Networks Whine Over ‘Massive Spending Gap’ Between GOP and Dems in Wisconsin

Kyle Drennen's picture

Searching for an excuse to explain what went wrong for Democrats in Wisconsin, the broadcast networks blamed “a record-shattering $64 million poured into” the recall election by “conservative out-of-state groups” supporting Republican Governor Scott Walker.  

On Wednesday’s CBS This Morning, correspondent Bill Plante promoted Obama campaign talking points on the major Democratic loss: “…what it called the ‘massive spending gap’. Governor Walker’s supporters raised $31 million to $4 million for the challenger, Tom Barrett….with most of that money coming from out of state – a huge chunk of it from the super-PACs.” On Tuesday’s CBS Evening News, correspondent Dean Reynolds proclaimed: “Their efforts resulted in an avalanche of ads attacking Walker’s Democratic opponent…”

On NBC’s Today, correspondent Peter Alexander similarly warned about the influence of super-PACs: “But it may also embolden super-PACs to keep spending. Get this, a record-shattering $64 million poured into the Wisconsin race. A whole lot of it from conservative out-of-state groups that supported Walker.”

On Monday’s NBC Nightly News, Alexander described how the state “has been flooded with a record $64 million in campaign spending…with Walker out-raising his opponent 7-1.” He then declared: “Many voters have had enough.”

Reporting on Walker’s victory on ABC’s Good Morning America on Wednesday, correspondent Jon Karl noted how the Governor managed to “beat back” the recall effort “after the Republican Party and conservative groups poured tens of millions into the state.”

One could hardly tell the difference between network reporters and left-wing MSNBC host Ed Schultz, who ranted over the money spent in the campaign on Tuesday’s Rachel Maddow Show: “We are looking at almost a $27 million advantage that Walker had over Tom Barrett, and this sets the template for the Republicans and certainly tells the right-wing in this country that, if they can out-fund their opponent, they’ve got a real good shot at winning.”

Politico used the same spin on Tuesday, insisting: “Only one takeaway from Wisconsin: Money shouts.”

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