Revisiting The Lahaina, Maui Coverup with Shelby Hosana – #BurnBackBetter

Joining me today is Shelby Hosana, co-founder of Unjected, and resident of Maui, back to discuss what has happened in Maui since last time we spoke, and the release of her new book, Burn Back Better. The tragic story of Lahaina has been undeniably shown to be some mixture of criminality, coverup, and incompetence, and just as this was becoming clear, the world’s attention shifted elsewhere, allowing, as usual, those in power to take advantage.

Source Links:

Soiltac® Dust Suppressant To Be Deployed In Lahaina, Maui – But Is It Safe? Let’s Look At The Facts
Shelby Thomson Interview – Locals Convinced Maui Fires Not Accident As Evidence Suggests Foul Play
Shelby Thomson Interview – Ongoing Cover Up In #MauiFires With Thousands Of Children Missing
Material to be applied in Maui burn zone to stop contaminated runoff
Powdered Soiltac – SDS
Soiltac – SDS
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Wayback Machine
The state will use ‘Soiltac’ to cover up the ash in Lāhainā. But what exactly is it? | Hawai’i Public Radio
EPA begins applying soil stabilizer to burned areas in Lahaina | News, Sports, Jobs – Maui News
Maui Mayor Gives EPA The Go-Ahead To Seal Down Lahaina’s Toxic Ash With Soiltac – Honolulu Civil Beat
Soilworks, LLC – Soilworks
Soiltac – Soilworks, LLC
Inside the Navy – U.S. Military Continues Testing Dust Abatement Technology in Iraq (TPD0510032) – Soilworks – Soil Stabilization & Dust Control
Reference Library – Soilworks – Soil Stabilization & Dust Control

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