Sources Inside Bilderberg Spill Cabal’s Secret Plans

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Location and details of “Palm Tree Conference” confirmed

Paul Joseph Watson
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Alex Jones has developed two sources within the Bilderberg Group who have confirmed that the secretive cabal is meeting at the Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles hotel in Chantilly, Virginia from May 31st to June 3rd, with further revelations about Bilderberg’s 2012 agenda to follow.

Jones said he was “contacted by somebody inside Bilderberg” two years ago and that he also developed another source intimately connected to the organization within the last week.

The code name for the 2012 Bilderberg meeting is the “Palm Tree Conference,” the source revealed to Jones. Over the last two days, Bilderberg members have been responding to their invitations and confirming their attendance at the 2012 confab, which will definitely take place at the Westfields Marriott. When calling the hotel, invitees use the code words “Palm Tree Conference” to signal their attendance and book their room. The hotel is closed to all other guests during the Bilderberg Group meeting and has no rooms available on its website for the duration of the confab.

Sources from inside Bilderberg routinely leak the group’s agenda and discussion topics to veteran American Free Press Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker. With Jones having developed even more sources inside the group, expect Infowars to obtain an even greater depth of understanding about how the secretive cabal plans to steer the globe over the next 12 months.

Alex Jones reiterates his call for demonstrators to descend on Chantilly to peacefully protest the group’s meeting at the end of the month. As we previously documented, the ‘Occupy Bilderberg’ movement is gaining steam, with a Facebook Group, a website and a deluge of activists committed to exposing the group’s power and demanding adequate mainstream media coverage of Bilderberg 2012.

Jones emphasizes that the protests should be vocal but peaceful, pointing out that the police presence at the meeting will be low key because Bilderberg does not want to draw attention to itself.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

We urge as many people as possible to travel to Virginia at the end of the month to do what the mainstream media habitually fails to accomplish – speaking truth to power and demanding answers as to why Bilderberg attendees think they can break their own country’s laws, such as the Logan Act in America and its equivalents elsewhere, by meeting secretly with foreign agents while serving in public office.

As we have exhaustively documented (see here), there are numerous examples to illustrate the fact that Bilderberg is not merely a “talking shop” as some in the corporate press frame it, but a venue where consensus is formed for the implementation of both national and geopolitical policies with no regard whatsoever for the democratic will of the people.

The latest example was a Washington Post admission that the Bilderberg Group grooms vice-presidential candidates before they are selected.

If enough people show up to protest Bilderberg, it will force the U.S. media to cover the story and in turn create what Bilderberg fears the most – public exposure.

Demonstration times and meeting points will be clearly listed on this website well in advance of the beginning of the protest. The primary demonstration, during which Alex Jones will bullhorn Bilderberg, will take place at 6pm on Saturday June 2nd.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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43 Responses to “Sources Inside Bilderberg Spill Cabal’s Secret Plans”

  1. Sources from inside Bilderberg routinely leak the group’s agenda and discussion topics to veteran American Free Press Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker.

    if they routinely leak information to this guy , are they using him as a disinformation agent ?

    RiverRat Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 4:59 am

    That sounds like a very good possibility, hammerhead. If I’m discussing world domination, I’m not exactly gonna spill the beans to some asshole in the press.

    truthnow Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 6:31 am

    rent a tent … lol … it rymes. They have nowhere to go afterwards …

    HuntJon Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 8:28 am

    my best friend’s aunt makes $81 every hour on the laptop. She has been unemployed for 7 months but last month her income was $20553 just working on the laptop for a few hours. Here’s the site to read more CashLazy.c om

    Quantummonkeybutt. Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 1:27 pm

    Eh? What’s That Monkey Boy? I Just Love Me Some Juicy CheeseBilderbergers.

    The Great SATAN Loves Smackin’ On Some Berger Snacks.

    The Russians Are Invading, Monkey Boy. Better Hunker Down.


