Visibly Annoyed and Aloof Obama Gets Slammed by Brazilian President Over U.S. Monetary Policy

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Mac Slavo
Friday, April 13, 2012

In a meeting where neither looks very happy with the other, Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff lambastes President Obama over expansionist monetary policies that are having a direct impact on the currencies of emerging economies, including her own.

Throughout the clip, as Rousseff discusses her concerns over US monetary policy, President Obama seems visibly annoyed and distant, giving the impression he’d rather be teeing off than discussing the critical monetary, fiscal and economic issues facing the world. The President’s body language – his twiddling of the thumbs, rubbing the corners of his mouth, inability to remain focused – overtly indicates either his complete disinterest in how US monetary policy affects our global trading partners, or that he simply doesn’t understand what this woman is talking about.


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24 Responses to “Visibly Annoyed and Aloof Obama Gets Slammed by Brazilian President Over U.S. Monetary Policy”

  1. Brazil is one of the Brics nations who are building a union of other major nations to steer away from using us dollars! Which means… know what that means!!@!

    thebeastwithnoleash Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 10:20 am

    Hell yeah, USA and its dollars are a sinking boat. We are hanging around with Russia, China and India and so, we have a chance to defeat the NWO. While americans would be worried about trying to escape from FEMA camps and not get killed, we will be fighting them…

    jeffydiver Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 12:06 pm

    Yeah, and I have a feeling both Russia China’s gonna throw us under a bus soon too !

    AandO Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 1:17 pm

    Good point.

    One needs only to look back at how the Russians treated the Germans in defeated Germany.

    Closing days of the US Empire.

    You and I will be held acountable for OUR LACK OF RESISTANCE TO IT.

    IT being the ungodly BEAST OF A SYSTEM called the US INC.

    Feridde Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 11:38 am

    Our public should be slamming Obama for the financial mess we are in. I cannot believe that the public does not know about the federal reserve’s shannanigans. Unbelieveable.. This has been going on for decades. We had better wake the fuck up! Bernanke is one arrogant prick. He should be held accountable, along with all his cronies. Life in prison would not be nearly enough for the damage he has done. How about draw and quartering him for starters. Our country is in grave danger because of these evil people. Time is short. When our economy collapses and the food source dries up, all hell is going to break loose.

    Feridde Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 11:51 am

    Nice semi-beaver Dilma!!

    Peace Frog Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 12:29 pm

    Heh heh…check the look on her face…this guy is such a n….r

    thebeastwithnoleash Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 12:52 pm

    LOL, we have a joke around here that her husband must have been drunk to sleep with her. Either that or he is blind…

    Curiousity: Do you guys know that Dilma has a criminal record quoted as “Terrorist”? Check it out…
    h t t p : / /

    hellangone Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 1:23 pm

    Aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, the poor abused nlgger! My heart bleeds…

  2. listen Brazil sells it’s gas 12 cents a gallon, or not far from that.

    Can you see why they are not appreciated by the oil lords of this planet? what about Libia? Iran, Syria?

    the US dollar is federal reserve Rothchild owned, never forget that.

    thebeastwithnoleash Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 10:16 am

    Dead wrong buddy. Gas here costs 1.5 dollars/litter it means about 5 dollars/gallon. You must misunderstading us(Brasilians) with Colombians… Common among americans completelly misinformed about the rest of the world. I almost can bet you got no clue where in the world is Brasil. And its written with S not Z.

    AandO Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 1:28 pm

    You also err.

    No problem however, we all err.

    Vic is Canadien.

    I’m American, not Amerikan


    Things went opposite about the time PEKING CHINA became BEIJING CHINA.

    Startover Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 11:14 am

    Brazil is part of BRICKS the “Ruble” and “Yuan” not the dollar is what they trust.

    So here is there options
    1) shift toward becoming more dominated by Russia and China
    2) use US federal reserve toilet paper and suffer financial damage
    3) invest in their own currency and walk away from global economics

    #3 is the best answer – and it is what everyone should do
    GET OUT OF THE WORLD TRADE BUSINESS – become a protectionist!!!

    thebeastwithnoleash Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 11:24 am

    Also misinformed… There’s no predominant currency among Brics. The economy and transactions between members of the group is quoted by either gold, oil or any other goods they agree with in the contract signing.
    The transaction model is completelly different than the one USA uses. That’s why it has a better chance of sucess.

    Startover Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 11:59 am

    yes, that is true
    but the BRICS marriage has more than just financial implications – it sets a military alliance as well.

    Russia is now contracting its fighter jets to be built in Brazil. Do you think that would happen in the USA???? hell no!!! Russia is clearly establishing military alliances with Brazil. These economic alliances always become military partenerships when the shit hits the fan

    The USA has been hemoraging money around the world to create the greatest out reach for military allies that it can possibly achieve. We have even tried to buy China (but it won’t work)

    Most of our offshoring is done to spread the American Dollar around the world not to get “products” sent back to us in return. The goal is military. Whoever has the most allies will win ww3 – and money (or gold or oil or trade) has everything to do with it

  3. Obama quadrupled the deficit in his first year in power.

    BUshes also have created this bankrupcy reality. shock and awe and after 9/11 lies to re attack Iraq.

  4. Rousseff is a globalist puppet the same as Obama. Same BIS-IMF masters, same puppet shit.

  5. He was aloof because she smells like a hawk, lizard’s predator, since he is a reptile hybrid(maybe even pure blood… who knows?)

    Rebelfromtheburg Reply:
    April 13th, 2012 at 11:58 am

    David Icke? I was finding the reptile theory tough to believe…What do you think about it Prison Planet????

  6. I’d have to play this back a few times to even figure out what she was requesting or informing ? It would have been better with the translation written at the bottom of the screen then listening to the stumbling translator ?

  7. Our monetary policy is an imperialist one and they both know it.

  8. The Puppet Woman must wear Red

  9. barry seems to be wiping the crust from his purple lips,
    cousin cheney always was a terrible shooter

  10. reptiles exist,
    and are here,being puppet-ed like these two cronies,one wiping lips,the other lips tightly closed,red blouse

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