U.S. Army General: The Whole Northern Hemisphere is at Risk of Becoming Largely Uninhabitable

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Mac Slavo
Friday, May 25, 2012

You may have entertained the idea of an improbable civilization ending events such as a ‘global killer’ asteroid, earth crust displacement or massive solar storms, but what if there existed a situation right now that was so serious that it literally threatened our very existence?

According to a host of scientists, nuclear experts and researchers, were are facing exactly such a scenario – and current efforts may not be able to stop it.

When the Fukushima nuclear plants sustained structural damage and a catastrophic failure of their spent fuel cooling systems in the aftermath of the Japanese earthquake and Tsunami in 2011, it left the government of Japan, Tokyo Power and nuclear regulatory agencies around the world powerless to contain the release of deadly radiation. A year on, the battle for control of Fukushima continues to no avail.

It’s estimated that tens of thousands of people in Japan and the whole of North America have been affected, with reports indicating that children in Japan and the U.S. are already being born with birth defects, as well as thousands who have already succumbed to radiation related illness. As we initially followed the breaking news during the first thirty days of the accident, we suggested the Fukushima disaster would be worse than Chernobyl. Not even we could have imagined how much worse it would be.

If current estimates are correct, Fukushima has already released as much radiation into the atmosphere and Pacific Ocean as Chernobyl, and the potential for a disaster at least ten times worse is highly probable in the event of another earthquake or accident that leads to a collapse of the cooling structures which are above ground and have already suffered significant damage.

According to U.S. Army General Albert N. Stubblebine (ret.) of the Natural Solutions Foundation, the situation is extremely serious and poses a significant danger to our entire civilization. Since TEPCO and the Japanese government have refused the entombment option (as the Russians did with Chernobyl) the world is at the mercy of nature. A mistake here would cause the deaths of tens of millions of people across the globe.

If there ever existed a threat that could cause the end of the world as we know it, it’s the ongoing and unresolved nuclear saga in Japan:

When the highly radioactive Spent Fuel Rods are exposed to air, there will be massive explosions releasing many times the amount or radiation released thus far. Bizarrely, they are stored three stories above ground in open concrete storage pools. Whether through evaporation of the water in the pools, or due to the inevitable further collapse of the structure, there is a severe risk. United States public health authorities agree that tens of thousands of North Americans have already died from the Fukushima calamity. When the final cataclysm occurs, sooner rather than later, the whole Northern Hemisphere is at risk of becoming largely uninhabitable.

Fact. On March 11, 2011, Fukushima Daichi nuclear power station with six nuclear reactors suffered cataclysmic damage that some believe was a man made event,and the resulting Tsunami. Hydrogen explosions…at least one nuclear explosion… and then subsequent deterioration of the visible plants at five of those reactors have created a threat situation unparalleled in human history.

Fact. Despite denial and cover-up, the reality has emerged, that enormous amounts of radioactive material has been spewing into the atmosphere, polluting the groundwater, and the food of Japan, and entering by the tens of millions of gallons the waters of the Pacific.

There’s no way to sugarcoat these facts. Denying them, blocking them out, pretending that they are not real is of no help to you and your family, and it leaves you totally unprepared for a danger that the Natural Solutions Foundation has been warning about since the first day. As of three weeks ago the levels of radiation inside of the spent fuel pools of unit no. 2 are too high to measure. Get that… too high to measure. And, the water there is evaporating, meaning that heat and radiation could easily build to very high levels.

Very simply put, if this much Cesium 137 is released, it will destroy the world environment and our civilization. This is not rocket science, nor does it connect to the pugulistic debate over nuclear power plants.

This is an issue of human survival.

We can play the denial game all day long and pretend that, because the mainstream media is not reporting on it, there is no threat, but the facts are quite clear.

This is, without a doubt, the most immediate threat faced by the world. It’s so serious, in fact, that the Japanese government has considered and put into place evacuation plans for the whole of Tokyo – some 40 million people. Reports are also emerging that suggest a collapse of the spent fuel pools would be so serious that the entire country of Japan may have to be evacuated. The entire country – that’s 125 million refugees that will cause an unprecedented humanitarian disaster.