    Layin’ down
    the patties
    on the grill

    trouble8696 Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 10:18 am

    Go easy guys…Jim Tucker devoted much of his life trying to stake out the Bilderberg Group…We are talking about a group of DEVILS…who think…They have the Power to Decide …How 99% of us Live How we are suppose to DIE…They are playing gods…Items that are expected to be discussed at the Chantilly, Virginia, meeting include the coming war in IRAN , Internet censorship, Agenda 21, the climate change agenda, and much more…It concerns all of us… 99%… It’s not likely that the Bilderberg Group will be arrested for their criminal acts, but this will bring a lot of attention to their EVIL wrongdoings… A lot of peoples’ attitudes towards groups like Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission are very worrying… Me asked one person what he thought of them and he said …I don’t keep up with conspiracy theories…Imagine…From the writings, speeches, documents of Freemasons and Illuminati, and members of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group, it becomes unmistakebly clear that WARS , conflicts, revolutions, genocides, pandemics, epidemics, plagues, famines, shortages, terrorism, chaos, disorders, panics and scares, economic depressions, stock market crashes, banking collapses have to be found, or, if not found, created and spread… However deplorable these events are and however criminal the activities to create these man-made events are from the common man’s view, they are necessary for these elites to set up the One-World Government …

  2. I called TODAY to “book” a reservation. They told me that the hotel IS COMPLETELY sold out.
    So there you have it……Good Job Alex…stay on top of this!!

  3. It doesn’t matter how many people show up to protest. It will get as much coverage as the veterans who marched to D.C. in support of Ron Paul. They only cover what they wanna cover.

    Bubbles Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 6:44 am

    That’s a ‘give up’ attitude right there. If everyone thought like you did, nothing would ever get done. The mainstream media doesn’t have to air this. The people will via internet, phone calls, etc. How do you think Prison Planet has become so popular? They can run, but they can never hide. People will find out. They always do. We just need to keep passing the word around.

    The time is NOW Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 9:28 am

    I’m not sure that RiverRat was being so negative. I think he/she has a good point.

    We can expect that the MSM will try to play this as low key as possible, if at all. Having this in mind it might be a good idea to already plan to get it to go viral.

    If we had a real system of justice (or people willing and knowledgeable enough to arrest them, that would be the most correct thing to do.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 10:21 am

    Remember when nobody could figure out where Hellary and Osimba went ?

    They both “disappeared” during the Bilderberg event where Osimba was selected.

    Look for Willard and Osimba to “disappear” during the upcoming Bilderberg event

    where one will get the thumbs up…or down…the selection will be made there.

    hammerhead Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 11:06 am

    @ peace frog – if they disappear anywhere it will be under the table at the convention , gagging and choking and pleading to be allowed to remain and or attain power.

    RealityBase Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 1:05 pm

    Or, they’ll do a puff piece on it and spin it that this is where world domination conspiracies are hatched to discredit the importance, just so they can say they covered it. That’s what they’ve done before.

  4. Peaceful protest??! Why the hell should it be peaceful? Has what the Bilderbergs done to the people and environment of this planet been peaceful?
    They’ve been slaughtering us and at what point do we defend ourselves and return the favor?
    Do you peacefully protest the burglar who’s got his gun, stealing your shit and raping your wife?
    These psychopathic scumbags don’t deserve peace or mercy.


    Lexington, ky

    captain obvious Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 5:30 am

    I agree, arrest by whatever means necessary, same for NATO.

    Before the Fall Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 7:37 am

    Great post!

    The time is NOW Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 9:35 am

    Yes. You are correct.

    poison food
    poison medicine
    robbing the populace
    poisoning the waters

    I wonder what the world would be like without these scum. I wonder how many children have died for their wars, how much younger we will all die because of their continuous poisoning of the populace,

    I wonder how to stop them.

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 10:46 am

    infiltrate the army

  5. over at infowars I found the contribution from – a must read –

    Isn’t this the hint to be implemented to the global jubilee procedure in one form or another?
    Details can be worked out.

    The site is a treasure for solution seekers. Adjustments for a global jubilee would mean WWIII without victims and all are winners.
    They did a lot of great work there on that site.



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    The public should not pay for the risk individuals and corporations take and people should not be lured into debt they cannot repay. The failure to allocate risk correctly makes the usury financial system a domain for opportunistic exploiters of information [+]. Interest is an allowance for risk, so abolishing usury reduces the level of risk in the financial system [+].

    Charging interest on money or usury is a common underlying cause of cause of many destructive developments, such as the depletion of natural resources, poverty, social disintegration, the destruction of eco systems and the financial crisis [+].

    The superior efficiency of Natural Money will end the current financial system in competition [+]. Experiments in the past were a success [+] and a similar financial system has operated in Egypt for more than a thousand years [+] but the potential was not seen. The Basic Banking System is now available to support a new financial system based on Natural Money [+].

    truthnow Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 6:07 am

    … in another instance I observed the practice of the “Dulous”, a ship that cruised the oceans with young people from various Nations on board and to sell “GBA”-”Good Books For All” or “Gute Buecher fuer Alle”

    The captain invited me and showed me around the ship, also parts were common visitors were not allowed to go.

