Paul Urges Supporters To Donate In Immediate ‘South Carolina Money Bomb’

“Every dollar is absolutely critical”

Steve Watson
January 11, 2012

Ron Paul

On the back of his powerful second place win in New Hampshire, Ron Paul has urged his supporters to switch to a higher gear in order that the campaign can continue the momentum into South Carolina where the next primary takes place in ten days’ time.

In an urgent email shot, Paul told supporters “I’m going to try my best to spend a few hours relishing this great finish. But the truth is, I’m already thinking about South Carolina, Florida, and beyond.”

Adding that he was in the race for the long haul and was ready to fight, Paul noted that more funds for campaigning in South Carolina were needed immediately.

“I’m headed there tomorrow to begin a feverish round of campaigning. But I need to be able to pay for it all.” Paul stated.

“Unlike my opponents, I don’t have Wall Street banksters lining up to write fat checks to my campaign. I’m grateful I’ve been able to count on the generosity of good folks like you.” the email continued.

Paul urged supporters to begin donating immediately to a ‘South Carolina Money Bomb’, with the culmination of the fundraising effort set for this Saturday, January 14.

“My staff is already busy implementing an ambitious plan for South Carolina, including hard-hitting voter mail and TV ads.” Paul wrote.

“…your support has never been more important. Every dollar you can give is absolutely critical. So please be as generous as you can!” Paul added.

In a separate statement, Paul Campaign Manager John Tate echoed the Congressman’s appeal.

“Dedicated staff and volunteers in South Carolina have been working around the clock for victory, but they’ll need all the reinforcement we can give them in these final days before voters head to the polls.” Tate commented.

Ron Paul is currently polling fourth in South Carolina with around 12 percent. Both Gingrich and Santorum are marginally ahead with around 18 percent. Romney is leading at 37 percent. Paul needs to eat into his rivals’ numbers in order to secure a top three finish and continue the momentum from Iowa and New Hampshire.

There is no doubt that Paul will see his numbers improve in the Palmetto State on the back of such a strong finish in New Hampshire, but the campaign needs the funding to enable Paul to break through that barrier over the next week.

We urge our readers to pledge as much as they can afford to Paul’s emergency money bomb. Click here to donate to the Money Bomb now.

With the campaigns of Gingrich, Santorum, Huntsman and Perry all failing to significantly challenge Romney over the opening two states, Paul also urged the rest of the Republican field to drop out of the race and unite behind him in order to defeat Mitt Romney.

“After my incredibly strong showing tonight in New Hampshire, it’s clear I’m the one Republican candidate with the resources, volunteers, and organization to take on and DEFEAT both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama.” Paul wrote, adding that it was now a two man race meaning “there is only one true conservative choice.”

Campaign chair Jesse Benton followed up with a statement, noting “We urge Ron Paul’s opponents who have been unsuccessfully trying to be the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney to unite by getting out of the race and uniting behind Paul’s candidacy,”


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.

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43 Responses to “Paul Urges Supporters To Donate In Immediate ‘South Carolina Money Bomb’”

  1. Gimme your money, gimme your money. No matter where you go or which way you
    turn it’s, gimme your money …

    • well on the bright side you arent gonna have it long anyway! might as well try to get a little liberty out of it. What could you possibly buy that is more important than preserving our childrens future!? Maybe you don’t have a child so you dont understand… just.. .give the man enough for a 12 pack, thats what I do… If i knew a man like that in my town I would buy him a 12 pack every week for what he does to preserve the life and goodness in this country.

      • When RP talked against SS, his fate was set. He will not be president no
        matter how much money you send him.

        • Paul and I just want opt out you can have your social security… please just let me out… Im young and can invest my money much better. I dont need the goverment taking care of me.

        • Alex helped me make alot of money on silver, got interested in shorting, been making a killing, got out right before soros got back in at 28… ride the silver train baby!!! People who do a good job and tell the truth deserve to earn a good living in my opinion.

          He can say the things he says because its the truth. Alex and Ron paul are two of the only public figures I trust.
          I am good at judging people, I watch him and watch his mannerisms, he is just like we boyz from Illinois.

          We are the boys from South Illinios we sleep in ponds and ditches! We beat our cocks on jagged rocks cause we some MEAN sonsabitches!!!

          Sons of Liberty
          Sector 21 logistics.

