Posts Tagged ‘bardot’

Brigitte Bardot Was Right

By Frank DeScushin Famous French actress Brigitte Bardot repeatedly warned of France’s demographic change, and she was repeatedly convicted of hate speech as a result. European hate speech laws are really about suppressing truth and Europeans resistance to their dispossession. In 1997, Bardot was found guilty of complaining about France’s “foreign overpopulation”. In 2000, Bardot […]

Brigitte Bardot: Rothschild Bankster Macron Is A Cold-Eyed Psychopath

Legendary French actress Brigitte Bardot has urged compatriots to vote for Marine Le Pen, describing rival presidential candidate Emmanuelle Macron, a former Rothschild bankster, as a psychopath with “cold, steel eyes” and a total lack of empathy. Bardot, a leading animal rights activist in France, tweeted to her followers that they should under no circumstances cast their […]

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