    What got my main attention was the way the made the pricing for the books(the only merchandise, apart from a few refreshments and snacks). They converted currencies into units(still the name of the currency you can pay on the ship) and by using a certain parameter which made different prices in different location. For example, a book that costs in Germany the equivalent of 20$ would be in Vietnam 4 $ and so forth.

    Hope they’re still cruising …

  6. Can’t wait to see what Bilderberg has planned for the rest of this year and next. With so much going on in the world, they can pick and choose which events suit them and the grand plan best. And we will see if what they leak is real or disinformation. Tim will tell.

    truthnow Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 6:27 am

    they may well end up in re-education camps.
    There’s a famous proverb –

    Wer anderen eine Grube gräbt, fällt selbst hinein
    Harm set, harm get

    Tom Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 2:25 pm

    Don’t trust Tim.

  7. in their defense; if i were rich and powerful, i’d definitely get together with my rich, powerful pals and try to solve some of the crisis that gov has either created or is too weak or greedy to resolve… the super-rich realize that there is nowhere to hide from over-population and the slow, steady degradation of our planet. they probably do have distain for the moron masses but so do i. now, do i trust them? NO! but i don’t trust my elected officials either and the more i speak to ‘the common man’ the more depressed i get about the future of the earth…. if builderbergers are reading this forum, here’s my recommendation:

    cull the population by 4 billion people asap. murder, genocide, whatever but start in Haiti.

    stop deforestation.

    end nuclear power. there is no safe disposal for the waste and without gov subsidies it can’t compete in the market.

    accidental nuclear war is currently the greatest threat to intelligent life on earth. get the moron leaders together to work something out….

    tell the oil barons to stop their monopoly scam. oil is not a fossil fuel nor is it scarce. opening the spigot will jumpstart economies of the world, then concentrate on clean-burning engines and eventually alternative energy sources that do NOT include nuclear.

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 6:47 am


    “cull the population by 4 billion people asap. murder, genocide, whatever but start in Haiti.”

    Kill yourself then you sick racist malthusian shit for brains

    Dandroid Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 7:36 am


    Let the culling start…you first

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 10:18 am


    lizardslayer Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 7:43 am


    First off, for you to even believe that the world is overpopulated shows how asleep you really are! We have plenty of resouces to feed everyone on this planet, as long as the corporate/government stayed the hell out of farmers business and let them farm.

    To give your idiotic statement some credit though. You are right about the nuclear power!

    Now!!! Please send me your info so I can buy you a one way ticket to Haiti!!!

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 10:22 am










  9. Just as the lion depends on the old or sick members of the herd to catch as their prey, these self appointed “elite” need for us to age and sicken to allow them to prey upon and weaken us, mentally as well as physically. Obamacare will rake in billions for them.

    If the herd is too healthy, it is almost impossible to catch prey. So, in order for the NWO to survive, it is necessary for a large number of the herd to be vunerable to attack.

    We need to start taking care of ourselves and our health. We need to keep ourselves healthy and less vulerable to their attacks. Otherwise, our herd will be more easily controlled.

    Protect your immune system, protect your brain and body. We have allowed them open access to poisioning us through our eating habits. Most Americans are not stupid, nor lazy, they are being tranquilzed.

    Fortify your temple, it has been created to with stand their attacks.

  10. Total shit…..easing, what we are going to do to you.

  11. Oh my God,just plain bogus about Bilderberg here
    Those people dont care what we say they just go ahead with their plans
    What makes you think they will be scared about Alex Jones writing whatever online
    Its just like dogs barking at the moon-nobody cares

    Peace Frog Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 10:26 am

    until they come to your door…yes…nobody cares…not called sheeple for nothing

    TheRealJoker Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 10:52 am

    Then we should make them scared. How to do that – I leave that up to your discretion.
    But you could:
    Build an organization with members who have absolute dedication to the directed cause. Members who will give blood oaths with risk to their souls and lives if such oaths are disregarded. You could build an orginization that eventually becomes intertwined within governments, businesses and other organizations (clubs, churches, etc..). You build an organization that is unheard of and unknown but vehemently feared. But unlike the genocidal organizations you intend on fighting your organization must stand for truth, fairness and freedom. How members of these evil organizations have succeeded in their personal success and become immensely influential is that they have eradicated all doubt in themselves. They whole heartedly believe in what they are doing without reservation. And members of your organization must have that level of dedication as well.

  12. Hope all info warriors have a H A P P Y B I L D E R B E R G Day
    Please! keep it peaceful

    They the warmongers. CANT cope with peaceful protest
    nor can they cope with humour

    Perhaps someone could pen a funny Bilderberg song for protesters to sing to the participants!!!!!!

