Posts Tagged ‘kickstarter’

Nura’s High-Tech Earbuds Raised $1.6M on Kickstarter—Now They’re 33% Off

Is anyone else mystified by how quickly we, as a society, switched over from wired headphones to wireless earbuds? Unlike, say, the flip-phone-to-smart-phone pipeline, which took a solid decade, it felt like AirPods dropped and six months later, wearing wired headphones was… nostalgic?! Anyway, I have to admit that as someone who held out for […]

Chaos in Jerusalem, A Warning of Things to Come. Jewish Mobs Call for “Death to the Arabs”

Among Palestinians and Israelis, the recent upsurge in violence has been variously described as the children’s, lone-wolf, Jerusalem and smartphone intifadas. Each describes a distinguishing feature of this round of clashes. The steady erosion of Fatah and Hamas’ authority during the post-Oslo years, as the Palestinian factions proved incapable of protecting their people from the […]

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