20 Reasons Why Millions Of Americans Under The Age Of 30 Are Giving Up On The U.S. Economy

The Mad As Hell Generation

The American Dream
Sept 27, 2011

Millions upon millions of young Americans have completely lost faith in the U.S. economy and are mad as hell that their economic futures have been destroyed.  The recent economic downturn has hit those under the age of 30 the hardest.  Today, there are hordes of young people that should be entering their most productive years that are sitting home with nothing to do.  Many of them have worked incredibly hard throughout high school and college.  Many of them have stayed out of trouble and have done everything that “the system” asked them to do.

But once they got finished with school, the promised “rewards” simply were not there.  Instead, millions of young Americans are faced with crushing student loan debt loads in an economy where they can’t find good jobs.  When you are in your twenties, it can be absolutely soul-crushing to send out hundreds (or even thousands) of resumes and not get a single interview.  Most of us grew up believing that we would “be something” when we got older, and millions of young Americans are having those dreams brutally crushed right now.  Americans under the age of 30 voted for Barack Obama in droves back in 2008 because they believed that he would make things better.  Instead, Barack Obama has made things even worse.  Significant numbers of young Americans are starting to wake up and realize that neither political party is providing any real answers, and they are starting to get mad as hell about it.

Americans under the age of 30 don’t want to hear that they are not going to be able to do better than their parents.  They don’t want to hear that they are going to have to “pay the price” because of the mistakes of previous generations.  They don’t want to hear that the “good jobs” that have been held out as a “carrot” for them all these years have disappeared and are not coming back.

Millions of young Americans want what was promised to them.  They want good jobs that will enable them to enjoy the “American Dream”.  They want things to go back to the way that things used to work in America.

If you spend much time around those in their twenties, you know that many of them have a look of hopelessness in their eyes.  Large numbers of them have moved back in with their parents.  Large numbers of them are flipping burgers or working retail jobs part-time because that is all they can find.  There are even a growing number of them that have given up entirely and have completely checked out.

So are we in the process of creating a “lost generation”?

The following are 20 reasons why millions of Americans under the age of 30 are giving up on the U.S. economy….

#1 Only 55.3% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 were employed last year.  That was the lowest level that we have seen since World War II.

#2 Today, there are 5.9 million Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 that are living with their parents.

#3 The economic downturn has been particularly tough on men.  According to Census data, men are twice as likely to live with their parents as women are.

#4 Amazingly, less than 30 percent of all U.S. teens had a job this summer.

#5 Approximately one out of every five Americans under the age of 30 is currently living in poverty.

#6 According to one recent survey, only 14 percent of all Americans that are 28 or 29 years old are optimistic about their financial futures.

#7 Since the year 2000, incomes for U.S. households led by someone between the ages of 25 and 34 have fallen by about 12 percent after you adjust for inflation.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

#8 The cost of “getting an education” has become increasingly burdensome in recent years.  Average yearly tuition at U.S. private universities is now up to $27,293.  That figure has increased by 29% in just the past five years.

#9 In America today, approximately two-thirds of all college students graduate with student loans.

#10 Millions of young Americans are absolutely being financially strangled by horrific student loan debt loads.  Sadly, the total amount of student loan debt in the United States now exceeds the total amount of credit card debt in the United States.

#11 In 2010, the average college graduate had accumulated approximately $25,000 in student loan debt by graduation day.

#12 One-third of all college graduates end up taking jobs that don’t even require college degrees.

#13 In the United States today, there are more than 100,000 janitors that have college degrees.

#14 In the United States today, 317,000 waiters and waitresses have college degrees.

#15 In the United States today, approximately 365,000 cashiers have college degrees.

#16 In the United States today, 24.5 percent of all retail salespersons have a college degree.

#17 As the economy has crumbled, fewer young Americans have been getting married.  Today, an all-time low 44.2% of Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 are married.

#18 Young Americans are becoming increasingly frustrated as our politicians stand by and do nothing while our economy is being hollowed out.  The sad truth is that United States has lost an average of 50,000 manufacturing jobs a month since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, and top politicians in both major political parties keep pushing for even more job-killing “free trade” agreements.

#19 Young Americans are becoming increasingly frustrated that pretty much the only jobs that seem to be available are low paying jobs.  Back in 1980, less than 30% of all jobs in the United States were low income jobs.  Today, more than 40% of all jobs in the United States are low income jobs.

#20 Young Americans are becoming increasingly frustrated that previous generations have saddled them with a 14 trillion dollar national debt that they are expected to make payments on for the rest of their lives.

A lot of young Americans swing back and forth between anger and despair.  Many of them worked like crazy for years because of the promise of a better life, and now they are being bitterly disappointed.  Just consider the following testimonial that was recently posted on The Atlantic….

I am in my mid-20s. I have a university education. I started working when I was 14. I have chemical burns and scars over my hands from dealing with caustic cleaning chemicals. I did not want that to be my life like my uncles. I had to get out. I worked very hard in high school and volunteered and was the member of clubs and all of that great stuff. I got into a good university and worked hard. I took a language course, took things that I loved. I worked through my degree – I was even a janitor in a building that I lived in, because I needed the cut in rent. I did that for no pay.