    TheRealJoker Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 11:20 am

    Yes they can cope with us and our humor. They simple install better sound proof glass, order the MSM to ignore us, have youtube pull video after video that we upload and release massive amounts of disinformation. What they do fear is a lack of knowledge. A lack of knowledge in who we are and what we plan on doing. Don’t think for an instance that they haven’t planned on us having protests and that they don’t know the size of the protest. Don’t think for an instance they are not following our online comments and make assessments and redirects on such information. For the most part we only know what they want us to know and that’s the rub of it all. Every time someone thinks they have found some succulent piece of infomation we don’t see the fact that it is their hands that are feeding it to us. If you wanna fight these guys you have to go silent in the knowledge you obtain about them because all they do is record, observe and adjust. They’ve been doing this for a long time and know how to play the game. They have toned their tactics to a fine edge and we have to learn the same techniques. You must abstain from allowing ourselves to divulge information that does nothing but inflate our egos and reveal to them what we know. We must stop trying to lead the masses (herd) in a positive direction and start to instead drive or stampede them. That is possibly the must powerful tool our enemies understand. It is easier to control through fear and doubt than to convince and teach. It has been proven in studies that humans react to negative influences three times more than positive ones. That flight is so much more powerful as a response than fight. It’s time to start playing chess and leave checkers to the children.

  13. these dildobergers cant control themselves,they make illmoral look moral.those who want control usually cant control themselves.

  14. goal

    to control the very last spirit human being and declare the person as nuts crimial and evil
    to make each one of us tiered with haarp and poisen food, montsanto and eugenic and injections and heavy metals , fluorid and pestizides
    to make half of us sick and we wont even have money and means to cure us
    to enslave all of us with chip number and when we resist to make us fall on the streets – just like that
    to hold us in fear and those who are not afraid will listen some devise in their brains or get automatic silenced or loudly .
    to make us automatic happy and screw like rabbits when we are supposed to be fertile and when we are not a danger to their genetic planning
    to make us impotent and sterilise us by force either we like it or not
    to make half from us
    and one half eventually the dumped down half wont even realised and remember when they barried y their sisters and brothers in coffins because
    they will wash our memories out and feeling for comonsence and rigth and wrong

    what else you expect ??????

    make national mormon day with coffins for liberty
    and used black t- shirts freedom dead
    because very soon it will like I am forecasting
    exactly like that
    and you wont even remember my line and eventually neither me
    and they will read our minds ,control memories and manipulate what never was done before
    our hearts and feelings our good given gift of love

    I am deeply sorry for all of us
    and my condolence in andvance for those who wont make it.



  15. Perhaps we could launch a psyop on these superstitious people, a la “Jericho”

    Bring your trumpets, march around the place once each hour in silence, then blow all the trumpets on the last round.

    That’s not a Biblically faithful reconstruction, but I bet they would try hard to stop us on the 6th pass!

    Like the “V” developed to swallow Hitler’s upraised phallus.

  16. Whatever we do, it’s important to convince the sheeple that the Bilderberg group is a real threat to our freedoms and the sovereignty of the United States. Convince the people that the Bilderberg group is REAL and reveal what their plans are. Keep the protests civil, stay calm, and give these scumbags all the exposure we can. Only by waking up the sleeping masses can we hope to foil their insane plans.

  17. very interesting bilderberg leaks, if I recall last time they left early to avoid arrests, it violates The Logan Act
    probally whole load of other laws.

    knowing the Nwo they may setup a decoy to distract people, the one thing these people fear is public exposer
    that’s why occupy wall st got almost no coverage occupyers were brutilizied by bad cops.I guess they never read
    The parrable of the Tares …

  18. It’s such a tempting thing though, they’re meeting in the USA, the country with the most armed patriots, the best trained, the most able, the most numerous and the closest to a new freedom revolution. Are they tempting the patriots to attack them? Are they just completely delusional or expect that they will be left in peace?

    I don’t know. I don’t want to call for anything violent, nor I will, but having practically all the real monopoly men, the guys that are directly, fully responsible for the suffering of the past century and beyond, all together with just meagre security discussing how to kill and enslave everyone, it’s too good to be true for those that wish to resist it.

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Sources Inside Bilderberg Spill Cabal’s Secret Plans

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Location and details of “Palm Tree Conference” confirmed

Paul Joseph Watson
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Alex Jones has developed two sources within the Bilderberg Group who have confirmed that the secretive cabal is meeting at the Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles hotel in Chantilly, Virginia from May 31st to June 3rd, with further revelations about Bilderberg’s 2012 agenda to follow.

