Romney Declares Independence From Advisors: Calls Mandate “Tax”

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July 5, 2012

In an exclusive interview, presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney on Wednesday told CBS News chief political correspondent Jan Crawford that the individual mandate in President Obama’s signature health care law, which was upheld last week by the Supreme Court, is “a tax.” The remark contradicts what his campaign asserted Monday, when senior adviser Eric Fehrnstrom said Romney believes the mandate is a “penalty,” not a tax.

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36 Responses to “Romney Declares Independence From Advisors: Calls Mandate “Tax””


    Startover Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 10:12 am

    We need a Constitutional Amendment that holds all forms of Collectivism as “Voluntary”, making “Forced Collectivism” illegal.

    This will take care of Hundreds of rediculous public and private forms of communism.
    * Home owner associations
    * Unions
    * Social Security
    * Unemployment insurance
    * Forced Vaccinations
    * the welfare State (redistributioin of wealth)

    storky Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 11:10 am


    Startover Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 11:45 am

    Oh, you don’t understand Storkyboy

    What’s your home address?
    I’ll come over right now and explain it to you

    storky Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 10:42 am

    If you already have healthcare insurance, you won’t have to pay the penalty tax.

    The tax is only for free-loading pussies who think they’ll never ever get ill, injured or mentally unbalanced.

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 11:20 am

    spoken like the big government loving troll we know you really are.

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 11:32 am

    greenie global warming tax scam fascist lover.. check
    bungholio-bama fascist hell-thcare lover.. check
    surprised we havent you taking the side of the fascist TSA, yet.

    singularity Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 11:43 am

    A healthy 25 year old person making, say $20,000 a year BEFORE taxes will have to pay either a $695 penalty or roughly $3000 a year for premiums on a policy he or she will essentially not be able to afford to use due to the high deductible, so, in effect, it becomes catastrophic coverage. Why not let that person use that money to buy healthier food and thus prevent future illnesses? Obamacare’s provisions encourage states to allow adults to enroll in Medicaid IF their income is below 133% of poverty (roughly $14,800). You think it’s fine to EXTORT money from people of modest means to line the pockets of Big Pharma and the Inurance Industry?

    BTW, do you also happen to refer to the banksters as F.L.P too, or are they a “special” class?

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 11:45 am

    you really do suffer HUA syndrome (head up azz!) storky.

    DC handed out grants for manufacturing to leave,
    making people unemployed and ratcheting wages down the toilet..

    for being victimized, you call them:
    “free-loading pussies who think they’ll never ever get ill, injured or mentally unbalanced.”

    you’re a real sick POS storky, GFY.

    Startover Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 12:03 pm

    I will try to lay out the reality for you

    1) millions of americans pay their medical bills DIRECTLY – they don’t cheat the system
    2) the people who fail to pay – WILL STILL FAIL TO PAY AFTER OBAMACARE

    The Failure to pay people are listed below:

    Anyone on Welfare
    Illegal Aliens
    Drug addicts
    AND ALL CIVIL SERVANTS (politicians, police, fire, etc) – TAX PAYERS COVER THEIR MEDICAL

    Now Storky – Consider the following reality:

    1) USA Doctors kill 110,000 to 150,000 People every year due to Medical Malpractice (CDC)
    2) Big Pharma harms Millions every year with bad drugs – (they are exempt from prosecution)
    3) And the insurance companies extort 40% profit out of the payers and block effective medical treatments

    Now if you have any brains at all


  2. Call it what you want, we aren’t paying it….we aren’t joining Obamarmoneycare, and we aren’t turning our medical records over to IRS medical gestapo troops…

    …the IRS can have my medical records when they pry them from my cold dead hands…..