Before you argue that these are the ravings of just alternative media conspiracy theorists and fearmongers, consider the assessment put forth by Robert Alvarez , a senior policy adviser to the Secretary for National Security and the Environment for the US Department of Energy:

The No. 4 pool is about 100 feet above ground, is structurally damaged and is exposed to the open elements. If an earthquake or other event were to cause this pool to drain this could result in a catastrophic radiological fire involving nearly 10 times the amount of Cs-137 released by the Chernobyl accident.

The infrastructure to safely remove this material was destroyed as it was at the other three reactors.  Spent reactor fuel cannot be simply lifted into the air by a crane as if it were routine cargo.  In order to prevent severe radiation exposures, fires and possible explosions, it must be transferred at all times in water and heavily shielded structures into dry casks.. As this has never been done before, the removal of the spent fuel from the pools at the damaged Fukushima-Dai-Ichi reactors will require a major and time-consuming re-construction effort and will be charting in unknown waters.

The total spent reactor fuel inventory at the Fukushima-Daichi site contains nearly half of  the total amount of Cs-137 estimated by the NCRP to have been released by all atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, Chernobyl, and world-wide reprocessing plants (~270 million curies or ~9.9 E+18 Becquerel).

It is important for the public to understand that reactors that have been operating for decades, such as those at the Fukushima-Dai-Ichi site, have generated some of the largest concentrations of radioactivity on the planet.

Regulatory agencies all over the world are warning of the potentiality of a further degradation of the Fukushima nuclear reactors and spent fuel pools, and the subsequent nuclear fallout that would follow.

If these reactors go – and they could at any moment for any number of reasons – we’re looking at a situation for which you simply cannot stock enough food, or water, or supplies. Radiation would spread across the entire northern hemisphere and would be impossible to contain.

While we’ve argued in the past that there is no place we’d rather be than in the United States of America in the event of a socio-economic collapse or global conflict, if these spent fuel pools collapse, then an international exit strategy may be the only option.

Because details are sparse and research limited, it is difficult to predict what nuclear fall out from Japan may look like. The following map may be of some help, as it details the estimated fallout pattern resulting from a nuclear war between Russia and the United States. You’ll note that, while most of the world would be irradiated, the southern hemisphere would be your best bet to avoid the brunt of it:

U.S. Army General: The Whole Northern Hemisphere is at Risk of Becoming Largely Uninhabitable radiation spread nuclear war


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68 Responses to “U.S. Army General: The Whole Northern Hemisphere is at Risk of Becoming Largely Uninhabitable”

  1. Well at least this will end Welfare, immigration, and lawsuits in western civilization

    down with the clown Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 8:52 am

    yup startover. sorry hahahahahhaahahahahhaha.

    TKIMAN Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 8:54 am

    lol see good in bad… I like!

    Dandroid Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 9:07 am

    This sounds like the perfect storm so to speak for the globalists. The “end game”. Check mate. What are those underground bunkers for?

    jeffglobal Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 10:06 am

    I don’t think they can live down there for 10,000 years.

    They’ll go south and mingle. Like the Nazis in Argentina.

    Tom Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 11:05 am

    Bush Co. won’t like us all moving to South America. We’d be neighbors then!

    Tom Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 11:06 am

    “Honey, look! Isn’t that the guy who used to be President? You remember – the guy who brought down the WTC towers! Wow. What a small world!”

    TimOsman Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 10:05 am

    “In any fool proof system, the fools seem to always outnumber the proofs.” – Ex-employee Nuclear Physicist Engineer

    silentwatcher Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 1:00 pm

    How do you “remove” 70 percent of the world population with one bomb? gather them all together on one worthless continent.

    Tom Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 2:50 pm

    Excellent observation. Bear with me please!! Daniel 7:7-8, Daniels vision of the 10 horns, talks about how all the countries in the world get merged into just 10 “super” nations here in the End Times so that anti-Christ can arise and do his thing. The anti-Christ arises upon the world scene by “coming out of the smoke” of WWIII and ending WWIII with a “peace” treaty, which he signs with the Orthodox Jews of Israel. Now, immediately upon doing this, he rips out three of those ten “super” nations up by the roots, meaning that he destroys them completely. I have been wondering which three? I thought maybe that the North American Union meant that America (the people) survives. Maybe not. And Russia/China are just DYING to nuke our asses.