Jones said he was “contacted by somebody inside Bilderberg” two years ago and that he also developed another source intimately connected to the organization within the last week.

The code name for the 2012 Bilderberg meeting is the “Palm Tree Conference,” the source revealed to Jones. Over the last two days, Bilderberg members have been responding to their invitations and confirming their attendance at the 2012 confab, which will definitely take place at the Westfields Marriott. When calling the hotel, invitees use the code words “Palm Tree Conference” to signal their attendance and book their room. The hotel is closed to all other guests during the Bilderberg Group meeting and has no rooms available on its website for the duration of the confab.

Sources from inside Bilderberg routinely leak the group’s agenda and discussion topics to veteran American Free Press Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker. With Jones having developed even more sources inside the group, expect Infowars to obtain an even greater depth of understanding about how the secretive cabal plans to steer the globe over the next 12 months.

Alex Jones reiterates his call for demonstrators to descend on Chantilly to peacefully protest the group’s meeting at the end of the month. As we previously documented, the ‘Occupy Bilderberg’ movement is gaining steam, with a Facebook Group, a website and a deluge of activists committed to exposing the group’s power and demanding adequate mainstream media coverage of Bilderberg 2012.

Jones emphasizes that the protests should be vocal but peaceful, pointing out that the police presence at the meeting will be low key because Bilderberg does not want to draw attention to itself.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

We urge as many people as possible to travel to Virginia at the end of the month to do what the mainstream media habitually fails to accomplish – speaking truth to power and demanding answers as to why Bilderberg attendees think they can break their own country’s laws, such as the Logan Act in America and its equivalents elsewhere, by meeting secretly with foreign agents while serving in public office.

As we have exhaustively documented (see here), there are numerous examples to illustrate the fact that Bilderberg is not merely a “talking shop” as some in the corporate press frame it, but a venue where consensus is formed for the implementation of both national and geopolitical policies with no regard whatsoever for the democratic will of the people.

The latest example was a Washington Post admission that the Bilderberg Group grooms vice-presidential candidates before they are selected.

If enough people show up to protest Bilderberg, it will force the U.S. media to cover the story and in turn create what Bilderberg fears the most – public exposure.

Demonstration times and meeting points will be clearly listed on this website well in advance of the beginning of the protest. The primary demonstration, during which Alex Jones will bullhorn Bilderberg, will take place at 6pm on Saturday June 2nd.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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43 Responses to “Sources Inside Bilderberg Spill Cabal’s Secret Plans”

  1. Sources from inside Bilderberg routinely leak the group’s agenda and discussion topics to veteran American Free Press Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker.

    if they routinely leak information to this guy , are they using him as a disinformation agent ?

    RiverRat Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 4:59 am

    That sounds like a very good possibility, hammerhead. If I’m discussing world domination, I’m not exactly gonna spill the beans to some asshole in the press.

    truthnow Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 6:31 am

    rent a tent … lol … it rymes. They have nowhere to go afterwards …

    HuntJon Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 8:28 am

    my best friend’s aunt makes $81 every hour on the laptop. She has been unemployed for 7 months but last month her income was $20553 just working on the laptop for a few hours. Here’s the site to read more CashLazy.c om

    Quantummonkeybutt. Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 1:27 pm

    Eh? What’s That Monkey Boy? I Just Love Me Some Juicy CheeseBilderbergers.

    The Great SATAN Loves Smackin’ On Some Berger Snacks.

    The Russians Are Invading, Monkey Boy. Better Hunker Down.


    Layin’ down
    the patties
    on the grill

    trouble8696 Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 10:18 am

    Go easy guys…Jim Tucker devoted much of his life trying to stake out the Bilderberg Group…We are talking about a group of DEVILS…who think…They have the Power to Decide …How 99% of us Live How we are suppose to DIE…They are playing gods…Items that are expected to be discussed at the Chantilly, Virginia, meeting include the coming war in IRAN , Internet censorship, Agenda 21, the climate change agenda, and much more…It concerns all of us… 99%… It’s not likely that the Bilderberg Group will be arrested for their criminal acts, but this will bring a lot of attention to their EVIL wrongdoings… A lot of peoples’ attitudes towards groups like Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission are very worrying… Me asked one person what he thought of them and he said …I don’t keep up with conspiracy theories…Imagine…From the writings, speeches, documents of Freemasons and Illuminati, and members of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group, it becomes unmistakebly clear that WARS , conflicts, revolutions, genocides, pandemics, epidemics, plagues, famines, shortages, terrorism, chaos, disorders, panics and scares, economic depressions, stock market crashes, banking collapses have to be found, or, if not found, created and spread… However deplorable these events are and however criminal the activities to create these man-made events are from the common man’s view, they are necessary for these elites to set up the One-World Government …

  2. I called TODAY to “book” a reservation. They told me that the hotel IS COMPLETELY sold out.
    So there you have it……Good Job Alex…stay on top of this!!

