Police Officer In Court On Animal Cruelty Charges

Police Officer In Court On Animal Cruelty Charges

November 30, 2010 5:20 PM
(Credit: KDKA)

(Credit: KDKA)

ELLWOOD CITY (KDKA) – A police officer was in court Tuesday facing cruelty to animals charges.

Not only was he in court, so were local animal rights advocates.

Eric Squicquero has been suspended from his job as a White Township, Beaver County police officer. He had nothing to say Tuesday morning after he waived his right to a preliminary hearing, which sends his case directly to court.

He’s charged with animal cruelty after Animal Control officers were called to his Ellwood City, Lawrence County home. They found a malnourished Rottweiler. The dog weighed just 57 pounds, which once weighed 100 pounds. They also found a smaller mixed-breed dog dead.

The dog’s food and water bowls were kept where the dogs couldn’t reach them, according to investigators.

Squicquero told investigators he couldn’t care for the dogs because he works 12 hours a day.
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