After these months of unemployment I have fallen into a pretty major depression. I live at home, I do chores, I look for work. As much as I want to get my life together, I have some great mental health issues to deal with – but have neither the money to purchase medication that may help me, nor the ability to pay for psychological or psychiatric help.

So what can be done?

Well, someone could wave a magic wand and fix the U.S. economy, but we all know that is not going to happen.

In fact, there is all kinds of evidence that the U.S. economy is about to get even worse.

So should we just tell our young people that they might as well just give up and start making rap videos about using food stamp cards like this one?  (*Warning* The video contains some very strong language.)

The number of Americans on food stamps has increased by 74 percent since 2007.  Millions of young people are learning that the only way to survive is to be dependent on the government.

It certainly does not help that our entire education system is deeply broken.  For example, did you know that the verbal scores on the SAT for the class of 2011 were the lowest ever recorded?

Our students have become so “dumbed down” that large numbers of them can barely even function in society once they graduate.

That is not their fault.

That is our fault.

We have failed young Americans in so many ways that it would take a series of books to detail them all.

We can say that we are sorry, but that just isn’t going to cut it.

Millions of young Americans want what was promised to them, but we no longer have it to give to them.

Anger in this nation is already starting to boil over in strange and unpredictable ways.  If the economy gets even worse, we are going to have tens of millions of young Americans that are mad as hell and that are ready to riot in the streets.

What are we going to do then?

According to a recent Gallup poll, 81 percent of Americans are “dissatisfied with the way the nation is being governed”.

That is not a sign of a healthy nation.

The sad truth is that the foundations of America are crumbling and we have millions upon millions of young people that are incredibly angry and incredibly frustrated.

It does not take a genius to figure out that is a recipe for disaster.

So please pray for America.

We are going to need it.

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68 Responses to “20 Reasons Why Millions Of Americans Under The Age Of 30 Are Giving Up On The U.S. Economy”

  1. if all of the benefits of paying social security, IF you have a job, won’t be available, then why continue paying? Opt out now! Let the system fail now before all of the jobs disappear, before everyone loses their home, before every road and private business is sold or absorbed by foreign intrests.

  2. Again and again, I hear older folks blaming the young generations.
    They are lazy, self absorbed. They party all night and if they go to work the next day, they are on cell phones and hung over. They are too stupid to hold jobs. The list goes on. Our elders love to tell us how horrible we are at everything.
    Yet, our elders refuse to take into account, they are the ones who were responsible for raising the youth. Whatever they don’t like in the younger generations, it is only a reflection of how they raised us. They will not take responsibility for placing us in frot of television and video games rather than take us in the backyard and teach us to live off the land and good work ethic. Yet, they expect a generation of good workp ethic as an outcome that they themselves did not encourage.
    Some here have said, the young generation should have known they were being brainwashed. Really, you expect a 10 year old on a playstation mommy handed him to know that that video game is rotting his brain? You really expect that?
    So help me, I hope these people making statements like this never breed!
    I get fired up over this topic because I have been outcastes by my very own elders. Partly because I’m seen as a failure because, even though I’m the first in my family yo get a degree, I can’t do anything with it. They shunned me as I turned 18 and did not help guide me at all, and I have a nice expensive sheep skin thAt doess nothing to help my economic status.
    They later shunned me because I began thinking for myself, and that was not how I was raised. I have to believe in some christian god to be loved as a member of my family.
    But, in reality, what it comes down to is the failure of my elders to love and accept me as the human I am, not the person they expected me to be, and the failure of my elders to set up a system I can succeed in as well as their failure in guiding me in how to succeed.
    The elders were self absorbed. I saw my mother and my cousins mother playing more video games than most of our friends, when they should have been mothering.

    Luckily, I do at least have some compassion. For I truly know there are much larger evils hiding in our world pulling the strings. But we young generations are waking up. And what we feel when we wake up is…if I can, why didn’t they? Why didn’t they wake up with age and experience and stop committing failures upon their children?
    Instead, I see a whole lot of baby boomers who hold themselves high on the later because they changed the face of the country during their youth. They fail to see that, they rebelled use, but then went right on back to sleep after they tired of their LSD experiences and free love. Very few of them went on into adulthood to create a better society. And now they get all the more ridiculous in saying it is our generation that is lazy, brainwashed and hopeless.

    Remember who raised us. Remember who showed us the way. Remember the inheritances you left us. And most of all, remember that we are the ones who will have to take care of you in your old age. You better be praying for us to rise above the brainwashing, rather than blaming us, for if we don’t, you can expect your golden years to be filled with golden arches, and we’ll let the boob tube do all the care taking, just as you did us.