  3. It doesn’t matter how many people show up to protest. It will get as much coverage as the veterans who marched to D.C. in support of Ron Paul. They only cover what they wanna cover.

    Bubbles Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 6:44 am

    That’s a ‘give up’ attitude right there. If everyone thought like you did, nothing would ever get done. The mainstream media doesn’t have to air this. The people will via internet, phone calls, etc. How do you think Prison Planet has become so popular? They can run, but they can never hide. People will find out. They always do. We just need to keep passing the word around.

    The time is NOW Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 9:28 am

    I’m not sure that RiverRat was being so negative. I think he/she has a good point.

    We can expect that the MSM will try to play this as low key as possible, if at all. Having this in mind it might be a good idea to already plan to get it to go viral.

    If we had a real system of justice (or people willing and knowledgeable enough to arrest them, that would be the most correct thing to do.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 10:21 am

    Remember when nobody could figure out where Hellary and Osimba went ?

    They both “disappeared” during the Bilderberg event where Osimba was selected.

    Look for Willard and Osimba to “disappear” during the upcoming Bilderberg event

    where one will get the thumbs up…or down…the selection will be made there.

    hammerhead Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 11:06 am

    @ peace frog – if they disappear anywhere it will be under the table at the convention , gagging and choking and pleading to be allowed to remain and or attain power.

    RealityBase Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 1:05 pm

    Or, they’ll do a puff piece on it and spin it that this is where world domination conspiracies are hatched to discredit the importance, just so they can say they covered it. That’s what they’ve done before.

  4. Peaceful protest??! Why the hell should it be peaceful? Has what the Bilderbergs done to the people and environment of this planet been peaceful?
    They’ve been slaughtering us and at what point do we defend ourselves and return the favor?
    Do you peacefully protest the burglar who’s got his gun, stealing your shit and raping your wife?
    These psychopathic scumbags don’t deserve peace or mercy.


    Lexington, ky

    captain obvious Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 5:30 am

    I agree, arrest by whatever means necessary, same for NATO.

    Before the Fall Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 7:37 am

    Great post!

    The time is NOW Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 9:35 am

    Yes. You are correct.

    poison food
    poison medicine
    robbing the populace
    poisoning the waters

    I wonder what the world would be like without these scum. I wonder how many children have died for their wars, how much younger we will all die because of their continuous poisoning of the populace,

    I wonder how to stop them.

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 10:46 am

    infiltrate the army

  5. over at infowars I found the contribution from – a must read –

    Isn’t this the hint to be implemented to the global jubilee procedure in one form or another?
    Details can be worked out.

    The site is a treasure for solution seekers. Adjustments for a global jubilee would mean WWIII without victims and all are winners.
    They did a lot of great work there on that site.



    Natural Money is the most efficient type of money. With Natural Money there will be constant economic growth without crisis [+]. Unemployment will end [+]. Sustainable investments will be encouraged [+] so Natural Money will make humanity ready for the energy limits of the future.

    Local production and consumption are more efficient by default as they require less energy. Only because interest on money favours inefficient large scale centralised organisations, small organisations and local production appear to be less efficient [+].

    The public should not pay for the risk individuals and corporations take and people should not be lured into debt they cannot repay. The failure to allocate risk correctly makes the usury financial system a domain for opportunistic exploiters of information [+]. Interest is an allowance for risk, so abolishing usury reduces the level of risk in the financial system [+].

    Charging interest on money or usury is a common underlying cause of cause of many destructive developments, such as the depletion of natural resources, poverty, social disintegration, the destruction of eco systems and the financial crisis [+].

    The superior efficiency of Natural Money will end the current financial system in competition [+]. Experiments in the past were a success [+] and a similar financial system has operated in Egypt for more than a thousand years [+] but the potential was not seen. The Basic Banking System is now available to support a new financial system based on Natural Money [+].

    truthnow Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 6:07 am

    … in another instance I observed the practice of the “Dulous”, a ship that cruised the oceans with young people from various Nations on board and to sell “GBA”-”Good Books For All” or “Gute Buecher fuer Alle”

    The captain invited me and showed me around the ship, also parts were common visitors were not allowed to go.

