AG Holder and House GOP May Compromise on “Fast and Furious”

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Raven Clabough
New American
Friday, June 22, 2012

On Wednesday, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee voted on partisan lines to bring contempt charges against Attorney General Eric Holder for not complying with subpoenas to turn over documents related to the “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal. As the vote now moves toward a full House vote, however, Attorney General Holder is indicatingthat he wants to negotiate, a notion House Republicans are willing to accept.

Congress has been investigating the Fast and Furious operation for well over a year, and has grown infuriated with Holder’s refusal to adequately comply with the investigation. The New York Post explains, “Holder has provided 7,600 documents while the [House Government and Oversight] Committee has issued subpoenas asking for tens of thousands more over a botched federal program that resulted in guns getting into the hands of Mexican criminals.”

Holder has defended his refusal to hand over documents for the congressional investigation by asserting that it would violate the “separation of powers.”

Congress did receive thousands of documents from the Department of Justice, many of which were irrelevant to the investigation, and others of which were redacted. As noted by The New American’s Alex Newman, the DOJ supplied less than 10 percent of the documents that were requested for the investigation.

The controversy surrounding Holder’s unwillingness to turn over those Fast and Furious documents escalated when President Obama claimed “executive privilege” over the documents. According to, “The assertion came just before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee scheduled vote on holding embattled Attorney General Holder in contempt of Congress.”

CBS News explains, “By asserting executive privilege, the Justice Department can withhold documents from Congress, even if Congress has issued a subpoena, as the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has.”

Naturally, Obama’s declaration of executive privilege has some wondering exactly what sort of stake the president has in this scandal.

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Oversight Committee member Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Texas) noted that executive privilege is typically reserved for communications at the highest levels of the White House. Therefore, the use of it in this scandal implies that the president may have had knowledge of the Fast and Furious operation. He told,

If you look at how executive privilege has been historically interpreted, it’s designed to protect the inner workings of the White House, the president talking to his advisors. It’s usually involved at the highest levels. And so it’s troubling if they’re trying to invoke it into every agency or every discussion within an agency. That certainly isn’t indicative of the most transparent administration in history, and it creates real problems for this committee.

The other issue is, if it did go all the way up to the White House, there’s a problem there because you have Holder having testified under oath that he hadn’t talked to the president. You’ve had the president on Univision saying he didn’t know about it. So, to invoke executive privilege in the White House, that brings those statements into question.

Still, House Republicans have indicated they are willing to compromise if more emails and memos are turned over, and Holder has responded that he is open to negotiation.

“I think the possibility still exists that it can happen in that way,” Holder said. “The proposal that we have made is still there. The House, I think, the House leadership, has to consider now what they will do, so we’ll see how it works out.”

Members of the House Oversight Committee indicate that they would like to see some additional documents relevant to Fast and Furious, in addition to “signs of good faith,” before they are satisfied.

The Boston Globe reports:

The latter could include substantive responses to future committee requests for documents; reforming the approval process for wiretap applications; acknowledging mistakes in misleading Congress about Fast and Furious; taking whistle-blowers seriously; and producing a log of documents to be turned over, according to the officials, who spoke only on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to discuss the issue by name.

But such negotiations would necessitate the White House abandoning its executive privilege. If the White House refused to do so, the issue would likely lead to court battles that would not be resolved in the near future.

House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor state that a full House vote will take place next week if a compromise is not reached. If the full House votes to approve the Holder contempt citation, a full-blown federal criminal case would likely be launched against him.

House Democrats are accusing Republicans of engaging in political theatrics by going forward with the contempt vote. Democratic Representative Elijah Cummings, who also sits on the House Oversight Committee, complained that the vote is “an extreme, virtually unprecedented action based on election-year politics rather than fact.”

The guns that were permitted to “walk” across the border to Mexican drug cartels under Operation Fast and Furious were later involved in a number of different murders, including that of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Likewise, documents obtained by CBS News revealed that officials in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (still known as ATF) had discussed using Fast and Furious to institute controversial new rules about gun sales.

