Ralph Lauren, Levis & Google Design Biometric Clothing

Susanne.Posel-Headline.News.Official- ralph.lauren.polo.tech.levis.google.biometrics.shirts.men.women.01_occupycorporatismSusanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals
August 23, 2015


Ralph Lauren has a new line of next generation smart T-shirts that can track the wearer’s fitness level.

OMsignal and Ralph Lauren have joined forces to create a fitness tracking sensor T-shirt that will become available to customers on August 27th at two retail locations in New York City (NY).

The T-shirts are woven with silver fibers that can track:

• Heart rate
• Heart variability
• Breathing depth and recovery
• Intensity of movement
• Energy output
• Stress levels
• Steps taken
• Calories burned

This shirt requires the wearer to carry a “black box” on their body to “data collected by the sensors and to capture the activity-related data since that’s where the accelerometer sits.”

Susanne.Posel-Headline.News.Official- ralph.lauren.polo.tech.levis.google.biometrics.shirts.men.women_occupycorporatismAn iOS app called PoloTech can collect data transmission that is captured on Apple Watch, iPhone and iPod touch; but the technology will not work with Windows and Android platforms.

Using biometrics and personalized workout suggestions, the PoloTech shirt can data mine the wearer which has 3rd party implications.

In 2014, Ralph Lauren marketed these smart shirts at the US Open tennis tournament, using the tennis players as “lab rats”; including Marcos Giron who wore the shirt during practice for photo ops.

Although these shirts are made for men, David Lauren, executive vice president of advertising, marketing and communications at Ralph Lauren, revealed that the company is working on a line for women; as well as a full line of “casual connected apparel”.

Along with Ralph Lauren, Levis has teamed up with Google’s Project Jacquard which is a way to weave touch and gesture interactivity into any textile using standard, industrial looms.

Google and Levis hope to manufacture the first smart clothing and furniture using this new technology.

This conductive yarn created by Jacquard and “industrial partners” is a combination of “thin, metallic alloys with natural and synthetic yarns like cotton, polyester, or silk, making the yarn strong enough to be woven on any industrial loom.”

The yarn is so small that it appears to the wearer just like regular stitching.

The tiny electronics sewn into the clothing can “capture touch interactions, and various gestures can be inferred using machine-learning algorithms. Captured touch and gesture data is wirelessly transmitted to mobile phones or other devices to control a wide range of functions, connecting the user to online services, apps, or phone features.”

By using a finger dragging, tapping and swiping, the brightness of the clothing can be controlled . The user could even use this ability “to play/pause/skip tracks on [a] cellphone music player.”

Should an entire shirt be made with this yarn, “the shirt [will] act as a micro-controller with various sensors (accelerometers, gyroscopes, pressure sensors, heart rate monitors, etc) attached.”

With the goal of being able to control the yarn with a smart phone, other possibilities of the use of this yarn include:

• A swipeable pillow that measures comfort
• A teddy bear that responds to touch
• Bed sheets that track sleeping or sexual patterns
• Pants that control a smart phone

Source Article from http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/OccupyCorporatism/~3/psN62zSwEJk/

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