    What got my main attention was the way the made the pricing for the books(the only merchandise, apart from a few refreshments and snacks). They converted currencies into units(still the name of the currency you can pay on the ship) and by using a certain parameter which made different prices in different location. For example, a book that costs in Germany the equivalent of 20$ would be in Vietnam 4 $ and so forth.

    Hope they’re still cruising …

  6. Can’t wait to see what Bilderberg has planned for the rest of this year and next. With so much going on in the world, they can pick and choose which events suit them and the grand plan best. And we will see if what they leak is real or disinformation. Tim will tell.

    truthnow Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 6:27 am

    they may well end up in re-education camps.
    There’s a famous proverb –

    Wer anderen eine Grube gräbt, fällt selbst hinein
    Harm set, harm get

    Tom Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 2:25 pm

    Don’t trust Tim.

  7. in their defense; if i were rich and powerful, i’d definitely get together with my rich, powerful pals and try to solve some of the crisis that gov has either created or is too weak or greedy to resolve… the super-rich realize that there is nowhere to hide from over-population and the slow, steady degradation of our planet. they probably do have distain for the moron masses but so do i. now, do i trust them? NO! but i don’t trust my elected officials either and the more i speak to ‘the common man’ the more depressed i get about the future of the earth…. if builderbergers are reading this forum, here’s my recommendation:

    cull the population by 4 billion people asap. murder, genocide, whatever but start in Haiti.

    stop deforestation.

    end nuclear power. there is no safe disposal for the waste and without gov subsidies it can’t compete in the market.

    accidental nuclear war is currently the greatest threat to intelligent life on earth. get the moron leaders together to work something out….

    tell the oil barons to stop their monopoly scam. oil is not a fossil fuel nor is it scarce. opening the spigot will jumpstart economies of the world, then concentrate on clean-burning engines and eventually alternative energy sources that do NOT include nuclear.

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 6:47 am


    “cull the population by 4 billion people asap. murder, genocide, whatever but start in Haiti.”

    Kill yourself then you sick racist malthusian shit for brains

    Dandroid Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 7:36 am


    Let the culling start…you first

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 10:18 am


    lizardslayer Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 7:43 am


    First off, for you to even believe that the world is overpopulated shows how asleep you really are! We have plenty of resouces to feed everyone on this planet, as long as the corporate/government stayed the hell out of farmers business and let them farm.

    To give your idiotic statement some credit though. You are right about the nuclear power!

    Now!!! Please send me your info so I can buy you a one way ticket to Haiti!!!

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 10:22 am










  9. Just as the lion depends on the old or sick members of the herd to catch as their prey, these self appointed “elite” need for us to age and sicken to allow them to prey upon and weaken us, mentally as well as physically. Obamacare will rake in billions for them.

    If the herd is too healthy, it is almost impossible to catch prey. So, in order for the NWO to survive, it is necessary for a large number of the herd to be vunerable to attack.

    We need to start taking care of ourselves and our health. We need to keep ourselves healthy and less vulerable to their attacks. Otherwise, our herd will be more easily controlled.

    Protect your immune system, protect your brain and body. We have allowed them open access to poisioning us through our eating habits. Most Americans are not stupid, nor lazy, they are being tranquilzed.

    Fortify your temple, it has been created to with stand their attacks.

  10. Total shit…..easing, what we are going to do to you.

  11. Oh my God,just plain bogus about Bilderberg here
    Those people dont care what we say they just go ahead with their plans
    What makes you think they will be scared about Alex Jones writing whatever online
    Its just like dogs barking at the moon-nobody cares

    Peace Frog Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 10:26 am

    until they come to your door…yes…nobody cares…not called sheeple for nothing

    TheRealJoker Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 10:52 am

    Then we should make them scared. How to do that – I leave that up to your discretion.
    But you could:
    Build an organization with members who have absolute dedication to the directed cause. Members who will give blood oaths with risk to their souls and lives if such oaths are disregarded. You could build an orginization that eventually becomes intertwined within governments, businesses and other organizations (clubs, churches, etc..). You build an organization that is unheard of and unknown but vehemently feared. But unlike the genocidal organizations you intend on fighting your organization must stand for truth, fairness and freedom. How members of these evil organizations have succeeded in their personal success and become immensely influential is that they have eradicated all doubt in themselves. They whole heartedly believe in what they are doing without reservation. And members of your organization must have that level of dedication as well.

