Re-Kindle the Soul and Spirit

I have written a long time ago about hope, but I wish to inquire into it a little bit more right now. We are currently facing two types of hope – one is the Christcuck and Right-Wing Messianic one, the other one is the European Hope to Self-determination and Sovereignty. The first hope drives its “energy” from this idea that somewhere, someway, somehow a certain individual, whether that be the “return of the Jew 2.0”, or a “selected” President, will fix everything on his own and that all we, the poor masses, have to do is simply vote for that guy when we are given the chance. We are led to believe that all we have to do is “recognize” the right candidate at the right moment and make sure that we are “aware” of him, vote for him, and let him then do everything in “our” name. Let us discuss this type of hope a little bit further.

This hope is led by Jewish agents – it was evident throughout the entire campaign of Trump and it is evident in everything happening as of lately. Every single time there will be a horrible agent of the Jews lined up with an “acceptable” agent who “seemingly” offers something that “we need” – which leads you to act out of desperation, and not out of reason, will or courage. You are then led to believe that all the obvious, outright in your face, connections to the Jews that this “acceptable” candidate has are also again – “acceptable” – or, where necessary, that they can be used to “our” advantage and that we can control this Jewish agent into doing “what we want“. When even that fails, this agent is portrayed as a cyber-dimensional chess player who will, one day, kill his own Jewish grandchildren in a newly erected anti-Jewish Temple of the World.

Long ago it was declared in a Jewish conference that Britain would not be included in the European Union. Now let that information sink in. Let us ask ourselves then : Why did they include them then in the first place? Use your mind, use your brain, please. When exactly did Brexit happen? Just before the various elections that are coming up. What was the significance of it? What was the illusion that it created? That the people could vote themselves out of a bad thing. And the gullible masses drank that poison – yet again. What is Immigration now causing all over the Western civilization? The installation of Zionist Operated Governments – you are literally voting for them and for their candidates. No matter what Trump said or has done – you remain in this false hope that somehow, someway, one day, he’ll turn out to be “our guy”. Just like you believe, 2000 years later, that the Jewish God and his supposed Jewish son Jesus are going to be “your guys“, “our guys“, one day – someway, somehow.

It is the same idiotic mindset that has been a curse among our people and I’m getting very sick of it. I am getting sick of supposed “important figures” on the supposed “pro-White” side of the movement who are traitors, agents for the Jews or simply outright retarded.

The Jews are extremist and radical people and the only answer to an extremist and radical force is another extremist and radical force. We cannot fight the Jew as long as we think that there exists some benevolent and passive way to make them co-operate with us and decide not to genocide us. What kind of a position is this? What kind of mentality is that? Does that sound like a victorious mentality? Does it sound courageous? Does it express Willpower? You are not allowed to criticize them and they use the non-White people of this world to make that happen. They use Blacks in America to promote the idea of Racism so that it can also be applied to them, the Jews as well, in a protective manner of course. They use Arabs to promote the idea of “religious phobia” so that it can also be applied to Judaism. In order to be seen as a “minority of migrants” who must not be expelled – they use Xenophobia and various Humanitarian movements which again – protect them primarily.

They do not care if someone else gets some kind of benefit for the time being. They know very well that that benefit is artificial and that it was literally granted to them by the Jews, who can always – at any given time – take it also away from them. If the Jews wanted to, they could tomorrow launch a massive anti-Black campaign on every single media outlet, portray the Blacks as the real Racists, as Violent, impulsive and impossible to control people. They would have one documentary after the other showing unstable African societies, they would show you how primitive they are when left on their own, they would tell you how horrible the cannibalism in Africa still to this day is : They can turn the feeling of the masses towards the Blacks within one single day. And they will, rest assured, they will – one day when the Blacks are not useful for them any longer. They will turn all the Race-Mixed hybrids against them and the Race-Mixed hybrids will be unleashed upon them, eradicating them once the White Race has been eradicated as well.

This is the power of the Jewish mind-manipulation, since the day of the fucking Bible. As I have said before : Forget about the content of the Bible, forget about the idea of Jesus. See before you Jews who are traveling towards Europe with a Book and who are then converting people unto their side by plain speech. Breathe in that vision. Understand it. Forget about the contents of the book. You can’t even read Hebrew nor Greek. See what has happened to our people a long time ago. The Jews turned one group of our people against the other by simply telling them shit. And they are doing that very same “magic” to this very day. Now they are using the Muslim immigration in order to force us to vote for their Kosher nationalists – it seems like the only “valid” solution – it seems like the “right thing to do“, it seems like the “lesser of two evils“.