    • Your words pain me, but it is the truth. I don’t believe the youth today are lazy and unmotivated. I always encouraged my son to be a free thinker. I am one of those elders but have never turned my back to my one and only son. It’s called UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. He didn’t ask to be brought into this sick world. The fact is, that the so-called government who is supposed to care about us doesn’t. It’s called corporate greed and they have been dumbing down that generation your parents came from. It used to be, that mom would stay home while dad worked to support the family. Mom was there to provide support and guidance. That hasn’t been the case for many years and it was designed that way by the elites. It requires both parents working in order to provide for their family. I remember while raising my son, that I had to work two jobs in order to get ahead in life. My son’s father turned his back to us. I was lucky in that other family members helped me to raise my son. It is the agenda of the globalists to destroy the family unit and make us all dependent on the government for all our needs. It is called divide and conquer. Sadly, our educational system was changed to dumb down our children and to train them to be good globalists. It’s called soft kill. They have been poisoning our food, water and propogate that only prescription drugs will cure all of our problems, but those drugs are also dumbing us down and poisoning us all, parents included. My daughter-in-law has had her BS for some years now, but can’t find a job, even a low pay job because there are too many unemployed. Now she is returning to college to get her Masters, but the sad truth is, even then she won’t be able to find employment.
      I came here about a year ago and learned the truth and am now fighting for the lives of my son and my grandchildren. More parents are waking up and I hope that trend continues. Parents must accept the responsibility that they have allowed the government and corporate greed cause so much damage to our youth today. We believed in our government and couldn’t see what was happening all around us. We were lied to and manipulated by mainstream media. Times have changed though and they are beginning to awaken. Families must stick together! If these globalists succeed in destroying the family unit, then they have succeeded in their agenda towards the NWO. Do some research and if your parents won’t listen, then reach out to others. There are others who will listen.

    • not all young people are worthless bums, just most of them. and noone raised you by the sound of it. again boo hoo woe is me.

  3. Life is a joke. If you do not already have a degree or are in school, dropout. Start playing video games and send evil thoughts to the political leaders of the United States. At what point was the United States trying to help make the world a better place? The world hates the United States for what they have done to the free world. The United States government has never demonstrated an ability to lead. Of course, the propaganda they have spread about their leadership skills says otherwise. Send evil thoughts to the leaders of corporate America. This world has come down to apathy.

    I sold my HP stock the day they hired Meg Whitman. I even gave away my HP laptop to a homeless man in protest. I’m doing whatever I can to affect change in this unjust world. Meg Whitman created the largest fencing operation in Ebay for stolen goods. They get 80-100% of the street value vs. 15-20% using a standard fence. I learned a lot from Beverly Hills Cop as a kid. Anytime you see Apple products or Thinkpads from private sellers you know it stolen. Microsoft has stolen so many ideas, they always fail to execute.

    If some of you are feeling bad about your lot in life, watch “The Informant.” Corporate America is filled with thieves, crooks and liars. America wants all of you to be just like Mark from The Informant. If you have no education and you want to feel like you do, watch “Good Will Hunting.” If you want to feel smart, watch “Limitless.” If you want to feel sick bad and disgusted, watch “Shutter Island.” If you want to bring the thunder, watch “Thor.”

    • Fuckin love shutter island! Haven’t seen the informant or good will hunting though. I could go the rest of my life w/o rewatching thor.

      But you’re absolutely right about corporate ‘murkkka.

      Love. Shutter. Island.

  4. Well let’s see if the young people have picked up on what really matters in life. What really matters! That humanity is not lost identifiably in the slogan or a sign that says…humanity….there are consequences for choices and behavior… to others that matter too. And it is not about the front…not about being ‘In’…not making them ‘Need’ you…it is not about just your independence but everyone’s dignity…it is not about taking advantage of the sucker, but helping the sucker take good advantage of life…information is shared for the benefit and success of all and competition is good! but not too excess….your not cool, your not being competitive because you can burn your neighbors house down and not get caught or you can bully/harass a girl at school and make people hate her and destroy her prospects…one down others to go….

  5. College is a huge waste of money. Another sucker game. I feel for these kids, but its the elites creating this problem. Glad to see young people are protesting.

  6. they all act like ghetto blacks, show up for work maybe three times out of the work week and when they do show up at work, they don’t work because they are either drunk, stoned or both and very disruptive.

  7. Young people are also starting to realize they need to take action to become more independent and not trust the government for their future well being, and some are seeing opportunity…

    In the midst of this recession, the transfer of money gives you the opportunity to profit
    like no other time in history, (click on my profile name to go to my blog to see my full video)

    • I disagree…

      From what I’m seeing… the entire design has been to influence the younger generations to become dependent upon social welfare… handouts, what have you.

      This falls in line with the one world economic, Cap Trade system. The government taking care of those who they believe are incapable of taking care of themselves.

      Which they are right to some extent… sadly. They’ve been programmed to be “dependents” by design. Even this article points that out unknowingly.

      Consider Communism… praised by many as the way… except it failed. Due to the lack of moral constraints. Religion.

