Social Programs can’t exist without Capitalism (or force)

Andrew Steele
America 20xy
October 7, 2011

When questioned last week by a reporter, filmmaker and activist Michael Moore– who has asserted himself as an unofficial voice for the “Occupy Wall Street” protests– dismissed the idea of pursuing the Federal Reserve as the main target of the protests, going on to issue a blanket attack on capitalism, claiming that it has to go.  This has raised understandable alarm in people with common sense.  Because of Moore’s prestige among many left leaning activists and the fact that the mainstream media has focused on those attacking capitalism to portray the abolition of it as the main demand of the protesters , Moore has an obligation to either clarify his statement or put it in some context that makes sense to thinking people, not just to adrenaline pumped college students swept up in the frenzy of rebellion for rebellion’s sake.

Defending social programs and using extreme examples of poor people who could use some money is not the same as saying that capitalism has to go, and certainly doesn’t justify the sentiment.  The question here is not whether citizens should pay for each others’ health care through taxes, or if the state should open an AIDS clinic or an orphanage.  The existence of government social programs, big or small, is not the opposite of capitalism, no matter how many people misguidedly believe this.

According to Wikipedia: Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit, usually in competitive markets”.

If you look at it like a coin, with capitalism being heads, then the the extreme opposite on tails would be a system in which there was absolutely no private property and the citizens were slaves of the state, given rations and assigned their roles in society.  Indeed, for big government social programs to exist, funding for them has to come from some source, whether it be tax revenue (heads) or force (tails).  Some may argue that the tails side is not government ownership of all property and labor through human slavery but simply no “property” at all, with people roaming the globe like stray dogs with no borders and no personal claim to any resources.  Needed professional roles in society would thus be filled voluntarily.   This Utopian notion that doctors are going to study for years to treat the sick or that nurses are going to change adult diapers for free because it’s their patriotic duty or the right thing to do for humanity wouldn’t deserve mention except for the fact that there are people who actually believe this and advocate the elimination of private property in favor of this society, which never has and never will exist.  The idea that people will be able to simply walk into gardens and take the stuff others planted without them getting mad about it is ridiculous.  Belief in the possibility of such a world is charming when it’s being shared by a 5th grader writing a poem for English class, but when it’s being espoused by a group of noisy adults with the ability to possibly influence a public shocked and awed by an economic meltdown, the obvious needs to be stated.   Defenders of this idea claim capitalism is against nature, but when I personally look at nature I see– amidst the beauty of the scenery– gazelles being ripped apart by hyenas and male gorillas getting in bloody fights with each other for the chance to dominate and rape the females of the group, as well as lead the pack.  Primitive human tribes made war with each other, but more importantly when war got old or too costly they settled for trading with one another in the first steps towards capitalism and human progress.  In order for that to happen there had be a recognition that one group had its private property and the other group had its own.

A government that protects property and human rights while at the same time not mutilating the human spirit that made us great and not turning us into mindless robots serving the state properly directs humanity’s (and really every animal’s) natural instinct to compete and better itself into avenues that are not violent.  People who claim that capitalism alone leads to imperial wars are being intellectually dishonest.  Indeed, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, and China invaded Tibet.  This doesn’t mean that controlled economies are the root of all wars and exploitation, either.  The real cause of wars is human greed, which will always exist, no matter how a society is structured.

Let’s be clear– greed, will never go away.  Ever.  The question then becomes how to reasonably limit its impact.

In a society where the government has no power to influence the economy in favor of one business over another, doesn’t have a monopoly on property, and actually follows the U.S.  Constitution (which it hasn’t for years), greed’s power is weakened.  On the opposite side, an omnipotent government that has no limitations on it and owns everything, will more quickly fall to the naturally selfish desires of the people (yes, don’t forget that governments are run by people, not gods) who control them.  In terms of the free range society described earlier that amazingly some adults actually take seriously, an honest assessment of one’s own past and one’s own personal desires, as well as humankind’s history from the dawn of man until now, will put this idea to rest.  The only way to enforce such a system is to lobotomize every person in it, thus begging the question of who gets to preserve their intelligence and humanity to perform the operations, creating classes and a control system in a supposedly “everybody is equal” paradise.

