Petrol Price Fixing Cartel in Southern Highlands NSW

I have been living in the Southern Highlands NSW for about 5 years now. Not once have I seen Petrol stations compete with each other. They all continue to have the exact same price throughout the Southern Highlands, from Exeter through to Mittagong. Since their daily prices are identical for 5 years now, surely this proves a price agreement has been made between themselves.

Even if they bought from the same supplier, they would still have different prices… look at the retail shops and how much their prices differ for name brands, and they all buy from the same supplier.

it’s a shame our petrol service stations have gotten together and decided to all have the petrol prices the same, to stop competition between each other.

It makes good business sense because no one loses out, but it is also an illegal practice.

Price-fixing laws

Price fixing is an agreement – whether it is a casual conversation or a formal understanding – between competitors to set agreed prices for products and services. It is illegal under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. The Act replaced the Trade Practices Act 1974 on 1 January 2011.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) administers the Act. Price fixing is a complex area and significant penalties apply


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