The supposed Iran plot: Immunized by Neocons

MJ Rosenberg
October 14, 2011

A few weeks after the 9/11 attacks, I attended a big holiday dinner with family and friends. Naturally much of the conversation revolved around the terrorist attacks and the rage and sorrow we all felt. There was also considerable discussion about President George W Bush’s handling of the catastrophe and his decision to send troops to Afghanistan in pursuit of the perpetrators and to eliminate the Taliban regime that was hosting them.

Everyone at the table approved of the president’s actions and believed that there was no alternative. Moreover, and this was somewhat surprising considering that none of us thought Bush had been legitimately elected, we all believed that he was being honest about the situation the United States faced and the options that were before him.

There was, however, one dissenter. My younger son, then in college, was absolutely opposed to going into Afghanistan. He said that there had to be a better way to respond than rushing into a war that, in his opinion, would likely expand and last “forever.” Besides, he added, “I don’t believe a word that comes out of Bush’s mouth.”

Naturally a brouhaha ensued with everyone (including me) telling the kid how utterly wrong and unpatriotic he was. There was a lot of yelling, but he would not back down. He just kept saying “you’ll see.”

Boy did we.

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13 Responses to “The supposed Iran plot: Immunized by Neocons”

  1. Neo-con = croney-capitalist depopulationist = Bilderberg

  2. YouTube Bulletin by TVZNETonline
    YouTube Bulletin by TVZNETonline

  3. And this is the main weakness conservatives have. They can’t possibly fathom that our own government could possibly be fabricating the entire “radical islam” threat to scare and distract them from the truth, that our own government is the biggest threat of all. They’re patriotic… so patriotic to the point that they can’t understand the government doesn’t answer to the people anymore. They actually think the 2010 elections meant something, and they think the 2012 elections are going to mean something too. Their brains cannot even comprehend 9/11 was an inside job, despite there being evidence covering the web. They won’t believe it until they see it on TV. (which will never happen of course.)

  4. Look Mr. Rosenburg: which kind of Stupid Pills or SSRI’s are you taking to make a statement like this below in your Article:
    “So let’s go slowly here. If the plot turns out to be both real and sanctioned by powerful people in Tehran, a strong response of some kind is warranted.”

    You obviously have not been paying attention to exactly what the Hi-Jacked by the New World Order Government Officials, and the Main Stream Press Whores have actually “Admitted to the Public”. The Iranian Car Salesman who has an “Alcohol Drinking Problem” was Courted, Entrapped, and Provocateured into this supposed Government Sponsored False Flag Plot by an Employee of the US Government: A DEA AGENT who Posed as a Violent Drug Cartel Member. This is ADMITTED by the Main Stream Press Whores. Many people of Foreign Background residing within the USA can be Intimidated and coerced by such an Intimidating Drug Enforcement Agency type of Agent. So your statement above is an obviously bought and paid statement by your New World Order NeoCON Friends. Furthermore, your Phony Christian NeoCON Buddies are probably so Eager to go to War that they don’t even realize that they would be Bombing tens of thousands of CRHISTIANS who reside in Iran. With your idiotic sentence from your article above, it would appear that Israel would also stand to benefit from your ignorant statement above: Mr. Rosenburg. No more needs to be said about the motivation of your Spin in your News Article.

    You also need to stop listening to the Psychops Babble on CNN/CIA News. With the Ben Laden Hoax: the best thing that CNN could come up with was a Phony Video Game type of Helicopter Clip showing how the Navy Seals invaded Ben Laden’s supposed Hide Out. They Played that Video Game Helicopter Clip into the Ground. You know why? Because they did not have any FACTUAL Evidence with regard to Ben Laden’s Death to Present. Again, Ben Laden being Buried at SEA (Laughing Out Loud (LOL)).

  5. Look at that ugly buggy eyed bastard….it wouldn’t have been much of a loss.

    Dimitri Khalezov explains 911.

  7. Al Jazeera is a CIA front, the “neocons” are an artificial invention of the fake left-right paradigm, and Nimmo is once again carrying the water for the globalists with his imbecilic fixation on such demagogy.

    • Show is exactly where you see the name Nimmo with relation to this article. Stop being Jealous of someone who is working overtime to bring out the TRUTH you fool.

  8. I think we ought to also realize the other governments are just as corrupt as our, even worse. Try being a Christian in one of these countries *Iran, Iraq, Egypt), Try being Black in any north african muslims country. Also tell me if you are American, WHERE IS THERE A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE? YES WE CAN MAKE AMERICA BETTER. sorry cap lock, Yes we need to clean up our government-if we can. But again I am listening, tell me where else I can live and why I should. I am not asking this to be argumentative, I am actually tying to learn. Do I think this Iranian plot was a fake by Obama? Probably. Because I think Iran is very good at terrorism, and covering there tracks. If I were president (of the USA) would I want Iran to have NUKES? No, not when they have a belief system that, there are supposed to bring about a horrible HUGE war against Christians and Jews, to bring about the coming of there Madhi (12th Imen) and there version of Jesus. You can get Iran’s President’s speeches and interpret them with software. Yes there is a NWO. But there are also Muslims bent on there who NWO with Islam in control under a caliphate. If I were president I would, have to be very careful. Iran has an estimated 50,000 terror cells spread throughout the west. They can shut now the straight of Hormuz. They can blow there oil fields and plunge the world into depression with spiking oil process. I think we are up shit creek no matter which way we turn hear. And what about Russia and China,. both seem to still be bent on ideas of conquest. Putin is basically a dictator in Russia, and China is as ruthless as ever. China will be able to field an army of 200,000,000. They have there own racists beliefs that Chinese is the superior civilization and that if you half Chinese your half civilized, the rest of us our barbarians. So we don’t only have the NWO control freak Human population reduction evil bustards to worry about, we have Islam, Russia and China, also all bent on conquest.

  9. What’s all this bullshit about “neocons”? No such thing exists, it’s just a political label to keep the dialectic going. What government official isn’t for war nowadays? Maybe a half dozen or less? Besides Paul and Kuscinich, Congress and the Senate have been beating the war drums for the past decade. This is all part of the Hegelian dialectic to make people believe there is dissension within the ranks of American politics, what a joke.

    • They exist, dumb ass. Dick Cheney is their king. Just like the Neo-Libs….but they used to be called, “Old Communists”.

  10. We were lied to about WMD and 9/11 (and much more since — Gitmo for example) and I just can’t get behind anything our government says when it comes to sabre rattling. They lie, and they lie often and it has become so blatant that I find it difficult to understand why the entire damn lot of them hasn’t been replaced. As to the damn neo-cons (and cons might be short for conservatives but it seems to fit better with the meaning of convicts, I think) if they are so passionate about war(s) then they should be first to step forward and wrap that sweaty hand around a rifle and go defend something. Instead they step back into the shadows and push all others to the foreground where the term ‘in harms way’ truly is just that. If they’re so damn eager then it’s them, the neo-convicts that should shoulder arms. But they won’t and we all know that based upon the slime they are.

  11. nothing personal , but this guy’s eyes are so empty and scary , as a zombie.

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