      That’s why Islam fits the bill. It covers all aspects of government. Political, financial and religious. The perfect Luciferian system for the Luciferian Globalists.

  8. Uncle Sammie doesnt want these kids finding a job…how else could they recruit them into the industrial military complex if they could find work at home? I can hear it now “Mom/Dad.. I cant find a job so i’m just going to join the military and finish my education in the service and learn a trade in the process, they have great bonus for re-upping and i can use it to buy a new car from japan” what do ya think?

    • and the majority of dumbed down, system loving, non achiever parents, would think that’s a great idea.

  9. Interesting story. I can see a couple of issues with the cause of our present situation.

    1. Obama did not cause this, granted he did nothing to fix it either. President Obama carried on Bush era politics without so much as a wimper layed down on the job.

    2. This countries problems started long ago and while various presidents have tried to fix them Lincoln, Mckinley, Kennedy, none have succeeded.

    The Bottom line is simple. We cannot rely on our current political system to fix the problems of 150 years. Our current political system is nothing like the original system envisioned by our forefathers. We have allowed to become bastardized and subverted by Greed. Yes I said we! The American people once had a voice, once upon a time we controlled our destiny. That control has not been taken away, We gave it away! You want that control back? Become active politically, get involved in your community! Stand up for what you believe in! Dont lay down and smile! The little kiss on the cheek is not worth the pounding your A$$ just took from Uncle Sam. Your rights still exist in the Constitution, before they dissapear entirely its time you made use of them; or , they will dissapear forever.

    • Agree!

  10. Google: trader on BBC says EuroZone Market will Crash

    If you can watch this he tells it like it is and points his finger at Goldman Sach as the gang that runs the world.
    Also he prays for recession for they are big money opportunities and he says be ready the big crash is comming.

  11. i like my rap better, get my veggies and my pizza, put it on my credit card vesa and you know i’m living large on mastercard. i am over 50.

  12. Even though I did not vote for Obama people need to quit blaming him for all this mess. First of all…presidents don’t have the power many think they do. The elites do and they’re the ones calling the shots. This is all done by design.

    If you want to put the blame directly on presidents blame Clinton for NAFTA and so on! Oh…but then I’m sure he alone was not responsible for that mess either!

    • Agreed. No one on this site will talk about Israeli Zionist influence or Mason/Illumined lineage. These fukers go back to Genesis and the line of David.

      AJ is a Zionist protectionist. Love the guy but hell only take you so far and the end you’ll be confused, separated and arguing like the genius level Intellects arguing below.

      Obama cant do to this country what has happened in the last hundred years (98). Bush, Obama, Clinton are all fall guys, puppets to talk about.

      Its taken over a century to get the US to where it is now. IMO anyone over 50 issoley to blame for this. Decades of ignorance, unquestionable faith and unlimited grants of power and money have given the elite the opportunity they have now.

      And they’re to blind and propogandized to see things for what thy really are. Critical thinking and original thought has been stolen from this land.

      • the fact is.. the zionists and nwo folks had a plan. do you? the answer is obviously NO. you gotta give em credit where credit is due.

        • Actually you don’t have to give them credit. Their plan failed and the Jews who run Hollywood made a bunch of movies designed to beat one man. Eagle Eye was probably not a good movie to make. Neither was “The Adjustment Bureau,” it makes Obama look like a stand in as President. It also makes the United States government look like the devil. It’s not we the people, America fails miserably with group thinks.

        • i don’t know anything about the movies you like kid. i don’t watch tv. you have been brainwashed by movies. go out and make some $ it feels better when you eat.

      • Now you are talking the truth.

  13. #20 is a crock of shit. previous gens did not amass 14 trillion in debt. it was in just the past 10 years that has happened.

    • and a previous poster hit it on the head. the kids these days are morons. always texting and playing games. what a bunch of idiots. my father would’ve backhanded me for stupid shit like that.

      • And probably far more technically literate!

        • well i retired at 40. i happen to be worth over a million dollars. no college here. just good ole army training and hard work.

        • Actually, you are a full of shit liar. No one retires on over a million dollars today! Now, if you had said tens or hundreds of millions. You may have gotten away with the lie.

        • you’re an idiot. eat some shit loser

        • Good come back. But, you couldn’t explain the retirement on a million dollars?

        • fuk off punk. i bet you don’t even have a home thats paid for. ha ha ha just remember while you scrape by because you are a recognizable fool, i’ll be shopping today for more gear and food. there is a nice warm place for idiots such as yourself- in a fema camp. hahahaha

        • Still not working for me! How do you retire on a million dollars?

          Isn’t army training and hard work the qualifications for yard maintenance worker?

        • alright. so over a million $ isn’t enough to retire on? you are a bigger fool than i thought. i guess you wouldn’t stop until you had even more huh? YOU ARE A FOOL! besides why would i want to continue feeding a system that supports a loser like yourself. there. is that enough splainin for ya?

        • Good luck with that!

