Posts Tagged ‘Japanese-American internment camps’

Japanese-American internment camps & Roosevelt’s domestic ‘War on Terror’

     A new book traces how America discarded civil rights in the name of security during the forced internment of Japanese-American citizens—and how the policy ruined families and lives. In early 1942, a World War I veteran named Hideo Murata went to see his local sheriff. The two were old friends, and Murata wanted to […]

Japanese-American internment camps & Roosevelt’s domestic ‘War on Terror’

     A new book traces how America discarded civil rights in the name of security during the forced internment of Japanese-American citizens—and how the policy ruined families and lives. In early 1942, a World War I veteran named Hideo Murata went to see his local sheriff. The two were old friends, and Murata wanted to […]

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