Protest is good, but only when protestors demand realistic solutions and know what the real problem is. A staged American “color revolution” like the fake ones that have already toppled governments in the Middle East is not a solution.  Restricting the ability of people to own their own means of production is not “progressive” and is not the next step in societal evolution, but rather a fainting fall backwards into the ancient days of human bondage and the total domination of man by a ruling, government selected elite.  Though the American standard of living is indeed diminishing fast because of overreaching government policies and corruption, those who argue that they are currently poverty stricken slaves because of capitalism while eating their pizza, cashing their taxpayer (a.k.a. people working in the free market) funded WIC checks, and chatting on their cell phones (cheap now because of the free market) have no idea just what real poor is (North Korea) or how bad it would get if the United States actually abolished capitalism.  To give into such demands is to give into insanity, and to play into the hands of those who would steer the angry mob towards their own aims and deliver us a new world order held tightly beneath their thumbs.

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27 Responses to “Social Programs can’t exist without Capitalism (or force)”


    This Is exactly What the country Needs- George Washingtom!

    “It’s what this country really need to bring change to the face of american politics- (period) – not the same old policy promoted by enslavement.”




    The True Articles of Confederation: not the tained version- nov. 1887. , by other groups.

    ”Signed by 435 members of the House of Representatives- Alexander Hamilton- Grant – JFK. They would all oppose the Nafta Trade – NWO- at least John Kennedy – he was murdered by the Wall Street thugs- and tainted journalism that covered up the truth.Listen to every president since the assignation of JFK. They all preach the very same thing- over and over- new world order- new world order- or mention “Nafta” several times; go ahead – listen to the speeches by all the presidents – and you’ll too’ discover the truth-corporate funded campaigning to get sure their agenda is passed when elected.

    Proudly have the American Flag – With The 50 Confederates Stars – and Don’t Tread On Me!!


    Show your support for the constitutional movement – coming to a city near you – A party.

    Constitutional Party: Ron Paul For President @ 2012 The sprit of 1776.

    New Market For Banners:

    The Campaign Funding- and get your patriotic T’ Shirt- and show your supoport with the Flag – of true states independence!!

    Proudly have the American Flag – With The 50 Confederates Stars – and Don’t Tread On Me!!

    Support Free Trade Enterprise-States Independence – elected representatives- and true electoral delegation
    By the People,

    The Clean Election Act.

    WE THE PEOPLE- BY ALL THE PEOPLE – Stop Nafta – Stop Corporate Funding of “tainted” Elections- by the people.

    Electronically Signed, Robert Lane Aiassa 10/07/2011

    Read more: h t t p ://w w w. fox news. com /us/2011/10/07/owners-zuccotti-park-says-conditions-unsanitary-from-wall-street-protests/#comment#ixzz1a7RYeTbl

  2. We all know someone or are related to someone who fought in, was killed or was affected by either the Vietnam War or the Korean Conflict. This was a fight against Communism. Now America is being turned into a socialist country (communism lite). Doesn’t anyone remember the American Dream?

  3. Socialists beg to be slaves.

    • It really looks like Canada is enslaved

      • Even more so than America.