      • Lmfao — You got schooled motohead. Smoke anotha w that zillion dollars. Personally,bring laid off w kids and broke I find you bragging about money offensive.

        Keep stocking up buddy, you’ll be ripe for the pickings and immobile when shtf terd.

        • whatever. if you stuck your peepee into some stanks hole and squirted. thats your problem aint it? don’t have kids YOU can’t afford. you won’t even make it to suppertime when tshtf brokeboy.

        • Actually… it would be easy to retire off one million.

          Typically the mortgage is 45% of the earnings… based on the average income of 23,000 per year times two equals 46,000 per year. Less a mortgage payment, if you’ve planned right… that would leave 23,900 per year on living expenses.

          That would roughly take a savings of just a half million invested at 4.5%.

          The going rate on a muni bond right now is over 4.6%.

          Think about just this… if your mortgage was paid off… you wouldn’t have credit cards or other loans, for sure. Your basic needs would be utilities, food, insurance and transportation.

          A real savy person could probably manage those expenses easily on less than 15,000 per year.

        • Ol americans, Cant come up with a plan. just argue with eachother…

        • well a facts a fact. sooooo many americans i know fell in the same nwo trap. sex,drugs, and rock n roll. before they realized anything was wrong with that it was toooooo late. the fact is many americans fukked up royaly right from the start. that is what happens when you don’t have a plan that will actually work. children should not have children.

    • After Teddy Roosevelt was shot by the banksters that previous generation under Woodrow Wilson instituted borrowing from the old wealthy criminal class corrupt-private Federal Reserve private money-counterfeiting Ponzi-borrowing central bankster system instead of the Constitutional Federal Government money issuing system that is genuine. There is no reason for America to owe anybody else anything. The Congress has the sole responsibility and authority to print American Labor Exchange Currency, not a little gaggle of corrupt, private ZioNazis.

      If America can afford a permanent private for-profit communist national-socialist federal Pentagon/CIA Mafia military-industrial standing Army “defense” system that keeps engineering False Flags and embarking on mass killing sprees to justify it’s continual peacetime existence, contrary to the Constitution, instead of State militias, then it can afford healthcare and education too.

      Diseases and ignorance are the greatest and most permanent assured enemies of us all and will always be so. Providing for our common defense against disease and ignorance is in the Constitution, not just defense against foreigners.

      Borrowing and spending trillions of dollars to criminally establish Zionist religionism in Jerusalem is against the Constitution, and a crime of High Treason. Making our children pay for it is a crime too.

      Failing to defend and protect the Constitution is High Treason and that includes the system of Constitutionally mandated federal tariffs and duties that were intended to protect the American economy from corruption and devastation and defend America’s people from debt and privation. the global-corporatist’s free for them only trade fiasco has destroyed the foreign trade value of our Labor Exchange Currency since we now have the worst trade balance in our history, not only are we bankrupt but we produce nothing of any competitive value to sell to anyone to repay them.

      The federal republic of America has been at war with no nation for over 60 years so why does it still borrow and in-debt us to the communist institution of a “people’s” standing Army?

  14. You’re right policy making and banks stealing from America and, debt has nothing to do with the depression we’re in and the loss of jobs. I’m glad I don’t live in reality. 20 year old American citizen pissed off what my future is going to be like.

    Fuck you guys everyone’s in this together and still blaming people, I guess the 7 million people who died in the last depression from hunger were just to lazy eh? Fucking joke you people are.


    • Don’t let sunsrent get you, he’s an old fart that already made his. He just doesn’t get the fact that his will soon disappear too.

    • You sound like a 12 year old kid Airith4. Whole lots of Bark w no bite. That means you ain’t saying shii just talking it. Im hereby change your name to Igno Bryzinski (short for ignoramus stupid).

      You wouldn’t be running that mouth if I saw you public pukeface. Deusch holes like you are part of the problem not the solution. Stop attacking people before your face gets smashed.

      God bless.

    • I agree with Damo. Airith4, getting angry is not going to help our cause. Free speech allows all to speak their minds, whether we like it or not. We should all be working together to bring down the NWO, not arguing with each other here and calling each other names. That is what the elites want us to do…play right into their hands.

  15. They are not idiots, they are sheep, We need to lead lot21, any questions?

  16. Bullshit!

    Twisted info!

    In fact it pisses me off hearing and seeing the younger generations exclaiming their discontent with America. When THEY should know that they’ve been brainwashed to feel that way.

    I remember years ago reading an article about the target market of Playstation. The age group was something like 15 yrs to 36 year old men.

    That is sad… that, told me that they didn’t expect men to grow up until they were at least 37 years old. Not a wonder why they have such a high percentage sill living with their Mommies.

    In the mean time the younger women are out phking every Tom, Dick, Harry and swingin’ dick that comes around.

    Ever hear of the term “career student”? What a waste… aye?

    I know of one particular student that took six years to get an Art degree… at her parent’s expense. She was too busy to get a job while she lived out of town. I guess they never heard of Bob Ross… cause who needs that kind of education to create art?