Evil always comes with an intent. It doesn’t show up without it. It can’t develop without it. It depends on intention and intentions means that someone knowingly and willingly is committing and doing evil.

And you accept this. You willingly sign a contract with the fucking Devil. Sure, we hate Muslims, but we hate them primarily because they have fallen under the spell of a Jewish Abrahamic religion. I hate Muslims the same way I hate Christians, Marxists, Liberals – they are all under the same Jewish spell. This doesn’t mean that I wish non-Whites to live among my White European people, as that would be un-Natural, it merely means that I hate the fact that these groups of people have fallen for the same Jewish hypnosis. They are all fighting for Jewish fairy tale characters, ideas and prophets. They are driven to battle for Jewish ideals, for a Jewish end goal and they are all hellbent on living their life in a Jewish way, by Jewish customs and a Jewish designed lifestyle – a lifestyle which is total submission and enslavement. Do I hate Christians and Muslims to the point where I want to kill every single one of them on sight? No. I hate them for being stupid and gullible and for allowing themselves to become what they now are – Jewish drones and slaves. I want to fix them, to remove this Jewish virus from their mind and make them finally see the world for what it truly is. To make them see the Truth again. Alas, I also understand that many of them want to kill us, therefore a proper re-action to their action is required. Hell, Persia attacked us without Islam, and we adequately defended ourselves. I am, after all, not a fool.

Imagine if we were capable of dispelling the Jewish myth of Islam. All the people of the Middle East would return to their pre-Islamic belief system. Their lust for World conquest would cease. Their drive to kill all “non-believers” would be gone. They would become tribal and nationalistic again. They would become a problem for the Jews. The same is true for Europeans. And it shouldn’t be, it just cannot be this difficult to dispel the Jewish Bible – all one has to do is read the Old Testament – the very foundation of all Abrahamic religions and realize that in it its God proclaims that he will eradicate or enslave non-Jewish life on this Earth.

There is an old video game called Red Alert. It begins with a video scene where some scientist and agent sit in a laboratory. The scientist is working on some kind of time machine which the agent is going to use to return back in time and kill Hitler before he ever came to power. He succeeds in it and the “new” World War 2 then begins. Only this time, there is no one really there to stop the Reds from destroying Europe. In that scenario of the time, Stalin wins by conquering the entire continent and would finally end up being killed by his own second-in-command who was working for the Jews in the background. But even she is killed, primarily for speaking to you (the player) about their secret, so that literally no one remains in power but the Jewish hand itself – the so called “Brotherhood of Nod” led by the Biblical figure of “Cain”. You can’t make this shit up.

In other wordsthe Jew doesn’t care which “universal” and “global” idea wins – as long as he can operate it from the shadows and, once the global system is installed, neutralize its useful idiots. Do you really think the Jews imagine a future world in which transgenders are going to walk around, pretending to be 20 genders or even animals? Do you really think that they will allow “humanitarians” to remain in power, promoting peace and equality among “all” people? Do you really think that animal rights activists are going to be allowed to exist when the Jews one day re-build their Temple and re-launch their Animal and Human sacrifices to their Jewish God?

They will kill them all because they are – useful idiots. Idiots who were used to silence, shame, disrupt and even kill those who resisted the Jewish World Order, who resisted their takeover of this entire planet; idiots who were created, with full intent, in order to form a degenerate world of Chaos, in order to weaken and destroy all possible opposition so that they, the Jews, may crush this degenerate world in one go. Why is the world becoming ever more degenerate as we are ever more closer to the final steps of the Jewish agenda? Because it will make their job ever more easier. The liberal, marxist, anti-White masses are creating a Jewish Utopia and in that Utopia non-Jews are not welcome.

I know – it is difficult for the average lemming to realize that he has been used and that he is still is being used, manipulated and lied to. The fake hope, the illusion of hope, which has blinded him from the Truth is powerful. It makes him cry, it makes him laugh, it makes him even feel strong at some moments – it drives within him something which he hadn’t felt for a long time : Purpose. Alas, his only purpose is to serve the Jewish agenda, whether he is aware of it or not, whether he is willing to or not. Those who really have the will to not only overcome the Jewish brainwashing, but also to rise above it and present a threat to them : Those are dealt with directly.

All those fake leaders have therefore lost their value.