    • its not about him, its about you this time. FINALLY have a chance… if you never do it again, its worth it this time, even if it was never worth it before this time either.

  2. I smell a RAT! I want to know who was solicited. If this was true and not taken out of context, then the lamestream media would be all over this, last I saw he has a lot of doners, BEWARE, our enemies are everywhere and capable of anything, I suggest that his office be contacted, to find out , because this is to fishy.

    Santorum’s Communist Clan
    By Barbie Latza Nadeau | The Daily Beast – 5 hrs agoEmailShare4PrintIn the tiny town of Riva del Garda in northern Italy, 83-year-old-Maria Malacarne Santorum keeps her family’s secrets—including those of her late husband’s cousin, Rick. In an exclusive interview with the Italian weekly magazine Oggi, Mrs. Santorum recalls fondly when Rick visited her in 1985 during his law internship in Florence, and when he came back again in 1986 and 1989. “He loved our culture and cuisine so much, he brought his wife-to-be, Karen, a massive cookbook of Italian recipes,” she said.

    But the elder Santorum matriarch doesn’t understand why he has diverged so far from the family’s longtime political stance. “In Riva del Garda his grandfather Pietro and uncles were ‘red communists’ to the core,” writes Oggi journalist Giuseppe Fumagalli, likening the family to “Peppone” after a famous fictional Italian communist mayor who fought against an ultraconservative priest known as Don Cammillo and about which a popular television series is based. “But on the other side of the ocean, it’s like his family here doesn’t exist. Instead he draws crowds as the head of the ultraconservative faction of the Republican party, against divorce, gay marriage, abortion, and immigration.”

    Those politics don’t play well in Riva del Garda, a community of ultraliberals. On the campaign trail, Santorum often touts his grandfather’s flight from Italy “to escape fascism,” but he has neglected to publicly mention their close ties with the Italian Communist Party. “Rick’s grandfather Pietro was a liberal man and he understood right away what was happening in Italy,” Mrs. Santorum told Oggi. “He was anti-fascist to the extreme, and the political climate in 1925 was stifling so he left for America. After a few years he returned to Italy with his wife and children, including Aldo, Rick’s father, who passed away late last year. It’s a shame he won’t have the joy to see his son’s success in his bid for the White House.” She goes on to explain how the family then became pillars of the Communist Party in Italy.

    The matriarch lauds her distant relative as a “masterpiece” of the family, whom she calls a man of high intelligence and integrity. “He would be a great president,” she told Oggi. “But if he wants to make it, he will have to soften some of his positions. To take a stand against homosexuality or to oppose divorce is harmful. Principles count, but in politics one must have the capacity to be open-minded.”

    The Oggi piece also quotes an angry cousin who preferred to voice his dissent anonymously, remembering the time when high-ranking Communist Party members frequented the Santorum household in Riva del Garda. “There are Santorums who would roll over in their graves to hear [Rick’s] rhetoric,” he said.

    But the rest of the family seems content to turn a blind eye to their American cousin’s political persuasion. One cousin, Michela Santorum, told Oggi that she fondly remembers Rick’s interest in his Italian heritage, and especially Italian cuisine. “We were always astonished at how many ice cubes he put in his drinks,” Michela told Oggi. “But he loved everything else, including polenta.”

    According to Oggi, the general sentiment is that the Italian Santorums will forgive their American cousin if his bid is successful. “When he wins, he will send the American presidential airplane and take all the Santorums to the White House,” Bruno Santorum told the magazine.

    But after Santorum’s loss in New Hampshire and his recent slump in the polls, the question of whether he would

  4. Ron, ol buddy, I’ve given 300$ + about 60$ in yard signs,bumper stickers,banners. About as far as I can help financially, but will still carry on your important message!!!

    !!!RON PAUL 2012!!!

  5. Well Done Ron Paul and team

    I would like very much to contribute but I am outside the US.

    Good Luck and Gods speed with South Carolina

  6. I’m sending $100. to his campaign, I have to. Ron Paul is America’a last hope. (it’s hard to picture our nation way worse than it is in a few years) but we know it is headed that way. It is being subverted, and we know it. Someone out there must have $1000 to give, dont give it to a TV preacher. Give it to Ron Paul’s campaign. Surely God helped found America, evil forces have almost taken it down. (and pray blinded American’s awake from their big-screen slumber)

    • you will probably be better off buying ammo with that 100 bux. i’ll tell you what, you donate, and i’ll buy ammo. i’ll vote for RP if i have to sign his name on the ballot, but you’ll need lots and lots of ammo in any case.