    Startover Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 10:46 am

    The irs already has your medical records
    Remembers Obama’s speach, when he said he would put all your medical records “online”

    The IRS will extract both “the tax” and a “fine” for noncompliance directly from your checking account in an automatic electronic transfer. The only way to prevent that is to use only CASH from now on. If you are fortunate enough to have an occupation where cash is viable method of income then you may be all right however, using cash makes some purchases more difficult including:

    1) buying products on line
    2) paying your internet bill, phone bill, and power bill
    3) sending money in the mail

    But even after you adapt to a “Cash only” lifestyle, the next phase of IRS property seizure will take effect. ARMED GUARDS MARCHING INTO YOUR HOME and taking 100% of everything you own for income tax violations

    Obamacare is the death of America
    Romney will not repeal it
    He will step up to the plate and then strike out.

    We need to override this with a constitutional amendment – making forced collectivism illegal

    storky Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 10:47 am

    Why would the IRS want your medical records? Your doctor and private insurer are the only ones entitled to them.

    That’s quite an interesting paranoid fantasy!

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 11:22 am

    not when they’re talking about mandatory insurance,
    with the IRS being the collector-enforcers..

    is there a brain in that head storky?

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 11:34 am

    if you dont remember last year the IRS got a bunch of illegal sawed off shotguns.

  3. Romney is echoing the Democratic Party line. If it is a tax? the domain of the House of Representatives.
    Why do you think they want to “run” this man? Romney care? Obama care? a push, Romney’s dad, George, was born in Mexico. So………………………………………..both fathers born overseas, and again? a push. They just want to make it look close. Four more years of Obama! Why?

    Socialism, a creation of the International Bankers, puts the burden on the taxpayer, and takes it off of………………………..drum roll…………………………………………………..Corporations!

    See the pattern here. Why do you think they are creating all of these government jobs? To shift the burden, created by outsourcing millions of American jobs overseas, onto the American taxpayers; create a vacuum, train millions in the art of “House to house,” or urban warfare, bring them home to little or no opportunity, and then create internal police forces to harass unemployed citizens; and all at the expense of those very same, union advocating, taxpayers. Why do you think government jobs come with such lavish benefits? Why do you think that the only real remaining Unions, are in the service sector? which is predominately government employment………………………………………………. IT’S NOT THEIR MONEY. When it comes to our money? they have spared no expense.

    It is similar to the mentality of the famous french whore, Marie Antoinette who infamously said : “Let them eat cake!” The ruling elite of today say: Let them employ each other, through THEIR tax dollars.

    Why not create a Patriotic American Consumers Union? NOT GUNS…………………….MONEY!

    Sign posted for the rowers, or galley slaves: THE FLOGGINGS WILL CONTINUE, UNTIL MORAL IMPROVES!

    PRAY PREPARE PREVAIL. Don’t vote, and don’t pay them what they say you owe them. It reminds me of a Motown hit from the sixties. “Looks like we’re all going down together.” That is preferable to letting them win!

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 9:46 am

    the taskmaster on deck to the galley slaves laboring the oars:

    the slaves begin cheering and the taskmaster cracks his whip..


    Startover Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 10:52 am

    You are right Lazarus
    but all of the presidential choices since 1913 have been “pre selected” for us

  4. Once again we see there is little difference between the so called 2 parties. This is what is offered to the people . 2 Evils , we are expected to put the lesser of 2 evils into the highest office of our govt…….And kicking the can down the road We the People still arrive at the pre-planned agenda 21 destination… least this is the plan.

  5. I dont give a flying FK what he wants to try to call it..
    hillary-care renamed romney-care renamed obama-care,
    is all the same government-corporate fascist BS.

    storky Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 10:48 am

    . . . About which you know nothing. That’s typical for you, Cap’n Oblivious!

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 11:24 am

    ok lets get to the name calling now
    you ingrown fisticulated butthair creeping out the ass of AL GORE.


    captain obvious Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 11:40 am

    you wouldnt know fascism if a TSA agent bich slapped ya
    told ya to suck him off or die.

    a dumb SOB like you would call that “freedom of choice”.

    singularity Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 11:57 am

    Exactly what are your credentials, storky? Your sophomoric writing style doesn’t reflect someone who has been to grad school or who is even very well read, for that matter.

    Captain obvious knows what he’s talking about, you don’t.