According to CBS News, “ATF officials didn’t intend to publicly disclose their own role in letting Mexican cartels obtain the weapons, but emails show they discussed using the sales, including sales encouraged by ATF, to justify a new gun regulation called ‘Demand Letter 3.’ That would require some US gun shops to report the sale of multiple rifles or ‘long guns.’”

Had not ATF whistle-blower Vince Cefalu revealed that the ATF had secretly encouraged gun dealers to sell to Mexican drug cartels, the Fast and Furious scandal might never have been exposed, and the stricter gun regulations might now be in place. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Cefalu, who had been with the agency for 24 years, was fired, though the ATF denied that his termination was in any way connected to retaliation.

Regardless of the worthiness of any protracted legal battles over Fast and Furious, however, the Boston Globe notes that history “suggests the matter won’t get that far.” For example, when contempt charges were brought up against Attorney General Janet Reno, they never even reached a full House vote.

And despite the House GOP’s 1½-year-long investigation into the matter, and the Justice Department’s seemingly unmovable stance on producing the documents necessary to complete the investigation, House Republicans are now contending that a few hundred additional documents may be enough to satisfy them.

Given the depth of this scandal, the high levels of government it reached, and the horrific consequences of Operation Fast and Furious, most analysts agree that any compromise that does not involve the prosecution of those responsible would be viewed as a sell-out of American principles.


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3 Responses to “AG Holder and House GOP May Compromise on “Fast and Furious””

  1. And even on the “compromise” AG Holder will FUBAR it, because he KNOWS it’s prison time for he and the usurper.

  2. Any compromise now will not be in the best interest of the people, especially since the left-handed “Conspiracy Theorist” in the media and on the Hill have now sought to attach this to their Nationwide Voter Suppression Propaganda. Needless to say the Queen of Left Wing Baboonery has been tasked with leading their charge.

    It’s almost official; Nancy Pelosi is either suffering from a severe case of “Left Brain Dyslexia”, or she is at best terminally “Brain Dead”, a multitude of “Really Bad Face Lifts” gone horribly wrong; continue to hinder the confirmation of her conditions actual diagnosis at this time.

    “Fast and Furious” was a deliberate act of Sedition and Treason escalated by Obama and his Administration in a subversive attempt to overthrow the Constitutional Protections guaranteed the American people under the 2nd Amendment.

    The 11th hour Watergate style tactic used in Obama’s use of Executive Privilege, and refusal to release the requested documents can only serve as irrefutable evidence that a sitting President willfully armed an enemy of the United States with the sole intent in doing so being to establish the grounds to justify his unlawful obsession of disarming the American people.

    This is by no means, other than one of desperation; a Voter ID issue as so many on the liberal left and their biased members of the media are attempting to imply. That issue was settled in 2008 when a bi-partisan 6-3 decision by the SCOTUS ruled in Crawford v. Marion County Election Board, 553 U.S. 181 (2008) that Voter IDs where Constitutional.

    In addition, all of the Justices cited the 21 member bi-partisan committee, headed by former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford that found Voter IDs were a necessity to maintaining the integrity of the voting roles process.

    This was later reaffirmed in the 2008 elections, which showed not only did Blacks, the Elderly, and Disabled actually turned out in states with voter ID laws, in considerably larger numbers than usual. It also revealed that the only issue regarding racism as an indicator came in the form of minorities finding no problem with the voting requirements when the candidate was of their own or another preferred race.

    There can be no more an egregious act of voter suppression than to willfully allow an illegal vote to negate another cast lawfully, and only those who seek to encourage such a position that would allow this are seeking to carry out “Voter Suppression” in this election.

    Any citizen seeking to file a grievance concerning the Civil Rights violation of voter suppression requirements with Mr. Holders USDOJ must meet the following mandatory requirements.

    They must first complete the process of having their names placed on an appointment role. Secondly, they must at the time of the appointment be verified by presenting a valid photo ID as verification they are who they say they are.

    Failure to meet Mr. Holder’s requirements will result in the mandatory suppression of your Civil Right to file any grievance citing a violation of your Civil Rights by means of voter suppression. This Obama/Holder policy is most likely a residual holdover from their attempt to block the fallout from attempts to expose their own Parties “Voter Suppression Scandals that arose from the 2008 Democratic Primaries that facilitated Obama’s nomination and subsequent Presidency.

