Vote or Die

H/T Dilley Meme Team


ANNOUNCER: Here’s a guy who beats a girl on video and lies about it, then plays the victim as if it never happened.

He’s a degenerate dirtbag, running a human trafficking operation.

People forget when he told everyone to vote for the notorious serial killer, Hillary Clinton, years ago.

(Cut to video of Sean Combs with Hillary Clinton high up in the rafters at the 2016 DNC convention)

SEAN: You’re one of the few politicians that young people relate to. And we wanted to send a message on why you feel it’s important that young people vote this year. Young people and – please talk to the people that are disenfranchised, that don’t believe in the power of their vote.

HILLARY: I believe your slogan, ‘Vote or Die’ is accurate.

ANNOUNCER: He obviously hates Donald Trump.

SEAN: White men, like Trump need to be banished. They haven’t even gone to our communities. And I’m saying from the communities I’m from, where the roaches and the rats are.

ANNOUNCER: In 2020, he told everyone to vote for Joe Biden

SEAN: If Trump gets elected, I really do believe, in my heart, there will be a race war.

(Cut to video meme from the Brady Bunch, where Marcia says, “Sure, Jan”)

ANNOUNCER: It looks like everyone who hates Trump is a pedophile. These are the degenerates on Joe’s team. Who’s next? Steven Spielberg?

This has been a public service announcement by the Dilley Meme Team.


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