Six die in Cambodia factory collapse

The incident happened on Thursday in Kampong Speu Province, west of the capital, Phnom Penh.

“There were about a hundred people inside the factory when it collapsed at about 7 a.m.,” said trade union member, Sum Sokny.

She added that five women and one man died in the incident.

According to a report, about 50 people were trapped inside the single-storey building.

“I was so shocked… I saw blood in the debris,” Sokny said.

During the recent years, Cambodia’s shoe and garment sector has witnessed a rush of investment with its low-cost labor attracting Western and Asian firms.

Over half a million people are employed in the garment industry, which is Cambodia’s biggest employer and export earner. However, the minimum wage of workers rose in May from $61 to $75 a month.

The collapse of Thursday comes less than a month after a disastrous factory building collapse claimed more than 1,100 lives in Bangladesh.

On April 24, the eight-story building of the Rana Plaza garment factory in Savar, an industrial suburb of the capital, Dhaka, collapsed. More than 3,000 people, mainly young women workers, were in the building at the time of the collapse.

Bangladesh police have arrested 12 people, including four garment factory owners and the owner of the building, over allegations of forcing people to work on the day, despite the cracks that had appeared in the walls of the building a day before.

Factory workers held demonstrations following the incident, calling for tough punishment for those responsible for the tragedy. They also demanded better workplace safety regulations.


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Six die in Cambodia factory collapse

The incident happened on Thursday in Kampong Speu Province, west of the capital, Phnom Penh.

“There were about a hundred people inside the factory when it collapsed at about 7 a.m.,” said trade union member, Sum Sokny.

She added that five women and one man died in the incident.

According to a report, about 50 people were trapped inside the single-storey building.

“I was so shocked… I saw blood in the debris,” Sokny said.

During the recent years, Cambodia’s shoe and garment sector has witnessed a rush of investment with its low-cost labor attracting Western and Asian firms.

Over half a million people are employed in the garment industry, which is Cambodia’s biggest employer and export earner. However, the minimum wage of workers rose in May from $61 to $75 a month.

The collapse of Thursday comes less than a month after a disastrous factory building collapse claimed more than 1,100 lives in Bangladesh.

On April 24, the eight-story building of the Rana Plaza garment factory in Savar, an industrial suburb of the capital, Dhaka, collapsed. More than 3,000 people, mainly young women workers, were in the building at the time of the collapse.

Bangladesh police have arrested 12 people, including four garment factory owners and the owner of the building, over allegations of forcing people to work on the day, despite the cracks that had appeared in the walls of the building a day before.

Factory workers held demonstrations following the incident, calling for tough punishment for those responsible for the tragedy. They also demanded better workplace safety regulations.


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Six die in Cambodia factory collapse

The incident happened on Thursday in Kampong Speu Province, west of the capital, Phnom Penh.

“There were about a hundred people inside the factory when it collapsed at about 7 a.m.,” said trade union member, Sum Sokny.

She added that five women and one man died in the incident.

According to a report, about 50 people were trapped inside the single-storey building.

“I was so shocked… I saw blood in the debris,” Sokny said.

During the recent years, Cambodia’s shoe and garment sector has witnessed a rush of investment with its low-cost labor attracting Western and Asian firms.

Over half a million people are employed in the garment industry, which is Cambodia’s biggest employer and export earner. However, the minimum wage of workers rose in May from $61 to $75 a month.

The collapse of Thursday comes less than a month after a disastrous factory building collapse claimed more than 1,100 lives in Bangladesh.

On April 24, the eight-story building of the Rana Plaza garment factory in Savar, an industrial suburb of the capital, Dhaka, collapsed. More than 3,000 people, mainly young women workers, were in the building at the time of the collapse.

Bangladesh police have arrested 12 people, including four garment factory owners and the owner of the building, over allegations of forcing people to work on the day, despite the cracks that had appeared in the walls of the building a day before.

Factory workers held demonstrations following the incident, calling for tough punishment for those responsible for the tragedy. They also demanded better workplace safety regulations.


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