UK austerity plans worsen child poverty

The Growing up in the UK report from the BMA warned that cuts to welfare benefits and social care could worsen UK child poverty and widen inequalities.

The BMA report pointed to the Department of Health’s 2012 report, according to which “more children and young people are dying in the UK than in other countries in northern and western Europe”.

Moreover, the 250-page report revealed that the most recent international work places the country 16th out of 29 nations as far as child wellbeing is concerned.

Doctors, however, believe this is not all about child poverty in the UK, adding that the comments “does not reflect the impact of policies implemented post the 2010 election”.

“The BMA is particularly concerned that any improvements in tackling child poverty are in danger of being eroded by some government welfare policies. Children should not pay the price for the economic downturn,” said chair of the BMA’s board of science Averil Mansfield.

Earlier in May, the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) warned that More than one million children in Britain will fall into poverty by 2020, saying that tax and benefit reforms introduced since April 2010 are the main factors leading to the increase in the UK child poverty.


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UK austerity plans worsen child poverty

The Growing up in the UK report from the BMA warned that cuts to welfare benefits and social care could worsen UK child poverty and widen inequalities.

The BMA report pointed to the Department of Health’s 2012 report, according to which “more children and young people are dying in the UK than in other countries in northern and western Europe”.

Moreover, the 250-page report revealed that the most recent international work places the country 16th out of 29 nations as far as child wellbeing is concerned.

Doctors, however, believe this is not all about child poverty in the UK, adding that the comments “does not reflect the impact of policies implemented post the 2010 election”.

“The BMA is particularly concerned that any improvements in tackling child poverty are in danger of being eroded by some government welfare policies. Children should not pay the price for the economic downturn,” said chair of the BMA’s board of science Averil Mansfield.

Earlier in May, the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) warned that More than one million children in Britain will fall into poverty by 2020, saying that tax and benefit reforms introduced since April 2010 are the main factors leading to the increase in the UK child poverty.


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