Posts Tagged ‘Bilal Tamimi’

Videos: Brave Tamimi women of Nabi Saleh take down Israeli soldier assaulting injured child

A radical scene unfolded Friday after Israeli forces intercepted the weekly protest in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, Palestine against the illegal confiscation of their land and spring. The courageous actions of the Tamimi women of Nabi Saleh rescuing their captured child spread immediately on social media after the UK’s Daily Mail published a series […]

Video: Palestinian women rescue child from attack by Israeli soldier

Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 29 August 2015 This video shows several women preventing an Israeli soldier from abducting a Palestinian child in the village of Nabi Saleh in the occupied West Bank on Friday. The footage, shot by Bilal Tamimi, shows a masked soldier assaulting a child whose arm is in a […]

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