  2. There is no solution to this problem…

    It is simply a matter of time…

    Imagaine the ararchy in this country if such an event took place. It would be Armegeddon.

    wildcat Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 3:18 pm

    Id go for pouring a concrete floor underneath that pond and building concrete walls all around, so that an artificial reservoir/pool csn be built.

    yowhassup Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 3:29 pm

    No! I know! Let’s sue Japan! No – wait. I don’t know about anyone else but I can’t afford to move to the ‘southern’ hemisphere. I guess it’s just wait until the radiation sickness gets too bad and then Bam! Sounds a little like ‘On The Beach’.

  3. So why hasn’t any country such as the U.S., Russia or China stepped in and said screw you we’re in charge now and started to entomb this bastard? If you knew that the ship you’re on was about to sink because of some unstoppable and horrible event would you care to fix the current problem of the toilet spewing crap into the air and a few hallways? If I knew something much worse was about to happened to the earth and fixing fukushima didn’t matter I wouldn’t fix it either but I would use it a distraction from the real threat, the unstoppable threat. And to top off that scenario with the massive tunnel or bunker building going on right now around the world and you have a very disconcerting situation.

    captain obvious Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 2:55 pm

    the international effort should have been mounted immediately after the tsunami hit.
    instead, bungholio-bama took orders from the United NAZIons to spill DU allover Libya.

    above: silentwatcher Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 1:00 pmHow do you “remove” 70 percent of the world population with one bomb? gather them all together on one worthless continent.

    -uhhmm… we’re talking hemisphere or whole sphere with this one.

    they’re letting it go deliberately of course, then they can play savior with vitamins,
    anti-radiation pills (or poisons at whim), expensive cancer treatments, funerals..
    its gonna hurt the USA far more.. gee so much for a debt with China, right?

    my2cents Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 3:21 pm

    Don’t forget Obamas famous qoute energy prices will necassarily skyrocket when all nuclear power is ended as a result of Fukashima. Ringing any bells for you.Connect the dots and you will end up with a picture of Wall St. bending you over.

    yowhassup Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 3:32 pm

    You may have a point. Sounds like most of us won’t live long enough to find out.

    my2cents Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 3:37 pm

    It’s always darkest before the dawn.

  4. Fuck it i’m doing porn

    Devout Deviant Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 10:19 am

    LOL; the only realist in the crowd. Cheers mate!

  5. wow all this so we can flip a light switch on. guess candles werent so bad after all. stoopid

  6. [When the highly radioactive Spent Fuel Rods are exposed to air, there will be massive explosions…] Bullshit, it’ll be glowing like a fire-ball from the water fueling the fire. Weird isn’t it ?

    As the hydrogen is released from the water, it will fuel the fire and turn into a “sun” sort ta speak. It will not explode, it’ll burn violently emitting radiation throughout the northern hemisphere. The other fuel pools will do the same because at that point in time, the reaction will spread throughout the whole complex of reactors there. It’ll be a visual hell on earth, and no one will be able to get near it….period.

    yowhassup Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 3:33 pm

    Or get away from it.

  7. Hey, I wouldn’t mind glowing in the dark for a few days before the radiation kills me…that would be cool!

    Spymyeys Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 10:15 am

    and yet we have preditor drones, terminator tanks, ships subs that are totally automated, but NOBODY can build a fucking robot cement truck?


    a robot pipe-layer?

    a robot cement mixer?

    a robot tractor?

    a robot treadmill?


    and won’t it just be the grandest iceing on the cake that after all the gobal-elite-bankster-scumbags and their minions are safely ensconced in their newly purchased/destroyed countries in the southern hemisphere……..

    Then the biggest solar storm ever seen knocks the earth off it’s current axis into a new one with the radioactive fallout clouds going over the formerly “safe” southern hemisphere and completing their plan to make the entire earth a copy of mars.

    Devout Deviant Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 10:24 am

    You would think that if you had a logical mind, but answer this question:

    How many politicians think or act logically?

    Ninnies think they can tax and spend their way out of a global depression caused by too high taxation and too much deficit spending.

