Man charged over the deaths of 25 ponies

A MAN who transported 35 ponies in a poorly ventilated truck, leading to the deaths of 25 will face court next year.

A tip-off last Saturday led police to a truck parking bay south of Old Ben Lomond Road nearGlen Innes.

Officers followed tracks to a nearby cliff where they discovered the bodies of 25 dead ponies of various colours and ages in the early stages of decomposition.

At the time police said there were no obvious wounds, tags, brands, or other identifying marks on the animals to help police find their owner or indication the cause of their death.

Mystery of 25 dead ponies in bush

A police investigation has concluded that 35 ponies were transported by a removalist truck, loaded in the Kingstown District to head to the north coast.

It is believed the truck had inadequate ventilation which caused to the ponies death.

A 39-year-old Pottsville man was interviewed by police at his home and issued with a Future Court Attendance Notice for 25 counts of committing an act of aggravated cruelty upon an animal.

He will appear in Glen Innes Local Court on Tuesday 14 February 2012.

Inquiries are continuing about the other eight remaining ponies.

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