    Really… and she doesn’t even work in her field. Not a wonder though… I’ve seen some of the “art” created in class. Something a fifth grader could have done. But her supportive, ever encouraging, blind parents couldn’t come to tell their daughter… art didn’t appear to be her talent.

    But she’s got a Diploma… ain’t worth shyt though.

    Get this…

    Life is easy when the government is handing out free stuff. In the UK recent reports are that over 20% of the graduating students are illiterate. Incapable of reading or writing…

    Thank the Luciferian Globalists… and if you fell victim to it. Should’ve, could’ve, would’ve… told ya so.

    But hey… I hear they’re funding classes to learn how to Pole Dance… maybe there is hope for ya… that’s if you’re coordinated.

    Or… hopefully you’ll learn a lesson… that’s why the saying wasn’t written… “Go west young man and… find a job!”

    • In fact… the more I re- read of this article, the more pissed I get!

      We’re expected to rethink the possibility of having “tens of millions of the young Americans” rioting?!

      Wow!!! Is that the expected solution?!

      Don’t be duped!

      These kids aren’t living with their parents so they can save up and enter the world prepared! They’re living off them! Too proud to take on a job at McD’s or Wal-Mart hauling food carts.

      Products of the system… encouraged by ignorant parents, which are products of a previous system.

      I hear woman exclaim all the time… “My children come first!”


      Your spouse comes first… then your kids. There’s a reason why birds push their offspring out the nest.

      • Here’s a novel idea…

        Try living within your means!

        Or… if ya think that starting salary is the main objective… think again… here’s another thought.

        Starting salary average is what, $400 to $450 buckaroos? Hey… and that’s in line with average yearly incomes of 23,000 per year.

        With what… 48 to 60 hrs a week? Which figures in at $9.20 per hour at 48 hrs per week and $7.36 per hour at 60 hrs per week.

        Get the drift yet?

        Getting a full time job at 40 hrs a week at $10 an hour and taking a part time 10 hour a week job at minimum wage will net ya better money at roughly the same amount of hours.

        And advancement for career will still be dependent upon how well you do the job at either. In other words… you, may have a job in your line of education with the first scenario… but that doesn’t become a factor when being promoted. Promotions are always based upon performance.

        When it comes down to it… the main two factors when handing out promotions are based upon:
        1) People skills
        2) Abides by policies

        If you tend to break company rules and can’t get with others… your possibility of promotion is null and void at either scenario.

        In fact… I was in Detroit a few weeks ago and getting good, dependable employees at various jobs is difficult. Remember: this is one of the hardest hit unemployed areas in the nation.

        The fact stands… jobs are out there… but too many have the wrong idea of how to start… or… aren’t willing to sacrifice their drugs.

        The world needs to STOP living the “One day at a time” philosophy and begin thinking a month in advance.

        • Get this…

          If you’re broke… you’re lazy!

    • What rock are you living under? So the economy is just a bunch of lazy stupid kids? What a moron!

      Try 14,000,000,000,000 which is the official number, but is just the tip of the ice burg. But 14,000,000,000,000 ~= 200,000 per working American. Now you may have heard the numbers are more like 60 or 70 trillion. Due the math.

      Try 40,000 companies that have left the U.S.

      Try 30,000 foreign workers per month brought into the U.S. under work visas, even now when the economy is in the tank. Why is it in the tank?

      Try the fact that that is just part of the foreign worker story as the government only tracks a few work visa types, while there are more than a dozen different visas they can come here on. And yet, just this week big sis announced a new program to allow foreign students to study and ** stay ** in the U.S.

      This isn’t a joke, it’s globalization. And, it’s only going to get worse!

      I don’t know what crawled up your ass, but it wasn’t brains!

      • Lookie here ass hole diver!

        The average wage can be $20,000 an hour… that just means you’ll pay that much more for a tomato or can of soup.

        You don’t think I know it’s all pointing to a one world economic system?!

        And what? You didn’t see this coming when Clinton set in motion raising the minimum wage three times?! Or when Obama continually raises fuel prices to fund Islamic expansion?!

        So yeah! If you’re brain fed to believe that getting a good education will provide ya with a good job… and refuse to work anywhere and live off mommy and daddy because you can’t find a job in your line of work…. you’re lazy.

        Also… stupid comes from playing along when you should know better.

        So let’s riot… aye?!

        • So, what are you saying? You think there are jobs for everyone right now? The 40,000 companies that left the U.S. didn’t take those jobs with them? Those 30,000 per month (+ whatever isn’t known) arriving on Americas shores, aren’t taking American jobs.

          So, you sit there and tell us that America can supply jobs for all willing Americans, and the rest of the world as well.

          aye, so you admit you’re a stinking Canadian. Who’s here on a visa no doubt!

        • I don’t know if there’s such a term… but I would call it economic stagnation.

          Until someone comes up with the new blockbuster automobile, stereo, color TV, microwave, computer… there’s not much to spur the economy beyond maintenance and servicing what already exists. If anything, bursting the mortgage bubble before it went beyond the scales of balance was a good thing.