  4. Those wallbagers are terrorists

  5. I’m sorry people… capitalism will fail. First off it encourages corruption because there will always exist a group that will eventually try to attain more than they should have… money, power, or objects… and if they desire them enough they will do whatever they need to to get it. Its obvious that this cycle keeps repeating itself in just about any ‘culture.’ Another thing is that we do not have an infinite amount of materials to support capitalism… especially in a growing populace. Take a hint from nature… successful organisms had worked together in order to ensure survival and by consequence the success of the species. The cells in our body had most likely absorbed a bacterium that we now call mitochondria. An atom works because of protons, electrons and neutrons. Anyone who thinks they can fight the natural order of our reality is a fool, and fools seem to dominate our planet today because they can’t suspend their beliefs and judgements because it would require them to question their own psychological conception and since this can be difficult… most just cower and lash out like an angry monkey when their conception is questioned. Realize this now… our species will fail and strangle itself if people don’t put aside their bias and push for an environment structured by critical thought and reason to better support our well being and brighten the futures of the generations to come. As far as having people do menial tasks… I’m sure there are enough engineers out there that could build a toilet that could wipe our butt and could ‘relieve’ us at the same time just by sitting down. Imagine being old and have the tools to be independent. You fools who are so quick to label ideas with a negative connotation … you are no better than the people that brought our country to this brink. I can promise this though… what is coming was caused by humans and just short of us working cohensively… there is nothing any group or person can fix alone. I see the U.S.A. going the way of the Roman empire. Prepare for a bumpy ride folks… because I have very little faith in humanity and I believe everyone’s fear, cowardess, and control issues will get the best of most and those with a backbone are going to suffer at the hands of the childish masses. I hope I am proven wrong but unless something cataclysmic happens… I doubt I will be.

    • You say… “there will always exist a group that will eventually try to attain more than they should have…”

      I’m sorry… is there a limit on what a person or group “should have”? And who makes up those rules? The poor? Those without? The lazy? Those with less? Those that feel as if they deserve entitlements?

      Nope… I don’t buy that comment.

  6. I do want to take exception to one quote in this article. it is the following.

    “Let’s be clear– greed, will never go away. Ever. The question then becomes how to reasonably limit its impact.”

    Greed can be a good thing. the author of this article has simplistic view of greed.

    Greed can fuel good or bad actions. Just as love, or religion, or many other things can. How many people have killed in the name of love or religion, etc? Point is just because greed produceds bad results doesnt mean its bad.

    greed means: excessive desire for money. (though i think the word excessive is a bit subjective)

    Now for example:

    greed can cause someone to steal, to rob, to cheat. But under our government these actions are punished severly, and rightly so.

    on the other hand, in a free market, with capitalism greed can cause someone to work hard, produce things, that others need, and then these people can become more rich than the ever could from stealing, robbing, or defrauding someone else.

    SO this greedy entrepreneure (sp) became wealthy, but in tern he provided goods, or services that we the market wanted! we are all better off. We exchanged our money for something we wanted, that he gave us. now he is rich.

    so my point is so what if this person is greedy. because of their greed my standard of living is better, nothing was stolen, and no one was ripped off.

    So greed can and does! cause people to work hard and improve their, and consequently my and your standard of living.

    so to say “The question then becomes how to reasonably limit its impact,” is wrong.

    the question really is how do we make the positive impact of capitalist greed limitless. Greed in free market capitalism is good not bad.

    the bad greed this author refers to is not free market capitalism, but theft.

  7. This actually is a good article that should stimulate good discussions… but unfortunately the world doesn’t have to have Capitalism in order to survive.

    What we should understand is that the Islamic system of finance already incorporates the welfare and social program aspect.

    Through Sharia, usury fees are eliminated but Zakat taxes in the form of fees ARE “forced” upon the people. And these Islamic committees set up to monitor these transactions, determine where the collected fees go.

    In the form of controlled government… the leaders of Islam know better than you on how to distribute funds. With no doubt, special interests.

    Face the fact… the masses are screaming for change. In the Middle East, Europe, America, Africa, Asia… where aren’t the voices being shouted?

    The blame is focused on the current governments and banking system… duh… it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that in order to implement a new system the masses need to believe there’s something completely wrong with the current ones.

    If you dare even slightly hint at working to correct the current system… you’d be shot down as being a Talmudic Zionist. Hence… the programming to brainwash has been quite effective.

    In the mean time the banking world and the world’s governments are being simultaneously adjusted to integrate a coming One World Governmental and Economical System that already exists.

