Posts Tagged ‘BAN Oktoberfest in Munich’

Muslim Petitions To Cancel Oktoberfest In Germany As Munich Police Plan To Keep Refugees and Revelers Apart

From: If you needed any more proof that the muslim invasion aka caliphate is coming…this is it: A muslim man put up a petition on the internet to BAN Oktoberfest in Munich: Ban the Intolerant and Anti-Islamic event of Oktoberfest  Dear City council of Munich, I am writing this […]

Offended Muslim Refugees Now Demanding That THIS Historic Event Be Banned!

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – If you needed any more proof that the MUSLIM INVASION is coming LOOK NO FURTHER! A Muslim moron has put up a petition on the internet to BAN Oktoberfest in Munich. Go to hell dude. Ban the Intolerant and Anti-Islamic event of Oktoberfest  Dear City council of Munich, I […]

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