      • This is gonna suck.

        Illinois Sons of Liberty.

  7. Your help is much needed and appreciated… . . . …Please search up Brenda Thomas of THCF medical cannabis(current abducted victim of fast and furious/inslaw) and see for yourself how ‘fast and furious/inslaw collusion at a local to worldwide level,(know who your local tyrants are) are abusing and murdering people. Compare kind hearted helpful ,pro peace Brenda to ALL the tyrants implants posing as local state and fed who are abusing and framing Brenda and countless others. * The implanted fast and furious operatives snitch with a history of preying on women is the brother of a district attorney. It’s easy to see that the tyrants belong in prison instead of Brenda and all the other political prisoners ! Please join the flash phone mob ! Josephine County Oregon Courthouse 541-476-2309 with this or similar message ‘ ..”Immediately free and fully pardon Brenda Thomas along with all political prisoners while permanently removing the fast and furious inslaw tyrants from ever accessing victims again locally to worldwide ! We do not recognize tyrants and tyranny as valid !

  8. South Carolina is mostly Christian……………Maybe they are Braver than Georgetown U ?

  9. Check out the NH exit poll demographic breakdown, in the 18-29 age group Ron Paul took 47%, as you go up in age the poll progressively shifted to Romney

    • That’s because of Paul’s stance on Social Security and other social safety nets. It’s the one area many people including myself disagree with him on. If he could someone adjust his policy and still stay true to his beliefs he could get the older vote across the board, but Grandma and Grandpa need SS and are scared to death of any remote possibility of losing it and therefore vote for people like Romney or whoever won’t take their lifeline away.

      • You don’t disagree with him, you misunderstand him.

        He has said repeatedly that those dependent on SS and that have invested will still get their checks.

        What he has also said is that it will be PHASED out by allowing newcomers into the workforce to have their own, non-SS, retirement accounts, like IRA’s.

        • yes, they did not listen to the proposition. RP should clarify this for them again. he said you can opt out. and the funds from dismantling the empire will be used to sustain it. but they arent going to have anything anyway if it becomes insolvent.

      • Currently the SS has unfunded liabilities… meaning it is broke !! as population continues to age and retire, the hole will be bigger.

        How about opt-out the SS so you can keep your hard earned money and invest it where ever you wish?

        Shall RP change his views and allow the Fed to keep printing fiat money to prop-up the SS and thus keep rasing the Gov debt ? So are we with RP when it is convenient for us personally but not for the freedom from Gov concept for all? Now, I am sure that he has stated that he will not abruptly terminate the SS… He can’t as he knows there are lots of Grannys out there who depend on it.

        Even Rick Perry knows that the SS is a Ponsi scheme. We were forced to get into it by Gov “good intentions to citizens” (as always), so bankgsters and fund managers could play with it, draw big profits for them on the highs and, loses for you and me on the lows of the market.

        The SS is like a trip to Vegas were you bet and lose.. there are no safety nets but what you can hold in your hand.

        • SS is messed up because the gov has been stealing it. If SS were run
          properly, the money would gain interest. But when the gov steals the
          money and leaves an IOU, it doesn’t gain interest as normal investments
          It’s already been proven – the math has been done: If SS was taken
          care of properly, it would be at least $5 Billion in the black. And if
          medicare and medicaid were not using the money, who knows how
          much would be in the account??
          That’s not counting all of the money that they waste on prisoners that
          prisons put on SS in nursing homes to save the ‘private’ prisons money.

          That’s right – if the prisons have to spend too much money on a prisoner,
          they put the PRISONER on SS, and put them in a nursing home – all paid
          by the TAXPAYERS!!!
          That should be one of the biggest stories on Infowars …
          Instead, we get 10 Ron Paul articles … everyday …

      • feel sorry for people who have to depend on a government check

      • if people had their own retirement account, they would be earning intrest on it for 20+ years and by the time they start collecting it, there would be an awful lot of money built up, and when they leave this world then that money would go to family or wherever they have willed it to, and the way it is now is a person retires and if lucky, they might get back 20 cents on the dollar, and when they pass on, that months check is prorated. so if people has a choice, Millionair or Pauper?