    Out with the old ways… in with the new.

    The questions are… what’s that system? What system has been slowly defining itself behind the scenes for hundreds of years? For centuries? What system has all the answers to every bit of the world’s problems? Even telling a person which hand to use when wiping the ass clean of shit? What system gives all the power to government allowing the control of the masses through a program of “See something, Say Something”? What system incorporates a religious facet that fulfills prophetic signs of killing off those that don’t succumb to the same beliefs?

    The article shows that welfare and social programs can be supplied through “force”…

  8. “this isn’t about justice, it’s about order, it’s about who rules”
    Nothing is going to change that in human nature.
    “Everybody’s had to fight to be free.”
    Even the “moderators” of this site screw with the comment (or commenters) they do not
    approve of. (the old “I know better than you” routine), and them thump and stump about “freedom of speech.
    Everybody in someway or another is guilty.

    …sure there are assholes, fucking jackarsés, there always have been, but I believe the vast majority of “we the people” could rule themselves, given the chance.
    But “they” just can’t let that happen.

    • correction….comments and then….my flubs —-30—–

  9. Social programs can indeed exist without Capitalism. If people don’t know that, hit the library. If there are no good books on the shelf, use the Interlibrary Loan system. And this country can indeed educate every citizen if it desires and the citizen desires it.

  10. This is what Andrew Steele said: “The existence of government social programs, big or small, is not the opposite of capitalism, no matter how many people misguidedly believe this.” And that is total, unadulterated horseshit. Let’s take that apart:

    First of all … we need to rid ourselves of the term “capitalism.” Most usually, that term is confused with free enterprise and economic competition, but “capitalism” and free enterprise are two different things. Capitalism really means monopoly capitalism. Monopoly is monopoly, weather in the hands of private individuals or in the hands of the state. Eventually they become one and the same … either private individuals buy off the govt. apparatus and pass laws to hobble competition, and wind up owning the govt. or monopoly starts out in the hands of the state until those who control everything within govt. decide to “privatize” which means take ownership of what rightfully belongs to the people, and then use what is left of govt. to make sure that there is no competition. Either way, the people not on the inside of the scam get screwed.

    As far as various socialist programs within the US … first off, they didn’t just happen, and, secondly, people are not inherently liable to pay for them. No, there are very specific mechanisms. Really, when it comes down to social programs, there is pretty much one mechanism … Social Security. Participation in Social Security is, according to the slave enumeration bureau aka the Social Security Administration, “100% voluntary and NOT REQUIRED to live OR WORK in the United States.” In otherwords, an SSN is NOT REQUIRED to be hired. Furthermore, use of an SSN turns hire into “employment” and incurs liability for FICA, federal income tax, state income tax, local income tax, medicare, and, in the near future, Obamacare. No SSN use, no liability incurred. It is just that simple. So why is Andrew Steele full of horseshit? Since Social Security is 100% voluntary by law but enforced at a virtual 100% by the private sector via corporate policies, sometimes based on ignorance and fear, it is therefore true that the supposed “free enterprisers” or “capitalists” are the ones who, because of fear of the federal govt., ENFORCE everybody volunteering. In otherwords, forcing everyone to participate in social programs is the result of a govt./private sector partnership that tends to DESTROY free enterprise.

    The solution is a law that requires full disclosure anytime anyone anywhere for any reason asks for a socialist slavestate number.


    • sorry “capitalism” doesnt mean “monopoly capitalism” thats like saying “republic” equals “democratic republic.” Just because it sounds the same doesnt mean its the same.

      Capitalism is defined as: Private property used as the means of production.

      thats it. it doesnt mean monopoly. it doesnt mean what you are perverting it to mean. How does private property being used as the means of production equate to monopoly, why dont you tell me how it happens? explain to me this slippery slope?

      I can tell you one way it happens and it isnt from a free market. Its from the use of force or coresion from the government, not from competition in a free market.

