Police officer shot dead after pointing stun gun at man’s dogs

A police officer killed while responding to a domestic disturbance in a small eastern Pennsylvania borough had pointed a stun gun at two dogs before being shot, court records reveal.

Freemansburg police officer Robert Lasso had pointed at the attacking dogs when the homeowner pulled out a shotgun and fired the fatal blast on Thursday evening.

In police custody, the alleged gunman, 46-year-old George Hitcho Jr, said he had told Mr Lasso to get off his property and not come on unless he had a warrant, authorities said.

Killed: Robert Lasso was shot dead as he attended a domestic disturbanceKilled: Robert Lasso was shot dead as he attended a domestic disturbance

‘He tried to kill my dogs and pointed a gun in my face,’ Hitcho said, according to the documents. ‘I do not care if you a cop or not …Unbelievable.’

The officer had been responding to a report of a disturbance and ended up at the back of Hitcho’s house, authorities said.
Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/police-officer-shot-dead-pointing-stun-gun-mans-dogs/#iDdqp270Y4QUPs6X.99

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