US police abuse video shocks America

The footage shows police officers in the small Northern California town of Cotati breaking down the door of a house, ignoring the owner’s request for a search warrant, tasering the wife and husband occupants of the house, according to web-based news accounts on Wednesday.

Speaking to the occupants of the house through a large window, the police claims they are responding to a neighbor’s report of domestic violence in the home.

The couple then insisted that there is no domestic violence in the house, refusing to open the door until the police produce a legal search warrant.

“Why are you guys not coming out?” one officer asks.

“Because we don’t live in a police state, sir,” the male occupant of the home responds. “Martial Law has not been established in this country.”

Officers then kick open the door with their guns drawn and tell the couple to get on the ground. When they refuse, protesting the intrusion and telling police “you have no right to be in here,” the lead officer first tasers the wife, prompting her to scream repeatedly, and then the husband.

The incident reportedly took place on May 10, when Cotati Police Chief Michael Parish told inquiring reporters that his police department got a call at 3:48 p.m. from a neighbor “who heard a heated argument coming from inside the house.”

In yet another recent police brutality case involving California officers, Kern County police department is under fire following the beating death of a father of four young kids that had reportedly fell asleep on a street corner while intoxicated.

Following the incident, police officers arrested area residents that had recorded the beating death with their mobile phone and confiscated the devices.

Several witnesses have offered identical accounts about the incident to reporters, insisting that several police officers repeatedly struck the victim, David Sal Silva, on his head with batons as he pleaded for his life.


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