  11. ter·ror·ism   /ˈtɛrəˌrɪzəm/ Show Spelled[ter-uh-riz-uhm] Show IPA
    1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
    2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
    3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

  12. So that was Michael Moore before he became a bloated gas bag, huh ?

  13. Yeah, your definition of “Capitalism” is utopian, has such a thing as a truly “Free” market ever existed? Do you the lowly reader of InfoWars in your mom’s basement think you have what it takes to take on the Koch Bros.? When the Federal Reserve is abolished like you want it, do you think Chase Bank will be kind and humanitarian when the bankrupt federal gov’t needs a bailout from them? And gee it sure was nice for the Gov’t to bail out all those banks in order for the banks to take over America.
    Keep hittin’ that glass pipe and keep reading InfoWars you deluded children, yeah, maybe someday a “Free Market” will just come into being at the hands of such selfless benefactors as the American Oligarchy, right after Jesus returns to take you to Fairyland.

    • Bailing out the big banks has NOTHING to do with capitalism.
      But, if you weren’t such a DUMBASS you might know that was corporatist using what they’ve taken over to their advantage, not yours or mine.

      Keep being the DUMBASS TROLL you are, one day you will find them not allowing you to keep on, at ANYTHING.

    • Thanks for the emotive rhetoric, but it sounds like you have been hitting the glass pipe.

      “Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit, usually in competitive markets.” you might want to read that again becuse that is exactly what capitalism is and has always been. You are using biased, loaded emotive, vague language like “utopian” to try to discredit capitalism without even saying anything about it.

      so in capitalism you can use your private property any way you see fit as long as you dont violate the rights of other people in the process.

      A free market (which is different from capitalism) is a market in which people can exchange their private property freely (with out government or private interference).

      So free market capitalism this means that you own your property and get to use it freely to make more goods or create services (as long as you are not violating anyone elses rights in the process). Then exchange it for other property or services FREELY!

      In this system the government is to protect you from fraud, or force (theft violence etc) from other people, and to protect other people from you if you are hurting them. That is the only thing the government needs to do in capitalism.

      Furthermore, if the fed were abolished the federal government would not need “a bail out.” its the federal government, it will just raise taxes or sell treasuries. But this would take a long time. Also the public will not put up with high taxes for too long, and serious investers are not going to waste money on T-bills that have no value because the government is broke. SO in both situations, the federal government would have to…. decrease its size. With the FED it can get perpetually larger.

      Also, your statement presupposes that its a bad thing if the fed goes away, it also presupposes that the government will need a bail out because it will continue to do what it has been doing. Well i challenge that statement. Why should the government continue to do what it is doing. WHY WHY WHY? Why not suppose instead that if the FED is abolished then the government will go back to following the limited actions prescribed in the constitution.

      Also under free market capitalism the government cannot bail anyone out. in a free market there is no interference. If a bank or company fails, they fail and someone else that is more enterprising, someone that will use money in a more productive way than the failed company will come and do what the other company failed to do, and they will do it better.

      Also the free market can just return. Thats what people at inforwars teach, the mises institute teaches, the campaign for liberty works towards, the tea party (ron paul one). Nothing ever just happens on its own, no one is living in a fairyland. We know it takes work, perhaps you dont understand that.

      You have advocated nothing, offered no solutions, and above all really said nothing of substance. You attacked capitalism and and said some vague things. I dont think you deserve a response, but for those that will read your garbage, I think they need a view that isnt as poisionous.

  14. Thanks for this article! Our government is way out of control!

  15. and just how are you going to stop them? by setting and typing mindless dribble on a meaningless website. or go out with a sign and protest and run the risk of being beaten or arrested what are you willing to risk for freedom? i bet not a goddamn thing.




  17. Great article. I got a letter from planned parenthood last week asking for money to help fight the “extremists”. I think planned parenthood has the right idea. Instead of suckling the government teat, they should be a organization funded through donations as opposed to endorsed and bankrolled government. Until the Government gets it hands out of every facet of our existence, we can never be free as a people.


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