meant to hold!  Firstly;  what did J. Edgar Hoover mean by; “The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous they cannot believe it exists”.  What concerted lie could be so big we can’t believe it exists?


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Liberty and Justice For All



PT 3//3; enjoy and use this extended version of the Everything Page,  “LIBERTY and Justice for ALL!”  Now that we’ve got a decent grasp on the fact that the highly secretive book, the “Talmud” calls for the enslavement, murder, rape, thieving, deceiving, disrespect and atrocious cruelty in general towards all of us by jews, the next thing to do is refocus all the hatred, discontent and ill will they have falsely created within you for others of your kind over the course of your lifetime, back towards them.  You see, rather than uniting as one people like we consistently have with every single opportunity to do so as indigenous peoples in every continent on earth throughout history, they’ve created  smaller groups of opposing sides on every topic imaginable to divide and weaken us.  They used Religions, Languages, Race, Political Parties, Sports and all the inflammatory subjects you hear in their media 24/7 like gun rights, the environment, global warming, pollution, abortion, gay marriage, GMOs, class warfare and the list goes on and on.  Divide and conquer, divide and conquer!  All famous prophets such as Jesus, Buddha, Moses and Muhammad called for our unity because it equals freedom!  Each of those seekers of peace and freedom were squarely opposed to Money Changers, Pharisees and Scribes, (jews)!  We must unite against this scum once again because they are and have always been our enemies.

They’re why there’s not a muslim, christian, indian, atheist or other alive who gets their news from the mainstream media that doesn’t want to weaken, disband, remove, harm or even kill all the others!  We have all been equally and masterfully deceived and now it’s time to become equally enraged.  IT’S TIME FOR THE FINAL DIVISION OF PEOPLE, THE ONLY ONE THAT WAS EVER REAL OR NECESSARY!  THE ONLY DIVISION THAT WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE & CHANGE OUR WORLD MASSIVELY FOR THE BETTER!  This is the unity that Jesus, Buddha, Moses and Muhammed called for!


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