    • My 72 year old Mom heard all Ron said about the SS phase out.Just have to get em to hear whole TOPIC.

      • That is the corp. media at work, creating false perceptions and fear mongering. It’s a tried and true divide-and-conquer tactic.

  10. Audit the diebold voting machines and the supercomputers they are linked to!!!!!!!!!! Talk about blood on the hands of many keystrokers!

    • their computers aren’t “Super” @ all…..just standard IBM ThinkCenter’s…..but remember who IBM is

  11. Americans for Ron Paul are not going to be silenced.

    • You are silenced.

      • How did you hear that Isitover? 2 ears and 1 mouth was a Great Design.Thanks God.

  12. “My Poem for Ron Paul”

    Blame the Banksters and Senate Institution
    For fragmenting America’s Constitution
    Sheeple glued to TVs and entertainment
    Allowed NDAA signing and indefinate Detainment.

    Vote for Ron Paul to win the race
    And make Government Demons have a red face!

    Only Ron Paul would restore the Constitution
    He believes in Liberty and Tyrant Solution
    By cleaning out criminal Senate Prostitution
    America would get a De-fragmentation!


    (I’m a poet and didn’t know it!”

  13. Even though the votes were rigged Ron Paul still came in second in New Hampshire. We all know that if you enter garbage into a computer you get garbarge. Listen Up! You cannot stop the peoples of America voting for a candidate that will secure our Constitution and our freedoms now and in the future! President Ron Paul 2012 !!!!!!!!!!! Even if Obama declares war; we the peoples do not want any more wars! We the peoples want the Constitution restored that Obama and others tried to take away. We the peoples that know the truth will always fight for the truths to be told and there will be justice and equality!

    • “Even though the votes were rigged”

      Proof please.

  14. We all need to email Oreilly, and Rust Limpbutt and ask for donations for Ron Paul. And flood all comment boards and tell people to get ready for War with Iran.. The MSM is stealing this thing and the Diebold machines are killing us.
    Make a promise to yourself to contact your representatives and any one you know that has taken an Oath to protect the Constitution. Military, judges, ect.ect. remind them that the Oath they took should mean more than any politics, or orders from their higher ups. I try to respond to any negative MSM articles and remind the writers that they are helping to bring the country down by limiting the Ron Paul campaign.

  15. Support Putting this Country on the right path

    Check out:

  16. Shows the true colors of most Republicans in that they’d still vote for someone like Romney over Paul. Someone who’s religion they mock, which is always supposedly so important to them. But Mitt supports their greedy agendas and special interests so well that they vote for him anyway. Even while they press the button for Mitt, they know they’re selling out, but do it anyway. Pathetic.

    If Mitt wins the nomination, is a done deal Barry is back for four more years fools.

  17. Here in the Britain I only wish I could donate but I have been on Ron Paul’s website and it seems that non-Americans cannot donate.
    Can your ordinary person outside America donate or is such a thing against election law ?

    • Well, if you have an American credit card, or even PayPal account, you should have no problem. I have not had any issue donating outside the country, however, if you do, you can go through some free proxy servers to make your IP look like it’s coming from inside the U.S. (btw, that’s how governments make it look like “hackers” are spreading viruses from China, Iran, etc. – proxy servers).

    • If you really want to support Ron Paul send your money to a friend in the US who will vote for Ron Paul. As for 4wardlight……….Ron Paul does not use the tactics of the guilty!

  18. Yep, business stinks…
    …but…”Victory “LIES” ahead”. (underscore ahead, must be a “tag” for that)
    That could should have been better stated.

  19. Well, I can almost literally hear the laughter coming from newt and perry etc…when they got that email asking them to drop out to support paul.

    I like that they sent it, sort of a good natured “eff you yer done” note, but they won’t backn paul, they can’t. Their zionist and bankster and aton-cult owners would never allow them.

    • Good point, they will all gang up to defeat ron paul. Well atleast he is getting some attention now, and the southern states might swing the other way. And ron still has the independents for the most part

      • im in swFl… when i go around town wearing the Revolution shirt, the
        tyranny lovers look at me rude, and sometimes mumble, as i shove
        it in there face.. it would be nice to bump into people wearing these
        shirts, but there just not out there.

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