          So take a job overseas if the American Dream ain’t moving fast enough for ya.

        • Wow! You just read about millions of jobs that have left the country, and your answer is unemployed Americans should all leave too.

          Do you think things can continue this way before you’re effected?

        • Canadian!? Who said anything on that line?!

          Let me say… My dad… who grew up during the Depression, tells the stories of how neighboring families started off by building and living in garages first and then expanding those into homes. Adding room by room.

          They lived within their means and most retired with hefty sums of investments.

          Tell me… do ya think these younger generations are so “willing” to begin their life’s journey on those levels? Do ya think they’re “willing” to commit to family? Do ya think they’re “willing” to pass up government handouts? Do ya think they’re “willing” to sacrifice life’s pleasures for morals?

          Of course not! It’s all in the name of cycling the profits back into the system. Brainwashing…

          In fact… most can’t figure out how to handle a four way stop sign or merge into traffic on expressways…

          Grasp that big boy… and then get back with me.

        • I think they are going to have to. I think you and I will have to as well. I see all kinds of people who think they are prepared. Think they are above it. They’ll survive the depression. But they aren’t and they wont. And, this isn’t the 30s. You can’t just go out and do those things anymore.

          The reality is this country expects people to go to school, and get a degree. That’s the way the system is setup. Then they’re supposed to go out and get a job that takes advantage of their schooling. But, the job market no longer supports that. And, no one seems to get that. So everyone sits around bad mouthing the underemployed and unemployed.

          And that’s why things are what they are. If people can sit there and acknowledge that millions of jobs have evaporated in an incredibly short period of time, and still sit there and point fingers. Then things will likely become catastrophic in the near future, cause there’s going to be a lot of pissed off people coming to a head.

        • there are plenty of jobs out there, car jacking, home invasions, selling crack and pussy on the street corner, smash grab at your local quick mart, bank robbery, who says crime don’t pay

        • BS.if you have to go to school to get a job that pays any real money, that would indicate to me that you have no ambition, yalent, or direction. tell me where i’m wrong? most millionaires i know didn’t go to college. they either inherited it or busted their ass non-stop while others vacationed, got high, and fukk’d eveything that had a hole. go out and make a job. it’s called being an entrepreneur. some have it. some don’t. the ones that don’t are the ones griping and complaining that noone will hire them. boo hoo.

        • * talent

        • I believe you summed it up…

          Think about what you said… “Society expects”.

          Who cares what they expect? Why follow the flow?

          Years ago I was listening to a fella describe an interview he had heard on the radio. The interview was of a very successful stock investor that acquired a vast sum of wealth named J. Paul Getty. The question was… “What one thing could you tell us that was the main factor attributing to your success?

          He replied… “I observed the masses and did the opposite.”

          Not to get off on some worldly success story… but there is some truth to that statement too.

          With that being said… don’t follow the masses…

          Also… an engineer was the choice career during the eighties… a computer specialist was the career choice in the nineties… It would appear hospital; lab techs and nursing are the new wave. And in demand too!

          What amazed me over the days was hearing students pick careers in dying professions and ridiculous fields. At the rate and current direction of higher education… it wouldn’t surprise me to eventually see degrees in how to use a hammer.

          Like I said earlier… it’s all about money cycling…

    • Damn sumsrent…i don’t come here too often anymore but you’ve become really nasty! Having a bad life?

      • You’re right…

        I’ve tried to steer clear of that for years… and someone else pointed that out the other day too.

        But… somehow it seems the only way to put a holt on the relentless, childish name calling and abuse is by taking it up a notch right off the bat… which has led to the returning up of old habits from past experience.

