NHS warned over emergency care

Chris Hopson, chief executive of the Foundation Trust Network (FTN) which represents more than 200 health trusts in the country urged British Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt to push through fundamental changes in Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments.

“A&E services have been under huge pressure and although performance is now stabilizing, there is a danger the system will fall over in six months time unless we plan effectively for next winter,” said Hopson, describing the current model of emergency care as “unsustainable”.

The College of Emergency Medicine (CEM) also warned the NHS separately, saying that A&E units are facing their biggest challenge in more than a decade as a result of unsustainable workloads and lack of staff.

According to the reports, A&E attendances have increased by 50 percent in a decade, with mounting pressure across the whole of Britain.


Source Article from http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/05/15/303690/nhs-warned-over-emergency-care-collapse/

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