    J2THE3 Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 10:32 am

    They have the tech to put a space rover on Mars Spymyeys, but they do not have the tech to build something that could save THIS planet? Sounds like the bastards are trying to reduce world population by destroying it. How about blowing off your nose with a 100gigaton nuclear device just to spite your face? The NWO goons are inbred to the point that they give the definition of insanity a new writ.

    wildcat Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 3:25 pm

    Because the radiation fries electronics. Every radiation particle has so much energy that it knocks atoms out of place in whatever material it hits. That creates ions, an electrical charge as well as making materials brittle. Like when you flex a piece of plastic or metal. Every movement breaks up atomic bo ds.

    In Chernobyl the normal inspection systems broke down because the electronics weren’t shielddd or “radiation hardened” like space systems. They had more luck with a webcsm sguck on top of a radio-controlled Tonka-Truck.

    Miguel_Vegas_53 Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 1:30 pm

    They have tried robots. The radiation is so high that the circuits were fried. Not even hi-tech can withstand sitting next to the sun.

  8. I think GE and TEPCO executives as well as the entire Japanese government management should be FORCED at gunpoint to build a containing structure or mountain around this deadly plant.

    jchance Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 11:21 am

    I agree totally. They should face some severe punishment if they do not contain this. A judge has the right to hold someone in prison until they comply with a court’s ruling so why hasn’t any court brought these people to justice in this country where their bungling in Japan has a direct effect on the American people and this nation? You don’t have to commit a crime within our boarders for it not to fall under our jurisdiction after all.

    ScwewyWabbit Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 3:06 pm

    I agree. From what I’ve read on this, it is as bad as they say it is.

    The Japanese have a social impediment: the need to save face. Trying to get accuracy of facts out of them in business and other dealings is often an arduous and protracted process that requires study of the culture and experience. It is very difficult to get any complete truth out in any rapid pace of most Japanese because of this cultural legacy. It isn’t necessarily a bad thing, unless this type of situation occurs. This being said, I am not Japan-bashing. I think many aspects of their culture are extremely interesting and beautiful. Other aspects resulted in historical abuses, but discussion of that is an unproductive diversion from a necessarily expedient resolution of the Fukishima crisis.

    But, in light of the current crisis, if the Japanese government will not acknowledge reality, then I would say that it is necessary for an intervention up to and including the temporary re-occupation of Japan, if necessary, just long enough to get this job of containment done forcibly and speedily, if they won’t do it voluntarily in a realistic timeframe. They should pay for the lion’s share of it, but perhaps the corporation that produced that design of reactor bears some financial responsibility. We offer to do the entombment for them using our resouces and contractors. We should explain that we will do it for them forcibly if they do not agree. And, if they do not allow it, that we will re-occupy a part, or all of their country if they won’t comply. Because, it is not just Japan that will lose. The entire West Coast of the U.S. will have to be evacuated, causing havoc here and, giving another crisis opportunity to the bad element in our own government. The rest of the hemisphere will be slow-poisoned.

    Of course, more rapid containment is not likely in the interests of the elites and the bad element that works for them within our government. They want depopulation, chaos, and an excuse for martial law to usher in new odor, er, I mean order. This crisis would certainly give it to them. I really don’t think contacting my Congress critters will do anything unless public awareness is raised to the level that political consequences would be obvious if not even discussion took place on the hill. Again, I don’t think they want to do anything for the reasons I mentioned, and because of the perception that too much money is to be made building new atomic reactors to replace the coal plants that Obama’s EPA is h*llbent on stifling.

    I’m not going to offer any technical solutions to the problem, because I have no background in civil or nuclear engineering. However, I do know that waiting too long will be same as doing nothing at all, which will ruin our hemisphere.

    wildcat Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 3:33 pm

    The Chinese kept calling them “nodding ducks”. They kept apologising for not having answers to questions. I guess this comes from having a tradition of Samurai warriors governing the country – one wrong move and yohf head is going to start rolling down the road. Given the state of damage to the reactor, they can’t take measurements.

    It’s worse than being at the centre of the Sun. All stars stop fusion at Iron. The only time Plutonium and Uranium are formed are during a supernova.

    yowhassup Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 3:38 pm

    I understand… but good luck with that one. So – what if they say no. Or say yes and take their damned time about it. Poooof. Hey… maybe aliens will come save us. No? Oh heck.