  12. Hope all info warriors have a H A P P Y B I L D E R B E R G Day
    Please! keep it peaceful

    They the warmongers. CANT cope with peaceful protest
    nor can they cope with humour

    Perhaps someone could pen a funny Bilderberg song for protesters to sing to the participants!!!!!!

    TheRealJoker Reply:
    May 13th, 2012 at 11:20 am

    Yes they can cope with us and our humor. They simple install better sound proof glass, order the MSM to ignore us, have youtube pull video after video that we upload and release massive amounts of disinformation. What they do fear is a lack of knowledge. A lack of knowledge in who we are and what we plan on doing. Don’t think for an instance that they haven’t planned on us having protests and that they don’t know the size of the protest. Don’t think for an instance they are not following our online comments and make assessments and redirects on such information. For the most part we only know what they want us to know and that’s the rub of it all. Every time someone thinks they have found some succulent piece of infomation we don’t see the fact that it is their hands that are feeding it to us. If you wanna fight these guys you have to go silent in the knowledge you obtain about them because all they do is record, observe and adjust. They’ve been doing this for a long time and know how to play the game. They have toned their tactics to a fine edge and we have to learn the same techniques. You must abstain from allowing ourselves to divulge information that does nothing but inflate our egos and reveal to them what we know. We must stop trying to lead the masses (herd) in a positive direction and start to instead drive or stampede them. That is possibly the must powerful tool our enemies understand. It is easier to control through fear and doubt than to convince and teach. It has been proven in studies that humans react to negative influences three times more than positive ones. That flight is so much more powerful as a response than fight. It’s time to start playing chess and leave checkers to the children.

  13. these dildobergers cant control themselves,they make illmoral look moral.those who want control usually cant control themselves.

  14. goal

    to control the very last spirit human being and declare the person as nuts crimial and evil
    to make each one of us tiered with haarp and poisen food, montsanto and eugenic and injections and heavy metals , fluorid and pestizides
    to make half of us sick and we wont even have money and means to cure us
    to enslave all of us with chip number and when we resist to make us fall on the streets – just like that
    to hold us in fear and those who are not afraid will listen some devise in their brains or get automatic silenced or loudly .
    to make us automatic happy and screw like rabbits when we are supposed to be fertile and when we are not a danger to their genetic planning
    to make us impotent and sterilise us by force either we like it or not
    to make half from us
    and one half eventually the dumped down half wont even realised and remember when they barried y their sisters and brothers in coffins because
    they will wash our memories out and feeling for comonsence and rigth and wrong

    what else you expect ??????

    make national mormon day with coffins for liberty
    and used black t- shirts freedom dead
    because very soon it will like I am forecasting
    exactly like that
    and you wont even remember my line and eventually neither me
    and they will read our minds ,control memories and manipulate what never was done before
    our hearts and feelings our good given gift of love

    I am deeply sorry for all of us
    and my condolence in andvance for those who wont make it.



  15. Perhaps we could launch a psyop on these superstitious people, a la “Jericho”

    Bring your trumpets, march around the place once each hour in silence, then blow all the trumpets on the last round.

    That’s not a Biblically faithful reconstruction, but I bet they would try hard to stop us on the 6th pass!

    Like the “V” developed to swallow Hitler’s upraised phallus.

  16. Whatever we do, it’s important to convince the sheeple that the Bilderberg group is a real threat to our freedoms and the sovereignty of the United States. Convince the people that the Bilderberg group is REAL and reveal what their plans are. Keep the protests civil, stay calm, and give these scumbags all the exposure we can. Only by waking up the sleeping masses can we hope to foil their insane plans.

  17. very interesting bilderberg leaks, if I recall last time they left early to avoid arrests, it violates The Logan Act
    probally whole load of other laws.

    knowing the Nwo they may setup a decoy to distract people, the one thing these people fear is public exposer
    that’s why occupy wall st got almost no coverage occupyers were brutilizied by bad cops.I guess they never read
    The parrable of the Tares …

  18. It’s such a tempting thing though, they’re meeting in the USA, the country with the most armed patriots, the best trained, the most able, the most numerous and the closest to a new freedom revolution. Are they tempting the patriots to attack them? Are they just completely delusional or expect that they will be left in peace?

    I don’t know. I don’t want to call for anything violent, nor I will, but having practically all the real monopoly men, the guys that are directly, fully responsible for the suffering of the past century and beyond, all together with just meagre security discussing how to kill and enslave everyone, it’s too good to be true for those that wish to resist it.

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