    The greatest act of Voter Suppression in US History…
    “MIAMI (Times) 2008– In a federal lawsuit filed by Democrats Senator Nelson and Representative Alcee L. Hastings accuses the Democratic National Committee of violating the constitutional rights of 4 million state voters by refusing to seat its Democratic delegates at the party’s presidential convention.
    The DNC decision to suppress 4 million votes in Florida will disproportionately affect black voters, thereby violating the Voting Rights Act.”
    The suit also accuses the DNC of violating the Voting Rights Act regarding racial discrimination, and depriving voters of equal protection rights by “committing substantial acts of geography-based disenfranchisement.”

    To date Barack Obama and Holder refuse to act on this the most egregious act of voter suppression in our nation’s history.
    However, they dare to act on those trivial in comparison today, even though letters sent out are now shown to have been fabricated by BOE Democrats.

    This the very same Alcee L Hastings decrying the letters sent out by the highly controversial Broward Supervisor of Elections Dr. Brenda C. Snipes who allowed both a group of international monitors of a religious order and the purely racist NAACP to enter and sport colors of their organizations in the polling places in the 2008 elections.

    Where is the mythical agencies that informed her of these individuals, why did she feel compelled to word and then send out such threatening letters before cross referencing the information on file that would have revealed the error prior to sending out these obnoxious letters written by her office?

    This is nothing less than a deliberate False Flag attempt to subvert the SCOTUS ruling concerning the constitutionality of Voter IDs, while attempting to cover-up what could be evidence of a provable act of treason.

    Where were and still are the cries for justice in this most egregious act of suppression in our nation’s history? How can we stand hypocritically in opposition to what are minor acts in comparison, and not renew our demands for equal justice for the crimes committed by both factions in the electoral processes of the 2008 and 2012 Primaries?

    What ever happened to the once noble words honorably spoken in our nation, “That injustice anywhere is a threat to Justice everywhere”?

    Unfortunately the Republican Party can’t address such an issue openly, since they too have been caught at performing the same type of suppression in the 2012 primary, so until Florida or the American people as a majority step forward and force this issue right back down the throats of both Political Parties.

    Until we as a people hold these political factions guilty of their crimes of voter suppression without rebuke, such unlawful suppression will continue on even grander scales.

    In this case it is Obama and Holder must be held accountable for their refusal to enforce the Civil Rights of 4 million Floridians, as well as millions of others, for their failure to prosecute or demand the prosecution for the blatant violations of the Voters Rights Act perpetrated by their own Party in 2008.

    Until then, neither they; nor any members of Congress can ever justify daring to utter the words of “Voter Suppression” less they be deemed as nothing more than the lame propaganda of lies and deception that they truly are intended to be.

    They can never justify in 2012 trying to enforce what are tantamount to trivial violations in comparison. Both the voters in Florida and the nation must once again be reminded of this the most heinous act of voter suppression in our nation’s history, and Eric Holder’s compliance’s with it.

  3. “If the full House votes to approve the Holder contempt citation, a full-blown federal criminal case would likely be launched against him.” Federal criminal cases should be brought against 99% of the Congress. And definitely against Holder and his boss in the big house.

    “House Democrats are accusing Republicans of engaging in political theatrics by going forward with the contempt vote. Democratic Representative Elijah Cummings, who also sits on the House Oversight Committee, complained that the vote is “an extreme, virtually unprecedented action based on election-year politics rather than fact.” Cummings you’re behind the curve. There are hundreds of criminal cases that need to be brought against this Congress alone. Then there’s the Executive and the Pentagon brass.

    “Perhaps unsurprisingly, Cefalu, who had been with the agency for 24 years, was fired, though the ATF denied that his termination was in any way connected to retaliation.” The least they should do is immediately fire Holder and take away his pension. Actually that Federal criminal case is appropriate for his and el presidentes deeds while in office. Make it a “twosome” trial. Maybe even send them both down to Mexico to get the guns back… unarmed.

    “…as a sell-out of American principles”. This administration sold out a long long long time ago.

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