I’m talking about all those imbeciles who were cheering on for Trump, who believed in democracy, who didn’t try to warn people against all of it but instead played along – who were disregarding, outright ignoring all the Jewish information which we had on him, all the Jewish faces which surrounded him, his own Jewish family ties, his own children converting to a Jewish philosophy and even marrying Jews. His own family observing Jewish holidays – he might as well be a fucking Jew himself. I guess the lovers of Trump “finally” got the message with him saying that “We must stamp out prejudice and anti-Semitism everywhere”. People ignore the ties with Jews which Putin has, they ignore that his daughter is also married to a Jew, that he never leaves his god damn home without a group of Jews following him around. And people are now, yet again, ignoring all the Jewish faces around Le Pen – they ignore it all. And these people are highly dangerous for they are doing more damage to the White awakening than the Jews themselves are directly. They do not allow Whites to go mad and fight against the system, nor are they properly educating them on the real issues behind everything. Some even suggest that we must “lie” to our people.

They are doing the dirty work of the Jews : Misleading, Calming down, Giving false hope, Pointing to stupid ideas, Trying to make us even embrace Zionism, while other yet involve the White awakening with absolutely nonsensical topics which have nothing whatsoever to do with our struggle for the survival of our Race.

They have lost their value. No one should be listening to them anymore, not only because they were easily duped by the Jewish agenda but because they instantly abandoned their own “God Emperor” the moment after he was finally “elected” – this means that they are traitors as well, lemmings of their own, unable to lead, easily pushed around and impossible to stabilize with no proper judgment or clarity of mind. None of these “leading people” have had the guts to even admit that they were wrong, but they simply say that “Trump has been subverted“. You were subverted, you fools! They betrayed not only their own propaganda, mission and agenda – they betrayed you, their listener, their reader, as well. If a man does not have the strength to openly admit that he had been wrong, then he is a dangerous individual, driven by lust, desire and ego : And will never, ever, be a leader or spokesmen of Truth – for he doesn’t abide in Truth, he sees admitting that he was wrong as a Weakness. They still will have some “meme-influence” in the movement, but they cannot be trusted for anything more than that anymore. In other words, let them prove themselves again, let them reclaim their own Honor.

Where is the Aryan Honor in that? Where is the Courage in keeping on living in a lie? Where is the Nobility in pushing onward an agenda that leads to nowhere and nothing? Where is the Future of our People in promoting the Hatred for White women?

Tell me, what force is currently opposed to the Evil which is spreading on this planet? What group exists out there that is openly fighting against the Jews, is organized, has resources and people who keep track of real agencies of the movement? What group is undermining Jewish strategies and even has secret agents of its own which stop them at their various decisions? Is there one? Are the Chinese going to save us from Jews? Are the Africans going to? Are the Arabs, the Jewish cousins, going to stop them? Can the Christian strike down the Jews who gave him his religion? Can the Muslims, who have been kept in the middle ages with their religion and became degenerate by incest because of it, group together and resist them?

No, none of them can. Only the White Race can stop the Jewish Race. It is our Natural duty, our Existential purpose as bringers of Light and Truth to do so. You know, I mentioned several times before that the Jew regards Angels as beings “closer” to Godhood, but also looks down on them because they are able of only doing Good. The Jews, on the other hand believe that they are “liberated”, have “true power”, because they can and are willing to do both Good and Evil. Now let us analyze the White Race for a moment and see whether or not we can understand what has happened to us. Let us begin with a very common humanoid characteristic : We see in others that which we won’t admit to ourselves. In our modern day times the Jews have demonized the White Race and presented us as merciless and mindless evildoers.

The Blacks, even though they adopted Jewish languages, truly are racist in the literal sense of the word. Yet, they see Racism all around them, but not within themselves. The non-Whites will call White women whores, yet will never react towards their own. There are countless such cases and all of them were inspired, just as in the New Testament, by the Jews – the Jewish God chose the foolish to destroy the wise. The White Race knew that it was noble, that it aimed for high culture, for a clean, strong and healthy life. It was disgusted by Evil, it outright hated Evil and saw it as something abominable in every respect. Telling a pre-Christian Aryan that Africans are eating each other would have made their stomachs turn upside down; they would see an Evil that has to be eliminated. In the Vedas we read how the Aryans were fighting the Blacks in India – who knows what kind of atrocities were going on back then in that area.

Telling them that Jews are fucking 3 year-old girls because “God” told them so, would have made them launch a conquest on them as well.