    Looks like the professional disinformation agents gave up on us. They must be working the AlterNet and Huffington Post crowds.

  6. All this Social Health Care crap began when Jimmy (Peanut Boy)Carter was president..He tried to talk about it a little and got shot down by congress for it.. So it remains on the Global Elite’s back burner all this time. Also it has grown into a mega bill that no one really knows whats in it. Not even the old pricks that put it together for the last 40 or so years. I am old and remember hating Carters guts then. He was controlled by the Rothschilds and their puppett boy Brezenski (Red Commie Polish Royal has been. They are implanted behind Clinton ( Commie) now O Bambo the Foreign CIA test tube boy. No one knows where he really came from. His surrogate so called mother was owned by the Ford Foundation(Totally Red Commie).We have been absoultely screwed to the max. with this Helath Care mandate. It will finish America off. There is no way we as a nation of taxpayers can ever afford this nonsense. Rommney is the same as what you have now. He is controlled by the Bushie Wushie Cabal of CIA-Rockefeller,Rothschild,Soros,world drug dealers and bloodletters of the New World Order. FUK O BAMMA Care..and the red commie bastards in Congress and the Black Court for causing the death of our Republic. That has been the objective since we got the Federal Reserve from Red Commie Woodrow Wilson and his little Fabian Socialist Mandell House. Will the Tea again flow in Boston harbor? Will someone like Paul Revere ride into the night kicking off the next American Revolution? Chances are slim. We all should have revolted long ago. Good Luck People. from a very old JarHead. Semper-FI

    Startover Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 10:54 am


    storky Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 11:06 am

    People who are enthusiastic about killing other Americans don’t strike me a being patriotic. I think psychopathic would be more accurate!

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 11:26 am

    tell it to DC-FDA-EPA-AMA allowing the air-food-water-medicine to be poisoned,
    for the mostly foreign owned big pharma big medical and insurance corporate profits.

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 11:38 am

    tell it to DC who says troops must use depleted uranium ammo..
    released big pharma from liabilities, shipped weapons ‘fast-n-furious’,
    ordered 200+450 million rounds of hollowpoints that CANT be used in war,

    oh but I’m just “Cap’n Oblivious” to a dumb SOB like YOU.

  7. it’s really both; a tax AND a penalty. the fact that the IRS will enforce this edict means that if you refuse to buy health insurance, they can also imprison you. but remember folks; you ushered in this era of MoNsTeR GoV by supporting bad laws like, prohibition and car insurance mandates….. the police state should have been nipped in the Ronny Raygun bud. too late now. like the saying says; “be careful what you ask for.” Now git own down to the pee-police and whip it out on demand.

  8. The republicans will never repeal this legislation. Their talk is simply pre-election promises. The orders for this legislation came from the TOP. And you all know who controls the TOP. All the republicans have to do, if they win the presidency, the house and the senate, is to repeal the REQUIREMENT to buy health insurance. This is a small piece of the whole law. But just wait and see. They are already talking about how hard it is going to be to repeal the law. It is here to stay until the revolution burns it to the ground.

  9. It doesn’t matter is you call it a mandate, or a gowd damn tax. What is is is unamerican thuggery and obama did this to us.
    Obama is the TSA. Obama is the NDAA. Are you starting to get it now?

  10. Tax, no tax, it does not matter because it violates the Constitution. People don’t seem to get this. The Supreme Court is supposedly the end all be all of the legal landscape of this country but the American people have been conditioned to believe this. According to Thomas Jefferson in his papers and letters, it is not the highest law in the land. We the people are. According to him, we have a right to ignore any unconstitutional law. These same papers and documents have been used in the past as legal documents where he was a Founding Father and helped to draft our key documents of this country.

    What needs to happen is someone has to do as Jefferson says we are allowed to do as citizens then use it as a legal defense.

    Startover Reply:
    July 5th, 2012 at 10:55 am

    sounds good to me

  11. Romney is like McCain- no balls. He will lose because he is worried about being polite as the country goes up in flames.


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