  9. humans deserve to die from radiation sickness but our animal cousins DO NOT. die humans die!!!!!!

    Elijah Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 12:00 pm

    Watch your arse on that one! You are not related to any creature upon this earth. Mankind is in the image of God. You are not primates, mammals, etc. That all comes out of the deadly legacy of Charles Darwin.

    If you love the creatures, animals and or the earth, the Father God (the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) takes it as that you do not love him. It is unlawful to love the earth and the creatures.

    May 25th, 2012 at 2:13 pm

    Elijah well said.It is “Unlawful to Love the Earth”You are so Right.We Must Love the Lord with all our Hearts Souls and Minds.Love the “CREATOR AND NOT CREATION”.

    my2cents Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 3:24 pm

    Is allright to respect the earth seeing as we were formed from it.

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 3:51 pm

    I’ll stick with the creatures, thanks. They’re not the ones building reactors.

  10. This is going to happen on December 21, 2012… Damned Mayans!….. Good luck the turmoil intensifies…. Biker

    Elijah Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 11:56 am

    Well actually the Mayans calendar does not line up with the Gregorian, they are one day different from one and another. The difference comes from scripture where God held time one day for 18 hours and another day 6 hours, totaling 24 hours.

    So, 12-21-2012 Mayan would be December 20, 2012 Gregorian. Also to confirm this, in the scriptures of the the true Holy Bibles (most that have been written before the 1950′s) Jesus Christ does tell us this event will not happen on the Sabbath day nor in the winter.

    December 21st is the first day of winter. Also, wherever it is winter in one part of the world it is summer in the other. So, with this said, and by using the Gregorian calendar, this major event, whatever it may be, can not happen in the summer nor in the winter, nor can it happen from the sundown of the pagan day called the Saturday to the sundown of the pagan day called the Sunday, which is actually the 7th day that lines up with creation.

    I am not quite sure if this is part of the 6th trumpet or the 7th. If it is the final woe, when it happens, it will be too late to repent! (The 5th, 6th, and the 7th trumpets being the 3 woes).

    Tom Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 2:51 pm

    Why give credit to a people who couldn’t even live as long as their damn calendar?!!

    wildcat Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 3:39 pm

    Because they determined the length of a calendar year down to the fractional part 365.24 days.

    They also developed written text (hieroglyphics) as well as understanding solar and lunar eclipses, along with the construction of observatories and cities. They even developed trapezoid bricks that would not slip and slide during an earthquake.

    Makes me wonder how they decided tk do all of this and then just return to the jungle.

    Elijah Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 4:29 pm

    I thank you wildcat. And Tom, I did not know that I was giving them any credit, I thought that I was only giving a time comparison. I do apologize for my actions.

  11. dude i cant even fathom this, this is madness! my mind is just going zillions of miles an hour trying to figure what i can do but hey we cant climb to the mountains and sit this one out can we? gonna do it like a man and watch it coming head up fuck it cant leave the state bc of babylon ill just leave this physical world a man all bull shit to the side i know why they wont tell anyone about this catastrophe it would be disastrous tell the world and watch it burn in days or tell no one and survive for a couple more months?!?!?!?!?! WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

  12. The Elite have paid off the Japanese gov’t to the point where they will kill every one of their countrymen for the pleasure of seeing the entire planet be destroyed. Go to your bunkers you cowards! You created this monster and you think you can hide. You’ll die down there with the rest of the evil satan worshipers. You’ll be closer to your master. Rot in hell Washington. You’re the ones behind this – you created this with your buddies at the UN.

  13. This gov’t pulls out all the great scientists and physicists and they pay them to create ways for the gov’t to destroy us. In the 80′s companies were developing beams that they could crash into the fault lines to see how much they could take. Why don’t you think this is what they did to Japan. We bombed the shit out of Japan and now they can return the favor by killing all of us. What a f-d up world! Shithole from hell.

  14. Or, we could just lock the doors of the whitehouse, senate and house, while all are fully occupied (excepting RON PAUL, of course), and set off small “dirty bombs.”