    • You can’t blame the young people for being brainwashed. You ant say, they should have know. It was their parents who should have known.
      I have become the balck sheep in my family because, once an adult, I was able to look back at my childhood and see where I had been failed by my elders. I have been called a burden, a failure and more, even though I’m the first with a college degree, to which I paid my way through by working. I have lived on my own, including of the grid, for almost my entire adult life, only asking for a roof from family for maybe 1 years time over the past 13 years.
      Yet, when I was divorced, I had to file bankruptcy. To my granny, this was the most extreme evil. She didn’t look at the fact that I was a wife that worked week after week to put my husband in college, and myself, and that when he got what he needed, he left and left me with all his frivolous debts while I took my few possessions I had before marriage and ended up on a goat farm tending to animals to gain my shelter. She didn’t want to see how $5 for gas was completely unmanageable , or that the rest of America was also bankrupt.
      Another aunt has blacklisted me because, we the children, are who messed up this country by choosing not to wake up. During my time of my medical education, science had decided that the adult brain is not formed until the age of 27, when the frontal lobes finally have the full capacity to plan for the future.
      How unfair it is for our elders to balme us. I know it must hurt them to see their offspring not making it as good for themselves as their parents, but the parents need to take responsibility for the roles they played.
      Placing whole generations in front of the television to watch mr Rogers and nickelodeon, handing them video games to baby sit. My elders never taught me how to balance a checkbook, the family money was not for children’s eyes, and then they get mad at a divorced girl filing bankruptcy?
      Our elders led us down this road. I am one of those waitresses with a college degree and a professional license, I won’t see a tax return for ages because I’m in default on the little bit of student loans I do have.
      At least I know how to lie off the land and survive, but that’s not due to the way I was brought up. It was do to the thought, hey, I will probably need this education most of all in the long run, and so inlearned it from my own adult mind telling me to do so.
      I work with a lot of twenty year olds, I’m now 30. I see them all shelling out big bucks for an education that will most likely get them nothing. Most of them can get straight As without doing any homework these days…college. When I figured out my own college experience was a joke, i at least had a few term papers. Oral exams, gone from the curricullum, so are term papers. Why, I even paid one teacher to make every single assignment in class to be that the students teach. She did not teach one signle class, she took notes from the students presentations and made the exams from her notes, regardless if the information wad correct. I try to tell these younger folks, don’t waste your time or money. Work hard now, save what you can, and when your an adult, you can figure out what education is best and not put yourself into slavery over an education that is a waste. But they don’t hear it. They have never been given worthwhile expectations of what college should be, so they don’t know the money they waste. They feel they are following the path they should because that’s what they were told.
      Yet, science tells us, guidance is needed for far much longer than we originally thought, the ability to realistically plan ones future does not happen until the brain is done growing.
      And then we are told it is all our fault.
      I respected the elders of my great grarnd parents generations, but from what I have seen all around me, the parents of the baby boomers, and good god the baby boomers, all became very selfish and destroyed this country. They will expect for us to take care of them in their old age. Guess a life of television and fast food dinners is what they can expect, for that is what they gave to us in our youth.

      • Wait!

        You’re gonna claim that older adults shouldn’t blame the younger generations for their situations… but you have no qualms with blaming the older generations.

        I don’t particularly care for the “Buck Passing Game”… with this common approach to failing to accept responsibilities nowadays. Just like your comment… “I had been failed by my elders” will haunt you one day.

        Get this…

        Your time as the elder is coming soon… and what are your excuses to being a failure and selfish person in your kids eyes gonna be?

        Hummm… what goes around comes around…

  17. young people are waking up to the corruption.
    good on them

  18. Congrats to them for getting active! I see the populace as a whole is stirring….

  19. Millions of Americans under 30 are tattooed idiots that can’t hold a job.

    • The problem is as kids we are told you can be anything you want to be. Now we have a generation that wants B.S. jobs that were availible 10 years ago, that you could net a lot of money fast.

      Lucky for me I wasn”t “good student”, so I went to vocational school (Not by choice, but I would have stayed back if I didnt change schools.). Now I”m 29 year old commercial HVAC tech in Mass. This a steady, well paying job and I have never been unemployed. We have one of the better state economies in the country, but today I know plenty of people my age who went to college and worked much harder than me, that are under/unemployed and still paying student loans. I bring this up not to brag, in fact this trend is extremly bothersome to me. See the company I work for deals primarly with office/medical building HVAC and see pleny of companies going out of buisness or downsizing and closing locations. This means less service work for us. I do see a lot of companys open too, but many of them fail in just a short time. The smaller companies that are successful are often bought out by a megacorp and the company is gone.

      While I would like to remain positive about the economy, I understand “peak oil”. Everyone needs to understand that we live in a paradigm of infinite growth. Unless we can find a resouce to replace oil, this is impossible. Oil is in everything we do including eating. So those of you think biofuel is gonna save us, think again. What will 6 billion people eat if you turn the food into fuel. Plus you need fuel in modern farming. If you farmed the old fasion way it would take so much man power it wouldnt be worth it. Oil is directly or indirectly involved in everything we do especially our jobs. As oil prices go up jobs are lost, as people are sitting at home they are not using fuel or buying many products (that use fuel to produce). This causes the fuel prices to back off giving people hope that they can open businesses, causing fuel demand to go back up along with the prices. Do you see the vicious circle? So you will continue to see this teetering back and forth. But if you step back and look at the rising cost of fuel over the last decade you just see pretty much a constant rise. Easy to find oil is gone, so the cost will continue to rise until collapse. The scariest thing is when you look at population rise since the invention of the internal combustion engine ( think about it, easy to get food. Hey, how are those grapes from Chile). Dont allow globalists figuire out the answer to the problem unless you have a vast amount of resources you won”t like thier answer.

      We need to put down our petty differances such as political belief, race, religion and geographic location and understand there is a common enemy. We can sort all that B.S. out later. If not we will always be slave to the elite and they arn’t picky when it comes to slaves. Check out documetries Collapse, Gashole, No End In Sight, End of America, Blue Gold, A Crude Awakening, etc. These arn”t even labeled by the mainstream media as conspiracy documentries. They paint an alarming picture of corperate greed.

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