Russia urged to change Syria stance

“The time has come for Russia to change its stance from supporting the Syrian regime to working to stop the killing and (supporting) a peaceful transition of power,” Prince Saud told a Tuesday news conference after a meeting of [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council in the Saudi city of Jeddah.

He noted that a change in Moscow’s policy will “preserve (Russia’s) interests in Syria and the Arab world,” expressing hope that “Russia would re-evaluate its policies in the region, especially with regard to Syria.”

Otherwise, “Moscow would lose a lot (of credibility) among the Arabs,” the Saudi foreign minister pointed out.

Russia has firmly and repeatedly opposed the Western countries’ stance on Syria and called for action in “an accurate, balanced manner” over the crisis in the Middle Eastern country.

Earlier in October and February 2011, Russia along with China vetoed two Western-backed UN Security Council draft resolutions against Syria.

Syria has been the scene of violence since March 2011. Many people, including security forces, have lost their lives in the unrest.

The Syrian government has embarked on a democratic reform plan, which took effect following the endorsement of the country’s new constitution in February 2011.

The constitution will allow political pluralism and will also enact a presidential limit of two seven-year terms.

This is while Saudi Arabia, a hereditary monarchy supported fully by the US, has never implemented any reforms in its political system.

Saudi Arabia is accused of funding terrorist operations and bombings in Syria, Iraq and other regional countries.


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