    Same effect, the trash would be cleaned from the USA and the whole world doesn’t have to be destroyed … public servant, could generally, most serve the public by simply committing suicide …

  15. What a great, quicky for the NWO, wouldn’t you say?

    Don’t know how many of you here go on other comment boards, but it sure couldn’t hurt to do so and let people know about this. It’s one thing to sit HERE and voice complaints, but let’s face it….. it’s just more preaching to the choir.
    When you take it elsewhere, THEN you’re “speaking” to those who very well may still get most of their news from MSM.

    Elijah Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 12:26 pm

    I do not know where these other boards are. I have tried to get on to other sites but they require a phone or even a cell phone and or an address. I have none of these things. I have nothing to give them but my name and sir name. I am a Nomad with a backpack, a Holy Bible and the word of God.
    ‘They’ have set it up to where all man must now be a number and an address or you can not hang ten on the internet.

    Tom Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 2:54 pm

    That’s right. If you take the mark of the beast, you can NEVER get to Heaven. But if you DON’T take the mark of the beast, then you cannot buy or sell, and Satan will have mankind behead you. The choice is easy when you have faith in God.

    Elijah Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 4:22 pm

    The original translation only states if you worship in the mark, worship in the name, worship in the image and worship in the number. And, the mark of the beast is not 666 as many of the false writings state and Satan is not the beast and 666 is not Satan’s number. And for the beheadings, there have been people beheaded in 3rd world countries for not having ID’s. The beheading of people is not going to be a worldly event as most people think. Let us look at the 1st Angel that has sounded his trumpet.

    The Revelation 8:7
    The first Angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth and the third part of the trees were burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
    This is WWI (about AD1915 and on), which was the first war that over a million souls (people) were killed in since the beginning of our time of 3986BC Gregorian. Also, over in Europe, it was common practice to scorch the land so that in the event that the enemy was to prevail, the land would be useless and worthless to them.

    Do you see how it states 1/3 part of the trees? Well, most people would assume that it meant 1/3 of all the trees, but it was only referring to 1/3 of 1/7 of the earth.

  16. All nuclear plants in USA are the same design as in Fukushima.
    They are all extremely dangerous and deadly.
    Obama wants to build one in every backyard, so the more people die
    the more money corporations can make

    Vic Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 3:46 pm

    yep count the nuclear reactors in the eastern hemisphere go look at the map

  17. I have been telling you, disaster is 9 years out. That’s UNFATHONABLE disaster. Paul can restore the US in this region. Obama and Romney will continue the destruction.

  18. All nuclear power needs to be put to an end world wide. Whatever illusion there was that it was safe is gone.

  19. I stopped reading after we are are. We’re are on a very stupid website…

  20. I’ve been watching the various pic’s and videos of Fukushima since the disaster and guess what, not a damn thing has been done……check it out ! The reports said all the reactors were still intact, well if they were then why all the radiation ? It either is or isn’t, but if the reactors are missing, I wonder how ? Can’t go on with this bullshit for long, the facts are coming up !

    So, if only one fuel pool catches fire, the surrounding water will inevitably be the fuel, and then we can expect all the other fuel pools will be catching fire too; it’ll look like four Sun’s shining on the coast of Japan. As the crap billows up thousands of feet above it, we’ll be eating the mess over here. What a depopulation program ! Job well done !

    And just to think, because Iran wants a nuclear generator ?

    Tom Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 2:54 pm

    The only connection between Fukushima and Iran is that the NWO wants to own them both. They didn’t do this BECAUSE of Iran.

  21. Japan comes with rent money probably all their country’s gold it will be a opertunity for our government to come up wih a feel good reason to trade the japanese a new counrty for their gold if they don’t get along with us as many of them 125 million come to our ready camps across our country they will have our homes and we get the camps after there is a war for jobs we can see the writing on the wall but I can’t read Japanese

  22. Gee, I saw this in “On The Beach”.

  23. Intentional. HAARP

  24. Well, as the heat turns up, you’ll see all of Asia coming to attention over this, now just project the next step from there, it’s an eye-opener. As the southeast winds blow towards China, oh you’ll see the shit hit the fan, I won’t be alone with my thoughts anyway.

    Virtual Nexus Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 3:50 pm

    China is already choking in the pollution of 600,000 factories and polluting the entire planet, so why would they care about some radiation? The have a billion people to burn, they don’t care about anything.

  25. well now it is soon over for us all right?

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