Today, however, the situation is quite different. We have been guilt ridden by Christianity, we have been demonized for 2000 years through Jewish brainwashing and we have been convinced that all of these people are simply different “cultures” with different “customs” and that we should accept them as such. We were told that we are all “equal” and that was the moment when our “Good” had been infiltrated, poisoned and destroyed by the Evil which the Jews represented. It disabled us from fighting against Evil wherever we saw it. Even worse!, we do not see in our own Self the Good anymore – we believe that we are now the Evil. And we try to see the Good which we represented in every single other Race, except in our own. We try to ignore all the Evil they do and seek ever more hard to identify something good in every bad.

If the reader of this article happens to be a not yet fully racially aware White person, I want you to take a good look of yourself in a mirror. I want you to ask yourself what you really desire and strive for. You wish to see a healthy natural world around you – you do not wish to destroy Mother Nature. You wish to see animals protected, helped and preserved. You wish to develop clean, safe and easily producible energy, water, food. You wish for your Society to be peaceful, safe and calm and you feel deep down inside of you that there really isn’t any need for crime anymore, that we really should be living a harmonious life. You wish to help others and, more often than not, are willing to bend over backwards to see that happen. You are the only one who truly cares for freedom and you are worried about all the Evil which you see around you. You objectively and intuitively feel and understand beauty.

That, my friend, is because you are a White Aryan European; that is your Nature. And all your wishes can only come true in a White European Aryan society. You can pretend to be a benevolent Elephant in a society of Crocodiles – you will never be at home there. But, I and many others, do understand that you have the need to help others. And we did so, a long time ago, in a cycle before this one. We, White Aryans, went around the globe and uplifted all other Races, as they deserved it, as we saw them being capable of, if they were worthy of it – we gave them civilization of a certain level and degree, left behind Pyramids where we mummified our skeletons writing down our historical tracks with our very blood, bone and genetics. We are, in a sense, angels of this planet. Only this time, in this cycle, we were poisoned by Jewish mental manipulation and we allowed these Devils to tag along with us and poison the entire world. That was our mistake. Our mistake was to fall for Jewish tricks. It was our Ancestors who fought Evil in all our legends and stories.

What you saw on these images is what we are fighting for. The beauty, the living mind, body and soul of the Aryan White European. Not Jewish Christianity or any other Jewish ideology. Imagine, for a moment, that our cycle required of us to go to other planets. Imagine that there exists a planet of Africans and a planet of Asians, for example. We would have brought alongside us Jews this time and both of those planets would have been enslaved by them, with the Jews making us look as the enemies and the natives killing us in return – the very same thing is happening now on Earth. It is our divine purpose to recognize Evil and stop it – we cannot change that Nature. It is our divine purpose to do Good. But, we have been manipulated into believing that we are not Good anymore. We have also been manipulated into believing that Good cannot and must not answer Evil with a Force – that such a thing would be “Evil” itself. How can eradicating Evil be Evil?

The Jew fears only one thing : Direct confrontation, which is primarily based upon physical confrontation. And he has managed to disable it against him, including mental, verbal, political and religious confrontation. The only way for Evil to win on this planet was to disable the Good counterpart. And they achieved that, up to the point where our own White European Aryan troops have been turned against us, hating us, hating what they are – or – what they have become. Sometimes when I look into the eyes of these degenerate Whites who have fallen from their Grace and Nobility, I can feel, I can sense, I can hear a soul screaming for help – I can feel them begging for someone to show them the right way again, to show them what they truly are and were, to re-awaken in them the Angelic being which they truly are and represent.

And that awakening is what the Jew is trying to stop, by any means necessary. The body itself, or as it is commonly and fashionably called nowadays, “skin color“, is not the most important factor in this story – it does play a crucial role as well on a metaphysical level – but the true danger and enemy of the Jew is the White Aryan Soul and Spirit. This Soul and Spirit must be destroyed in order for them to achieve total victory. The soul, nourished and cherished by the White female and the Spirit Willed into Action by the White male – is the only resistance which the Jew faces on this planet. And this, finally, is the true European hope that remains for us, the second one that was mentioned at the very beginning of this article – the hope that the Aryan Race might re-awaken again and fight for its self-determination, fight for what is Good, fight against Evil and feel no shame, no guilt, nothing. To see in itself the beauty, honor, courage, nobility, light, which it represents. To see once again, and to love once again. Our hope. Our future. Our destiny.

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